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Noble Member

They're gone and won't be flocking back after a couple of wins against Barrow and Dewsbury.Over one thousand die hards have finally given up due to years of mediocrity.It's easier to keep them than to get them back.The first home game of a new season is always one of the best gates.

Posted : 18/03/2024 5:42 pm
Noble Member

@sinbad I think the low attendance was partly down to the United/ Liverpool game being on ITV at the same time, also St Patrick’s Day , some might have been out celebrating thst.

But I also think having offers like letting children come free if a parent accompanies them would help, especially if we are winning, children will want to come and ask their parent can they come, and they could spend extra money on food and drink. Also if they could play a junior match before the game or at half time, that would also bring more parents to the match, and also could get their friends to come and watch them, with their parents. I wouldn’t think it would cost the club much, but would help get the attendances up.

Posted : 18/03/2024 6:59 pm
Mckviking reacted
Estimable Member

@sandgroper so, you're only a supporter if you go to the game, in your eyes?

Posted : 18/03/2024 8:21 pm
Noble Member

There's always something else going on to excuse a poor gate but St Patrick's day is a new one.

Posted : 18/03/2024 9:42 pm
Estimable Member

Posted by: @farnworth-viking

@sinbad I think the low attendance was partly down to the United/ Liverpool game being on ITV at the same time, also St Patrick’s Day , some might have been out celebrating thst.

But I also think having offers like letting children come free if a parent accompanies them would help, especially if we are winning, children will want to come and ask their parent can they come, and they could spend extra money on food and drink. Also if they could play a junior match before the game or at half time, that would also bring more parents to the match, and also could get their friends to come and watch them, with their parents. I wouldn’t think it would cost the club much, but would help get the attendances up.

There where lots of children in the North stand whom I have never seen before so when they don't return next game we are looking at 1200-1500 max.


Posted : 19/03/2024 6:39 am
Reputable Member

Posted by: @sinbad

They're gone and won't be flocking back after a couple of wins against Barrow and Dewsbury.Over one thousand die hards have finally given up due to years of mediocrity.It's easier to keep them than to get them back.The first home game of a new season is always one of the best gates.

Spot on Sinbad. My first post in donkeys! I was a season ticket holder for longer than I can remember, I occasionally have a butchers on the site for a laugh to see certain posters still defending the club to the hilt. I like many other have simply had enough. Nothing to do with football, the cost of living and even that corker that would only get used on a Widnes forum, it’s Paddy’s day. The simple fact is, I have had enough of having the slash took out of me for years. The club looks no better now than when Jimmy and his merry men took every one of us for mugs. There used to be a gang of around 12 to at used to go the games every week, now not a single one goes. It’s a shame, but honestly, I don’t miss it one jot. 


Posted : 19/03/2024 8:01 am
Sinbad reacted
Honorable Member

Posted by: @widnes77

@sandgroper so, you're only a supporter if you go to the game, in your eyes?

Sandy is quite correct @widnes77

The clue is in the word 'supporter'. By paying you're entrance money, you are 'supporting' the Club by putting money into the coffers. If you don't put anything in, then you are just a Fan.


Paulie xx


Posted : 19/03/2024 5:22 pm
sandgroper reacted
Honorable Member

Posted by: @a-cape

Posted by: @sinbad

They're gone and won't be flocking back after a couple of wins against Barrow and Dewsbury.Over one thousand die hards have finally given up due to years of mediocrity.It's easier to keep them than to get them back.The first home game of a new season is always one of the best gates.

Spot on Sinbad. My first post in donkeys! I was a season ticket holder for longer than I can remember, I occasionally have a butchers on the site for a laugh to see certain posters still defending the club to the hilt. I like many other have simply had enough. Nothing to do with football, the cost of living and even that corker that would only get used on a Widnes forum, it’s Paddy’s day. The simple fact is, I have had enough of having the slash took out of me for years. The club looks no better now than when Jimmy and his merry men took every one of us for mugs. There used to be a gang of around 12 to at used to go the games every week, now not a single one goes. It’s a shame, but honestly, I don’t miss it one jot. 


You're not on your own Capester, and I don't blame anyone for doing something else for pleasure. As you say, the RL served up in recent years has been poor, and ugly on the eye. But like most, you'll be back and I await your return with bated breath.

Up The Capey Chemics!


Paulie xx


Posted : 19/03/2024 5:28 pm
Famed Member

Taking a wider view, if we all thought like Capey there would , by now, be probably six 'top' teams playing in SL with probably the same gates that they get now. Sky would be happy anyway and the RFL wouldn't have to worry about non SL teams !!!! 

