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Trusted Member

Thought Walker was immense, came on after 2 minutes and played all first half and about 10 minutes of second half. He was absolutely blowing out of his arse at times but he kept on wanting the ball to run in and kept on tackling. Also though Max Roberts did really well playing at loose, Lloyd Roby showed a bit of flair. 

I dont think we will play many worse teams than Doncaster though, so not getting carried away.

Posted : 11/02/2024 5:31 pm
Noble Member

Good game, impressed with Roby in an unfamiliar position- good shifts from all the players who have had a disrupted week. Some well worked tries. Well done to all concerned!

Attendance perhaps not only an indictment of the goings on at the club but also the loss of allure of the Challenge Cup...

Posted : 11/02/2024 6:46 pm
Honorable Member

Will look forward to watching this one tomorrow!

Posted : 11/02/2024 6:53 pm
Estimable Member

Enjoyed that today, I was desperate for anything positive and got it. Not sure what we've beaten but was good to see some decent play and points. Next week should be more of the same too.

Posted : 11/02/2024 6:56 pm
Estimable Member

@martin I attended the game today, but I think your last comment there was extremely sanctimonious. People aren't punishing the club, they are sick to death of years of poor management, recruitment,  coaching and performances.

If they've chosen not to spend their hard earned cash, during one of the biggest cost of living crises of modern times, on what appeared on paper to be a bad game, who is anyone else to judge?

Reads like a petulant five year old wrote that.

Posted : 11/02/2024 7:02 pm
Winny Ingram reacted
Noble Member

Posted by: @widnes77

@martin I attended the game today, but I think your last comment there was extremely sanctimonious. People aren't punishing the club, they are sick to death of years of poor management, recruitment,  coaching and performances.

If they've chosen not to spend their hard earned cash, during one of the biggest cost of living crises of modern times, on what appeared on paper to be a bad game, who is anyone else to judge?

Reads like a petulant five year old wrote that.

We had played one game against a very solid Swinton side and was well beat, our head goes out to Greet the players and was savaged by “fans”; that’s one game in a meaningless cup comp. All week we have had people berating the club, directors, some players and insisting they are not going, cancelling season tickets and never attending again AS WELL AS wishing we had gone into liquidation. That’s after one game….. 788 fans, the club and Doncaster lost out as it’s a shared gate.

Your second statement is perfect W77 it’s a hard time to be pensioner, but it’s over a month till the first home game so we went. Petulant 73 year old👍👍


Posted : 11/02/2024 9:04 pm
Robbo reacted
Estimable Member

Posted by: @martin

Posted by: @widnes77

@martin I attended the game today, but I think your last comment there was extremely sanctimonious. People aren't punishing the club, they are sick to death of years of poor management, recruitment,  coaching and performances.

If they've chosen not to spend their hard earned cash, during one of the biggest cost of living crises of modern times, on what appeared on paper to be a bad game, who is anyone else to judge?

Reads like a petulant five year old wrote that.

We had played one game against a very solid Swinton side and was well beat, our head goes out to Greet the players and was savaged by “fans”; that’s one game in a meaningless cup comp. All week we have had people berating the club, directors, some players and insisting they are not going, cancelling season tickets and never attending again AS WELL AS wishing we had gone into liquidation. That’s after one game….. 788 fans, the club and Doncaster lost out as it’s a shared gate.

Your second statement is perfect W77 it’s a hard time to be pensioner, but it’s over a month till the first home game so we went. Petulant 73 year old👍👍


You need to read posts before berating people' a post you never even commented on. Wondering why all of a sudden you are trying to defend the club when most of the facts stated on here are true. Nobody has said that abuse is ok and as for my post on Liquidation it has nothing to do with what's happening now it is an accumulation of 5 years of hell for the fans and I was asking for other posters views on the matter. Are you responding to the forum just because we actually won a game ? because you said very little before hand. It was only a newly promoted team that we beat and a real bad one at that with no discipline and not yet grasped the new PTB rules.


Posted : 11/02/2024 10:21 pm
Prominent Member Admin

Don't know if the players go out after a game, but hope Ant Walker didn't spend a penny. He deserves a huge amount of credit for what he did today, he lead from the front against a decent-sized Doncaster pack, and he was a big reason they lost their way.

Their discipline and errors cost them; had Boas got that try at 28-16 it might have been different.

But Allan Coleman and the players deserve all the credit they get for what was a gutsy performance with 15 players (one of which was clearly not fit) for 65+ minutes. Roby at SH looks like a coaching masterstroke, he had a hand in 5 of the first 6 tries which of course were the most crucial before Widnes ran away with it at the end.

Anyone criticising fans for 'punishing the club' - it was the lowest attendance in the club's history, one of its employees probably cost the club 500 on the gate with a social media post, radio interview and subsequent 'statement'.

