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Team and game vs Toulouse

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Famed Member

I thought that JJ got a head knock in a tackle and left the field shortly after. Luckily Fozzy was great today though his decision to ignore the left wing overlap was a mistake. If you see an opening you take it I guess, hard luck if it doesn't work out!!!

Was that a high tackle late on - didn't look like it was from the North stand!

Referees are still a mess though!!

Posted : 18/03/2023 11:06 pm
Noble Member

What a good game yesterday and one we could and maybe should have won. If Toulouse are supposed to be the best in this league, then we are not far off that level. Just shows how open the league will be this year.

Not a bad crowd of just over 3,000 for a Saturday afternoon game, including the car load from France. 


Posted : 19/03/2023 8:56 am
sandgroper reacted
Famed Member

Bad day for speccies, big shopping day!!!

Some odd lapses with seemingly nobody ready with the next 'play'. Danny Craven didn't click somehow, maybe a better organised defence at Toulouse.

Ant Walker really put himself about, great effort from most tbh, but a bit clunky in attack.

Posted : 19/03/2023 9:40 am
Prominent Member

2 games we have thrown away which could make the difference at the end of the season. Missing an organiser like Gilmore, and a half back should be signed. No offence to Lyons he is only good for a few games, and Gilmore out for at least 8 weeks. Centre, half back and possibly another forward on loan if want to cement more wins or turn these close games around. 🥖🥖🥖👌 Prefer Fleming at fullback Jack Owens has been awful, so a centre a must now. 

Posted : 19/03/2023 11:05 am
Estimable Member

@mick-george He played really well but went for the glory when all it need was to pass and that would have been the game.

Posted : 19/03/2023 12:55 pm
Estimable Member

@sinbad Its not but could and should have been 5 wins from 6 and its a different conversation.

Posted : 19/03/2023 12:58 pm
Noble Member

We have three games coming up that we really should be winning (Newcastle, Swinton and Barrow). Make it 6 from 9 and we won't be looking too shabby but we can't afford to be dropping any points in these fixtures.

Posted : 19/03/2023 1:21 pm
Noble Member

Agree there MT, throw in the CC game as well and most people’s glasses will be half full !
looking forward (hopefully) to an away day in Wimbledon 

but we really need some bodies, if we get an injury or a suspension in the backs we are stuffed, I suppose ince may go centre and we have wing cover but I feel that’s about it - Jj injured again ? Farnworth - hopefully next week but no others ready yet

Posted : 19/03/2023 3:50 pm
Prominent Member
Posted by: @ditton-donkey

Agree there MT, throw in the CC game as well and most people’s glasses will be half full !
looking forward (hopefully) to an away day in Wimbledon 

but we really need some bodies, if we get an injury or a suspension in the backs we are stuffed, I suppose ince may go centre and we have wing cover but I feel that’s about it - Jj injured again ? Farnworth - hopefully next week but no others ready yet

It is important to buy loan players at half back, centre and a prop for me. Everyone says Walker doing great, but for me only does a few busts a game then looks tired. On a positive I don't think we have done too badly and only the Sheffield game a bad day at the Office to forget. Some extra quality would get us some results and we have to win them next 3 games if have any ambition for the playoffs. 

Gilmore the biggest miss in my eyes, and would have kicked them goals for sure. The percentage kick ration of 80 to 90% is needed to beat the top teams and especially in tight games. If got 2 more kicks we would have won. 


Posted : 19/03/2023 4:07 pm
Noble Member

Yes goalkicking now a problem, we have gone from 3-4 super kickers to zero

feel we really need extra cover in the backs, not too worried about the forwards if farnworth back and jj not injured 

Posted : 19/03/2023 5:38 pm
Reputable Member

Can't understand the people saying we deserved to win that game.  We didn't.

Granted, we put in a lot of effort, but we just kept inviting them back in and turning the ball over.  Owens and Amor knock ons in our 30 and ill-discipline on the line cost us.  

We also made numerous breaks during the game only for the ball carrier to look for support and have none.  

Goal kicking wins games - simple as that.  Why isn't Joe Edge kicking?  He rarely misses?

The positives are of course that we should have beat Toulouse and we competed til the end, but we lost that game because of us, not because Toulouse did anything special to win it.

Shame if Lawton was dropped, a player like that can win a tight game with a crash ball.  

Nothing short of 3 from 3 in these next games now, with this game and the Bradford game, we should be second in the league.

Posted : 20/03/2023 9:36 am
Prominent Member

Craven needs dropping.

Dreadful for their first try and quite clearly a yellow card and could face further action. 

Add to that the penalty against Bradford in the last couple of minutes.

Not good enough for someone with his experience 

Posted : 20/03/2023 11:06 am
Famed Member


You may well be right regarding Craven.

One penalty kick in the first half - kick taken, then nobody seemed to know or care when the tap was taken!! Result ball handed over from our penalty!!!!!

That just isn't RL at any level tbh.

Posted : 20/03/2023 12:11 pm
Reputable Member

Posted by: @viking25

Craven needs dropping.

Dreadful for their first try and quite clearly a yellow card and could face further action. 

Add to that the penalty against Bradford in the last couple of minutes.

Not good enough for someone with his experience 

The one thing we'd miss from Craven is his left foot, he can't half strike a ball.  I do wonder if it was a tactic to continue with the high bomb on Saturday on the last tackle, Toulouse handled every single one of them but we carried on doing it.  A few in the corners would have been better to mix it up a bit and see how they handled coming off their line.

Craven will be missing Gilmore.  Cravens strength is open play and might need to be leading the team a little more with no Gilmore.  It will be interesting when he's back how this affects our play.

We don't have a lot of other options if we did drop Craven.  Owens perhaps with Fleming to 1 (his best position) but our kicking game would suffer.  Maybe we can afford this with the fixtures we have next.

Glad someone has mentioned Fozard - thought he played well and criticising his game from one decision is ludicrous.  He put a big shift in and even if JJ went off injured, I thought his 10 minute stint was the worst I've ever seen him play and just looked way off the pace.  Ince deserves a big wrap as well.


Posted : 20/03/2023 1:19 pm
Noble Member

I thought the general kicking game wasn't the best on Saturday anyway, too many bombs that we were nowhere near competing for.

I wouldn't be averse to Owens at Stand Off and Fleming at Full Back, but that leaves the centres looking weak, would have to play a winger or second rower there...

Posted : 20/03/2023 7:30 pm
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