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New head coach

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Estimable Member

Sorry folks I know it's early but give it a couple of games and the fans will be screaming for a change at the top, so here goes, who do we fancy as our new head coach?

Topic starter Posted : 04/02/2024 5:14 pm
Estimable Member

Right now I'd take Francis Cummins

Posted : 04/02/2024 5:23 pm
Noble Member

nobody is happy about today’s result

hopefully we can improve as the season goes on but we can all agree Lyons isn’t a top 6. We could potentially get the young wire 6 in on a season’s long loan 

Posted : 04/02/2024 5:27 pm
Estimable Member

Apart from a good debut against Leeds back in Superleague Joe Lyons has done nothing to suggest he has the size or skills to be a pro player and here he is still stealing a living years later.

Posted : 04/02/2024 6:29 pm
Noble Member


Posted : 04/02/2024 6:43 pm
Reputable Member

John kear

Posted : 04/02/2024 7:21 pm
Prominent Member

Posted by: @toeknee-myler

Apart from a good debut against Leeds back in Superleague Joe Lyons has done nothing to suggest he has the size or skills to be a pro player and here he is still stealing a living years later.

Don't disagree, but don’t understand why this year we’re playing him on the right side. Left footed kicker on the right just halts all the momentum.

I’d try Lyons at full back and Roby at 6 next week. 


Posted : 04/02/2024 7:30 pm
Estimable Member

@viking25 I'm sorry Lyons is not good enough full stop moving him to full back creates another problem!! He's not a running fullback not enough pace and game reading and passing not good enough we need a stand off quickly before it's too late

Posted : 04/02/2024 7:47 pm
Estimable Member

Denis Betts? 😀 

Posted : 04/02/2024 8:08 pm
Estimable Member

Problems run far deeper than the coach.

Posted : 04/02/2024 8:11 pm
Reputable Member

@viking25 Roby is just as bad haha there’s a reason we got rid last time

Posted : 04/02/2024 8:13 pm
Trusted Member

Belshaw. Do believe some of them above AC need moving out before another coach though

Posted : 04/02/2024 8:26 pm
Noble Member

Could we possibly try whitehead a LF and move gregson to 6? Wilson to come in as prop. 

Posted : 04/02/2024 10:48 pm
Trusted Member

Need new everything including squad, coach and a investor to get rid of Hamilton. 

Posted : 05/02/2024 3:09 am
Estimable Member

@mckviking lol Gregson at six !! Not even our best loose forward!!! Not seen him finish a game yet slow ponderous not a six !!! We already have a slow ponderous 6 !!! Moving players we gave us no answer as these aren't good enough the answer is to actually buy what we need rather than what's given to us

Posted : 05/02/2024 7:37 am
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