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The rumour mill

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Reputable Member

Right first of all I know some don't like rumours but this is for pure entertainment purposes..don't like it don't comment ......but who's hearing what on the incomings grapevine ....let's see who's hearing what and then we can comeback down the line and see what came true ... unfortunately I'll kick it off with a big depressing selection...that includes brooks from barrow...lyodd and gregson from Swinton.. Wilkinson and baker from Oldham ..Abel from crusaders ....not great but there you go ....what's anyone else got 

Topic starter Posted : 05/09/2023 9:48 pm
Noble Member

Going off rumors listed above 

brooks: prop, would be an improvement for tilleke

lloyd: second row: I think he’ll improve the squad 

gregson: stand off: depending on craven staying would be an improvement on Lyons 

Baker: second row: not sure about him

wilkinson: hooker: depending upon Fozzard staying would be 3rd choice behind jj and foz which gives us greater depth in a key position as we don’t have a 3rd hooker this season 


Posted : 05/09/2023 10:31 pm
Reputable Member

@mckviking I actually do like lyodd and gregson I think there both decent ...agree with your brooks comparison...the worry I've got is the strong rumoured incomings are players in positions that could be seen as replacements for players rumoured to be leaving....craven..Lawton..fozard in particularly

Topic starter Posted : 05/09/2023 10:46 pm
Mckviking reacted
Noble Member

@cumbria-viking yes foz leaving would be a backwards step but it is all just rumors for now. When do we find out who is staying/leaving

Posted : 05/09/2023 11:50 pm
Prominent Member

Well them players sound depressing. It is important to keep Fozard, even if find some extra money from WVIPS or VIQI because I believe we had some left from that old system. I would look to keep 80% of the squad, as most are not too bad if coached well. All we need adding is more size in the props department and the odd back rower, centre and a halfback that is robust. I have loved Craven, but I feel not as affective now, and his kicking game was average against Batley. Linking up with a Superleague club that can lend a few forwards and players too. Forber has been decent for us, but a big prop from Superleague would have helped this year. Don't know much about the players above to comment to be honest. 

Posted : 06/09/2023 6:50 am
Famed Member

Watching last Sunday I was tempted to wonder if Jack Owens could become a ball playing acting half back. He co-ordinates well with Gilmore and Craven and we do have options at FB now.

This all depends on what Foz and JJ do of course. 

BTW according to Newsnow, Baker is sorted at Rochdale for 2024.

Posted : 06/09/2023 6:52 am
Eminent Member

Posted by: @mckviking

Going off rumors listed above 

brooks: prop, would be an improvement for tilleke

lloyd: second row: I think he’ll improve the squad 

gregson: stand off: depending on craven staying would be an improvement on Lyons 

Baker: second row: not sure about him

wilkinson: hooker: depending upon Fozzard staying would be 3rd choice behind jj and foz which gives us greater depth in a key position as we don’t have a 3rd hooker this season 

Brooks isn't coming in for Tilleke. Tilleke is on a two year deal so he will still be here next season. I haven't seen Brooks in the Barrow squad over the last few weeks so he's either injured or not getting picked.

Farnworth, Lawton, Hatton and Davies are all leaving so he'll be coming in for one of them.

Lloyd is a good player. Apparently Sheens was keen to bring in both Lloyd and Hatton during his brief tenure.

Gregson isn't a stand off in my opinion, second row/loose forward yes. He definitely isn't an improvement on Lyons at SO.  Maybe he's coming in for Brown at loose?

Zac Baker was at Rochdale last year and was loaned out from Oldham back to Rochdale this year. Not a Championship level player in my opinion. I think league 1 is more his level.

Matty Wilkinson is okay. Missed a lot of Oldham's 2021 relegation season due to injury. Came back from injury and played for Swinton in 2022.

Martyn Reilly from Batley was another rumoured. He didn't do much against us on Sunday and went off injured.

Owain Abel hasn't played at this level so how he'll go I don't know.

Mike Butt is another from Swinton, reminds me of Ince but, hasn't been as good under Coleman compared to Littler.

Andrew Badrock is another from Swinton. He's a centre that came in from Leigh Miners. Swinton fans like him but, I don't remember him doing much against us.

I can't think of anymore at the mo.



Posted : 06/09/2023 8:26 am
Prominent Member

Sainthamish you are filling me with excitement for next year with these players. Why buy shitter players than already got baffles me because doesn't strive wanting ambition. Not been too impressed with Hatton and Farnworth to be honest, but Lawton I would have retained. Olly Davies just steady eddy so hard to judge incoming replacing our players. Fozard I would do everything to kerp him for sure on say a 2 year contract using VIQI money. 

Posted : 06/09/2023 9:00 am
sandgroper reacted
Famed Member

Our present set of backs are pretty good tbh, and with a settled half back pairing could improve.

I would make retention of Edge a priority - he looks like there is more to come if we can keep him. 

Lawton would be selling himself short if he opts for Oldham, but that would say more about him than the Vikings tbh.

The toughness of our pack remains the big question.

Posted : 06/09/2023 9:42 am
Prominent Member

Posted by: @sandgroper

Our present set of backs are pretty good tbh, and with a settled half back pairing could improve.

I would make retention of Edge a priority - he looks like there is more to come if we can keep him. 

Lawton would be selling himself short if he opts for Oldham, but that would say more about him than the Vikings tbh.

The toughness of our pack remains the big question.

Agree our backs are pretty decent for this level of rugby. Haven't had a consistent set of halfbacks hasn't helped. Gilmore was out for a while and Craven too. Lyons quite robust and a 3rd choice halfback. I would like a robust halfback of decent quality next season with Gilmore. A number 6 who runs like a thackeray when was younger or a Dennis Moran type player. A few big props who work hard, and another big 2nd rower if Lawton leaving. I quite like Wilde who gives 100% every game and that is why I like to keep the majority of the squad. 


Posted : 06/09/2023 11:31 am
sandgroper reacted
Estimable Member

If we are replacing current players with Swinton players theres only one way this club is going and thats not up. Recent results have proven theres a team in there and with a couple of quality signings in the off season theres no reason why we shouldnt be looking at top 4 at least.  Dont mind the odd Swinton player with maybe Lloyd signing but we should be aiming higher than what the rumours are.

Posted : 06/09/2023 11:59 am
Estimable Member

Danny langtree also been mentioned 

Posted : 06/09/2023 12:44 pm
Famed Member


Can't say that the logic that you are promoting is always true. If it were then where would the SL clubs get their UK signings from?

The art of a creative coach is to see potential in players before others, not after them. The development of that player is then the coach's job.

Iirc that was part or Dougie Laughton's skill.

Posted : 06/09/2023 12:51 pm
Reputable Member

@blue-viking langtree is contracted to barrow for 24...signed a two yr deal in 22

Topic starter Posted : 06/09/2023 2:01 pm
Honorable Member

Posted by: @pascal

Well them players sound depressing. It is important to keep Fozard, even if find some extra money from WVIPS or VIQI because I believe we had some left from that old system. I would look to keep 80% of the squad, as most are not too bad if coached well. All we need adding is more size in the props department and the odd back rower, centre and a halfback that is robust. I have loved Craven, but I feel not as affective now, and his kicking game was average against Batley. Linking up with a Superleague club that can lend a few forwards and players too. Forber has been decent for us, but a big prop from Superleague would have helped this year. Don't know much about the players above to comment to be honest. 

Not as effective now, just assisted for both tries against Batley last Sunday.


Paulie xx


Posted : 06/09/2023 3:43 pm
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