Those who need some action could go to the pub and watch the soccer!!!


Problem solved!!!!

Posted : 19/03/2024 10:10 pm
Pascal reacted
Estimable Member

Not missed you on the  board. Hope more of the same as we saw on Sunday might tempt the dissenters back?

Posted : 19/03/2024 11:43 pm
Pascal reacted
Estimable Member

@pauliewalnuts You can put money into the coffers without attending the game, Paulie.

Posted : 20/03/2024 5:26 am
Sinbad reacted
Estimable Member

Posted by: @sandgroper

Taking a wider view, if we all thought like Capey there would , by now, be probably six 'top' teams playing in SL with probably the same gates that they get now. Sky would be happy anyway and the RFL wouldn't have to worry about non SL teams !!!! 

Those who need some action could go to the pub and watch the soccer!!!


Problem solved!!!!

Pathetic people can decide what to do if you don't like it tough.


Posted : 20/03/2024 8:36 am
Reputable Member

Why are people still harping on about previous years. Isn’t this thread about the game against barrow that the lads put in a good performance to start the season?


yes performances year on year have failed to deliver if that’s drove you a way then fair enough but we don’t need to keep going on about it, and you don’t have the right to call people that have chosen to keep supporting it’s their money and their time to waste going to watch the team every week if they so choose. If people have chosen to keep supporting that’s also fair enough you don’t have a right to complain at others for walking away and having enough of year on year failures in their eyes, anyone can do anything with their free time and money.


This is a new year, majority new squad, new coach, new expectations as such (whether that’s aiming for playoffs, or avoiding relegation in different peoples eyes). Whether the clubs performances are good enough over the season to bring lapsed fans back or are woeful enough that they lose continued support we will only find out in the future but how about we just focus on the fact that we’ve got off to a positive start topping the table after round 1?


We are sensible adults after all 😳

Posted : 20/03/2024 10:23 am
sandgroper, sunny and alanC reacted
Prominent Member

In my opinion I have felt disillusioned with our performances and ambitions as a club, but at the end of the day it is my team and I want it to be successful. Only way to be successful is recruiting well, good coach and encouraging the team. I will moan if playing terrible, and I hope if can start a winning culture, then more fans will come again. It is personal choice if people want to go and it is not rocket science that more fans means more spending on players. Anyway a good start and fingers crossed we an keep improving further as a team. 

Posted : 20/03/2024 11:42 am
Noble Member

Everyone will have their own reasons for deciding whether or not to attend games; and they are entitled to make that decision.

It could be the cost - and £20 is quite a sum to fork out if you are on low income and have other bills to pay, particularly if you are not getting any enjoyment out of watching poor performances. It could be simply a loss of interest after several years of unfulfilled promises of ambition by the Club, or indeed a loss of interest in the game generally. It could well be that other interests away from RL have their attention and give greater satisfaction, including the widespread availability of sport on tv. It could well be age catching up on an aging fanbase.

In my case, having followed Widnes for a number of years and doing a 200 mile round trip to watch games, it is a bit of all the above. I have seen the Club in its glory years and also supported them in their many fallow years. The Club has never generated big crowds - although I was there in the 25,000 crowd when we played Saints in the Cup - but I guess we may have averaged around 5,000/6000 in our better years.

Rising out of the ashes of administration in 2019 with the backing of fans gave us all hope of a resurrection of our fortunes, but there has been year on year disappointment and unfulfilled promises; and a constant change of managers and players, with no improvement and no hope. Indeed, even our new Director (MT) has predicted a 7-11 place finish this year, notwithstanding the Club's annual ambition of a top 5 finish.

Despite the ongoing criticism on here of the Phil Finney era, does anyone actually believe that Chris Hamilton is any better? I believe that his short tenure at the Club has been disastrous, with growing alienation of fans, if comments on this site have any basis of truth. We lost the financial support provided by VIQI with no real explanation and a substantial financial hit for the Club. We have been told that the Club is in a sound financial position to be able to sign players, but then hear rumours of players being offered reduced contracts and then leaving and running with a small squad, reliant on loans. We bring in season long loans, only for them to leave and join other clubs, again with no explanation.

I will venture to some home games again, but do not have any confidence of us having a decent season. Having said that, a good (and deserved) win against Barrow and wins against Swinton and Dewsbury may just tempt some disgruntled fans back, but the Club also need to review how they communicate with fans about their future plans and ambitions.

Posted : 21/03/2024 3:14 pm
Widnes77 and Pascal reacted
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