Posted : 11/02/2024 10:29 pm
Noble Member

Posted by: @prisoner

Posted by: @martin

Posted by: @widnes77

@martin I attended the game today, but I think your last comment there was extremely sanctimonious. People aren't punishing the club, they are sick to death of years of poor management, recruitment,  coaching and performances.

If they've chosen not to spend their hard earned cash, during one of the biggest cost of living crises of modern times, on what appeared on paper to be a bad game, who is anyone else to judge?

Reads like a petulant five year old wrote that.

We had played one game against a very solid Swinton side and was well beat, our head goes out to Greet the players and was savaged by “fans”; that’s one game in a meaningless cup comp. All week we have had people berating the club, directors, some players and insisting they are not going, cancelling season tickets and never attending again AS WELL AS wishing we had gone into liquidation. That’s after one game….. 788 fans, the club and Doncaster lost out as it’s a shared gate.

Your second statement is perfect W77 it’s a hard time to be pensioner, but it’s over a month till the first home game so we went. Petulant 73 year old👍👍


You need to read posts before berating people' a post you never even commented on. Wondering why all of a sudden you are trying to defend the club when most of the facts stated on here are true. Nobody has said that abuse is ok and as for my post on Liquidation it has nothing to do with what's happening now it is an accumulation of 5 years of hell for the fans and I was asking for other posters views on the matter. Are you responding to the forum just because we actually won a game ? because you said very little before hand. It was only a newly promoted team that we beat and a real bad one at that with no discipline and not yet grasped the new PTB rules.


Your right Prisoner, I haven’t commented on some of the posts last week because I found some of them offensive including yours and others like the one about Lyons as I don’t berate players who go out and give their all. As I said it was one game we lost by a very good Swinton side and staff and players were abused. Nobody has been more frustrated by the clubs lack of movement than me and I don’t just come on here when we win if you check last weeks game I kept the scores coming through and was really pissed off with our loss but you would know that if you checked. As for Doncaster you will also know they have signed five or six players who were in SL last year as well as Hall so I would count that as a good win especially as we only had sixteen fit players (Gilmore put his hand up to make the seventeen) We also messed up play the balls as well👍👍


Posted : 11/02/2024 10:40 pm
Estimable Member

@martin You find somebody's opinion offensive on a forum 🤣 wow time for me to give up.

Posted : 11/02/2024 11:09 pm
Estimable Member

@martin Want to be careful you don't fall off that high horse mate.

Posted : 12/02/2024 12:26 am
Noble Member

Nobody knows for sure how many stayed away because of  Hamilton. A few  dozen maybe but 500 is pushing it. The main factor was undoubtedly the price,in my opinion.

Posted : 12/02/2024 8:31 am
Ratboy reacted
Trusted Member

I expected us to "comfortably beat" a newly promoted side - but to score 50 points must be a real confidence booster for our players.

Dixon always plays well and kicked 5 goals. If he had managed to convert all our tries, then that would have been a fair reward for the efforts our lads put in against a much bigger side.

It seemed to me that despite (or maybe because of) the problems off the pitch, team spirit was excellent.

There were quite a few penalties at the PTB, however far fewer than in the 2 previous home games. IMHO, I'm pleased that players are adapting to a rule change that actually improves the game.

The PA announcements were much clearer and far better than usual, but thought it was a local accent?

Posted : 12/02/2024 10:24 am
Noble Member

All the talk has been about Hamilton but who were these big mouths who surrounded him ? He shouldn't have been there in the tunnel but that doesn't give anyone the right to verbally abuse.As far as I am aware nobody has owned up on 'social media' and admitted to being a part of the rabble.Funny,they've usually got plenty to say these loud types.I'm no big fan of Hamilton and he responded unprofessionaly but let's not sweep under the carpet where this all stemmed from.

Posted : 12/02/2024 11:05 am
Halfback Ragnarsson
Estimable Member

A good result yesterday, in trying circumstances and after a bad week for everyone. There were lots of positives on the field, with players really standing up, Walker has been mentioned, as has Roby, but from listening to the radio they all did well. Tom Gilmore clearly wasn't fit to play but he did, and all of this shows great commitment from the players.

Alan Coleman's interview afterwards was good. He has had the after effects of last weekend to deal with, a flu bug going through the camp, Warrington not letting their players be available and then on the day losing two more players early on but still managing to comprehensively beat a team with plenty of SL experience and a big pack. One game doesn't make a season, but he could not have answered his critics in a better way.

Whilst the club put a statement out, the matter of the response to unacceptable behaviour from some fans will still hang around. This still needs sorting out, and after such a good win the atmosphere will be better in which to do so. I hope CH takes the opportunity, as he will have to take the first step. 

Well done to the players and coaching staff, that was a great response.

Posted : 12/02/2024 11:11 am
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