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Trusted Member

Littler was heading into stadium last night. Either an interview or to be shown around.

Posted : 21/07/2023 2:07 pm
Active Member

Littler a step backwards imho

Posted : 21/07/2023 3:24 pm
Noble Member

A coach currently standing 4th in the third division is a desirable prospect ? I remember him playing for Salford and he never struck me as a leader or head coach material.

Posted : 21/07/2023 4:13 pm
Noble Member

Tend to agree if he was here for coaching - but isn’t he a plumber - perhaps he was giving a quote for the bogs 

Posted : 21/07/2023 4:14 pm
gpo1971 reacted
Hans Moleman
Estimable Member

Personally I hope it isn't Litler . Grub of a player....but with Hamilton pulling the strings will the Oldham connexion win through? We need someone who knows the town and local area in order to get the best local lads to play for us. We need Widnes lads playing for us at this level so that the passion is inside them. All our best squads have been built on that formula.  

Posted : 21/07/2023 4:42 pm
Eminent Member

I think Widnes would play a more expansive style of rugby under Littler. In his 2019 season at Swinton both Swinton wingers were in the top 5 try scorers. They sacked him in 2021 though after a bad run of results. However, Swinton were hammered with injuries at the time, they lacked strength in depth and didn’t have a dual reg. agreement like they have this year. Personally I think he’s quite clued up as a coach.

Posted : 21/07/2023 7:09 pm
Reputable Member

@sainthamish I'd second that look on the Oldham forum there's plenty of comments of about how it's the best style of rugby they've had in a very long time...he also comes across well in interviews....yes there's also negative comments that tbh you'll find on every club forum ....fact is there'll always be a group looking to pan it before it's even happening...

Posted : 21/07/2023 7:26 pm
Estimable Member

Posted by: @hans-moleman

Personally I hope it isn't Litler . Grub of a player....but with Hamilton pulling the strings will the Oldham connexion win through? We need someone who knows the town and local area in order to get the best local lads to play for us. We need Widnes lads playing for us at this level so that the passion is inside them. All our best squads have been built on that formula.  

  • why?
  • we already have Owens ,Lyons,farnworth,craven tilleke,ince,fozard,Grady and Lawton who are either Widnes born or came through our academy long term and how has that worked for us ? It hasn't this obsession with local lads only works if they good enough and unfortunately all our best products are in super league !! And the last time we had a good team in this division the mark smith team I don't remember many Widnes lads in that team

    Posted : 21/07/2023 7:30 pm
    JJ65 reacted
    Famed Member


    The 'local lads' logic was tried this season and looked as if it could work with so many ex-Widnes academy lads together, but how many times were they all fit at the same time?

    It all had the 'build it and they'll come' logic and, but for injuries, might have worked.

    But for next year maybe we need to be more hardnosed, go for locals 'west of the Pennies', but look more at players who are less injury prone. Be more logical and look at a hard pack first and retain the backs and forwards that have played some good rugby this year.

    Only time will tell if that is what 'bang for your buck' means!!


    Posted : 22/07/2023 7:25 am
    Estimable Member

    @sandgroper possibly those that come cheap ,hopefully not though 🤔

    Posted : 22/07/2023 8:22 am
    sandgroper reacted
    Famed Member


    One player that has really gone way better than I thought he would is Kieron Dixon. What a 100% player he has been. Not without some mistakes but they are nothing compared to his effort. 

    If that is  'bang for your buck' go for it!

    Posted : 22/07/2023 8:53 am
    alanC reacted
    Estimable Member

    Do we have  to wait until the middle of August until the "Media Spokesperson" is appointed before the "Coach" is annouced.  Will they have any input into which players are being recruited

    Posted : 22/07/2023 10:38 am
    Noble Member

    I think CH has brought in a bit of a task master approach and I for one welcome it. We need the players to have some urgency in their approach and consequences for poor performance 

    When the next coach is appointed he will have a clean slate and should be judged on his results at widnes. Yes we like to see widnes lads pull on the jersey but we also want to see a winning team. If we retain Gilmore, Grady, Lawton, Ince, Farnworth, Fozzard and Brookes then that’s a good core group of local lads who will instill passion for their club and have enough to keep the “homegrown” feel

    This post was modified 1 year ago by Mckviking
    Topic starter Posted : 22/07/2023 3:50 pm
    Estimable Member

    Not seen any evidence over the last 20 years or so that local lads care more or try harder. It's an outdated concept as far as I have seen.

    Posted : 22/07/2023 5:31 pm
    Famed Member


    You may well be right! It harks back to the days when all RL was a working man's sport, written into the game's laws. Travel wasn't easy and hardly anyone had a car!

    The biggest 'perk' that a club could offer was a job, usually donated by a supportive industry.

    Posted : 22/07/2023 6:00 pm
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