Leythers v you mob....
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Leythers v you mob..................

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Famed Member


Very supportive comments by JK for the team as a whole. He quoted comments by Lam that we gave them a harder game than most so the lads deserved the praise imo.

JK certainly seems to have spotted potential where maybe some Widnes fans haven't, so nothing new there. His support of a disappointed Edgey is a case in point.

He, with his experience, can probably see a promising attitude and encourage it where its needed, which we can miss. That's why you sign a old headed coach I guess.

Leave him to get on with the job and back him all the way. 

Posted : 29/08/2022 6:43 am
Pascal reacted
Prominent Member
Posted by: @sandgroper


Very supportive comments by JK for the team as a whole. He quoted comments by Lam that we gave them a harder game than most so the lads deserved the praise imo.

JK certainly seems to have spotted potential where maybe some Widnes fans haven't, so nothing new there. His support of a disappointed Edgey is a case in point.

He, with his experience, can probably see a promising attitude and encourage it where its needed, which we can miss. That's why you sign a old headed coach I guess.

Leave him to get on with the job and back him all the way. 

Yeah I listened and likes Edgey,  but he also knows need a bigger squad with a few better players too. I trust Kear and I was happy under 50 points against Leigh, who are a class above everyone in the league 👍

Posted : 29/08/2022 9:42 am
Honorable Member
Posted by: @spelly
Posted by: @frankg

@sandgroper It may be a question as to which players Leigh can afford to keep in SL and whether any other SL clubs can meet the players’ demands. Having said that, we would be delighted if Widnes was in the same position as Leigh. 

I still think that it is not beyond the bounds of possibilities for Featherstone to spring a surprise if they meet Leigh in the final. Where would that leave Leigh and Beaumont’s commitment to the club?

I think it a bit unfair to say Johnson is a sick-note. Any player can sustain an injury, just look at Grady this year. That is why we need a bigger as well as a better squad in 2023. Maybe we can take on a couple of Leigh’s surplus overseas players!!

Didn’t the club say a few weeks back that Levy was in light training, but not mentioned since. Maybe he has played his last game, or rather not played his first and last game, for the club. It would be good if he could be given a run out in the game against Halifax, if only for the novelty value. He will probably go on a be outstanding for another club next year!!

As for Sunday’s game, at least you may see some open rugby and outstanding tries.

I agree about the Fev bit mate, and I'm really looking forward to attending the MPG, when either Beaumont or Campbell, will be left counting the cost of another season with the likes of 'Fax, the Chemics (and hopefully the Lions) on the fixture list, and not Pies, Wire, Saints, et al.


You seem confident Featherstone will get to the MPG, John?

I wouldn't be so sure.


Paulie xx

Posted : 29/08/2022 11:31 am
Honorable Member
Posted by: @viking25

Can’t knock the effort there, just beaten by a side who are miles better than us.

Thought our pack stood up to theirs well. Johnson probably had his best game for us.

There’s ways to win and lose games and theirs wasn’t a way to win a game. Complete lack of class. Their players arguing with our fans at the end of the game pointing to the scoreboard and laughing.

Also, don’t see how a referee can give a penalty for a shoulder charge to the head but not give a card.

Quite easily, if you are based in Leigh.


Paulie xx

Posted : 29/08/2022 11:34 am
Famed Member


JK didn't seem to think that it was that bad, just a penalty, but the match review panel might take a different view. 

That forward ,King, from Haven looks our sort of lad, but he's being touted by Hendo. We need to get names on contracts!!!!!

Posted : 29/08/2022 12:08 pm
Noble Member

Well, fax or batley could be the outsiders to pip fev

but what’s best for us - leathers go up or fev ?
toulouse are back with us next year, which I like cause it’s a good weekend there, but that leaves 2 big players in the league, which we probably cannot compete with, so 3rd at best ?

Posted : 29/08/2022 1:46 pm
Honorable Member

Enjoyed the game yesterday, in a strange sort of way! I was sat with Leigh fans and they were impressed with our defence compared to other teams they’ve played - even pointing out how knackered their lads looked when being interchanged!

A lot of fuss around Ferguson, but he wasn’t the player who impressed me the most. He hit Wilde with a clear shoulder and was lucky to stay on the pitch, though he hurt himself in the process and it kept him quiet for the next ten mins! No, most impressive player for me was Ipape. He came on from the bench and was involved in everything, such a dangerous player with ball in hand, seems to be able to steal five yards from dummy half!

On Ferguson though, I can see him causing problems off the field as what I saw later wasn’t good. After the game, I was out with friends from Leigh and after a few pubs and some food and some more pubs went into what was the Spinning Jenny only to find the pub rammed with Leigh fans and what seemed to be most of their players - most of who were smashed! Now I’ve got no issue with players having a drink, but to be bladdered and ‘bigging it up’ with fans doesn’t look good. Ferguson buying rounds of Jagerbombs for the group to down and then throw the plastic glasses at the back of the pub was less than classy. Two of them in the gents slurring how they won’t make training tomorrow and Brand stood in the middle of the pub tottering and unable to string a sentence together, whilst his mates looked to impress the local star-struck ladies! We know only too well how this story will end and it only takes one incident for these cards to come tumbling down. Sure they may have the professional players, but they sure as hell don’t have a professional club setup!

Posted : 29/08/2022 3:00 pm
Famed Member


Thanks for that heads-up , interesting!!!!! As you say with Fergie leading the way its only going in one direction.

Sounds like Lam's comment to JK was honest with regard to our lads efforts. 

Can't honestly see anyone other than them winning the promotion tbh and we could do with them out of the way next year.

Our future will hang on just when, and if, they modify the game structure. With a 10 + 10 we have a pretty good chance, just depends what else they decide and also how other club's finances are organised.

Have my doubts about just how effective Amor will be tbh. Can't see him wanting to rip in though he should be a decent pack leader/coach.

Posted : 29/08/2022 3:39 pm
Honorable Member

@sandgroper I was impressed with JK picking out Joe Edge in his comments. Ferguson was like a steam train once he got going and Joe found himself unsupported in 1-on-1 scenarios a couple of times which were impossible to defend. Never gave up and put in a lot of good tackles.

Posted : 29/08/2022 8:09 pm
Honorable Member

Just a final comment on the game yesterday. I was surprised at the 3,300 attendance. Even if I was generous and said we took 300, for Leigh to only attract 3K fans considering their form and star players must be really disappointing for Derek!

Posted : 29/08/2022 8:13 pm
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