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Famed Member


Even the Chapelhow trail seems to have gone cold!!!!

Posted : 29/09/2023 11:04 am
Noble Member

What about Mark Ioane from Keighley? Decent prop with lots of experience.

Posted : 29/09/2023 11:11 am
Reputable Member

@sandgroper thank god for that! If the chapelhows come back then RIP Widnes. They’ve got to be the two biggest and two softest forwards in the league. Awful

Posted : 30/09/2023 7:56 am
Noble Member

Not a rumour as such but Lewis Hatton has been announced to have signed for Keighley. Will be very good at that level. 

Posted : 01/10/2023 12:18 pm
Eminent Member

Posted by: @mt

Not a rumour as such but Lewis Hatton has been announced to have signed for Keighley. Will be very good at that level. 

Personally, I think Lewis is a much better player than people give credit for. I think Kear's style of rugby didn't maximise Lewis' strengths.  He had a great game up in Barrow and the away game in Newcastle. I had a chat to him following the home game against Whitehaven. He told me he got injured in the Barrow game and played the week after against Swinton on painkillers because we were short of players for the game. Tough lad. Shame we have released him.


Posted : 02/10/2023 9:10 am
sandgroper reacted
Reputable Member

How does this happen??? Piss take?

Posted : 03/10/2023 6:45 pm
Noble Member

Well we don’t know the ins and outs of this - did he ask to come back to Widnes ?
his contract was terminated by mutual agreement as I recall, did we keep his registration, if not he is a free agent 

Posted : 03/10/2023 6:56 pm
Reputable Member

@ditton-donkey my issue is more that yet again we look like utter dicks either he’s played us or we’ve been behind the eight ball and missed out (perhaps as you say because we ballsed it up last time).

Another fear is that we are just not an attractive proposition… 🙁

Posted : 03/10/2023 7:00 pm
Prominent Member Admin

Posted by: @johnnyboy

@ditton-donkey my issue is more that yet again we look like utter dicks either he’s played us or we’ve been behind the eight ball and missed out (perhaps as you say because we ballsed it up last time).

Another fear is that we are just not an attractive proposition… 🙁

Possibly question marks over how he was looked after maybe?

Clearly bringing overseas players to play part-time (train three times a week) is difficult, unless you can find them gainful employment or put them at the centre of the community in some way. It seems Whitehaven have been able to do that, whereas perhaps Widnes were not able to.

He seemed quite keen to make his mark at Widnes and establish himself when I spoke to him pre-season last year.


Posted : 04/10/2023 1:46 pm
Johnnyboy reacted
Famed Member


The practise of starting to pick next years side before you are halfway through a season just starts unrest. Maybe giving longer contracts to some and/or mixing lengths of contracts up so that there will be only a limited exodus would help.

Something is needed or we'll be back in the same place next year! Iirc we did that in our SL years?

Posted : 04/10/2023 3:15 pm
Prominent Member Admin

Posted by: @sandgroper


The practise of starting to pick next years side before you are halfway through a season just starts unrest. Maybe giving longer contracts to some and/or mixing lengths of contracts up so that there will be only a limited exodus would help.

Something is needed or we'll be back in the same place next year! Iirc we did that in our SL years?

I think some part-time rugby league players need a bit of a reality check with the contracts situation - multi-year contracts are not commonplace in part-time sports. The RFL have contributed by bringing the anti-tampering deadline forward to May 1st; but ultimately, if a player wants to play RL, he's going to find an opportunity somewhere to do that (whether he gets paid what he wants is another matter, but that is the economic reality).

There's also very little value in the clubs dishing out multi-year contracts either - because if a SL club comes in, they go for free anyway because you can't (rightly) stand in the way of a part-time player given a full-time opportunity.

Btw, I don't think any of the above had an impact on the Evans situation, as he went at the very start of the year.

I do, however, think the unrest caused over contracts around May 1st was the main reason we didn't make the play-offs.


Posted : 04/10/2023 4:18 pm
sandgroper reacted
Noble Member

How can Whitehaven afford to offer him a good 2 year contract, when they neatly went bust this season, and couldn’t pay their players on at least 2 occasions?

Posted : 04/10/2023 9:05 pm
Famed Member

Maybe the job and play package was better and suited the lad?

Posted : 04/10/2023 9:33 pm
Estimable Member

What's with all the backroom departures suddenly? Head physio and a new Head of conditioning suddenly needed?

Posted : 05/10/2023 3:01 pm
Famed Member


Sorry if Beswick is going, thought he did good job tbh. Maybe offered more somewhere else?

Posted : 05/10/2023 3:15 pm
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