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Noble Member
Posted by: @gpo1971

It's a joke really. Saints really are the new Wigan.

Thinking about it, Saints now have Knowles playing when he shouldn't be but Leeds will be missing Sezer when there is probably nothing wrong with him. Doesn't strike me as right that.

Unfair as it seems that one team can have a guy out on the park, whilst the other can't, the head injury / concussion protocol, is (in my opinion) a good ruling, coz it puts players' welfare first, which can't be a bad thing.

Whether Messrs Sezer, Smith, and Hetherington, amongst many others, agree with me .is highly debatable!



Posted : 22/09/2022 8:11 am
Noble Member
Posted by: @gpo1971

It's a joke really. Saints really are the new Wigan.

Thinking about it, Saints now have Knowles playing when he shouldn't be but Leeds will be missing Sezer when there is probably nothing wrong with him. Doesn't strike me as right that.

Unfair as it seems that one team can have a guy out on the park, whilst the other can't, the head injury / concussion protocol, is (in my opinion) a good ruling, coz it puts players' welfare first, which can't be a bad thing.

Whether Messrs Sezer, Smith, and Hetherington, amongst many others, agree with me .is highly debatable!



Posted : 22/09/2022 8:11 am
 Mr H
Estimable Member

This was one of the clearest and most straight forward decision for the disciplinary panel. Not only did he initially put his arm in a dangerous position, he then continued to put pressure on it. 

The decision is a dangerous precedent.

Posted : 22/09/2022 9:50 am
Noble Member

I’ve had a look at the laws of the game, but it doesn’t mention if a player can appeal more than once.

Im sure they will discuss this before the match on Sky on Saturday, hopefully they might be able to tell us if it’s allowed and if it’s ever happened before.

Topic starter Posted : 22/09/2022 10:22 am
Reputable Member
Posted by: @farnworth-viking

I’ve had a look at the laws of the game, but it doesn’t mention if a player can appeal more than once.

Im sure they will discuss this before the match on Sky on Saturday, hopefully they might be able to tell us if it’s allowed and if it’s ever happened before.

Will be briefly discussed pre match, then all the bullshine from Carney will be in full flow about the rude health of the beautiful game of RL. Basically, its 1 - 0 to McManus who will be laughing his kipper off

Posted : 22/09/2022 11:31 am
Noble Member

If you look on the serious about rugby league website, it gives the RL detailed explanation why he got off and saying it wasn’t a second appeal against the sentence, but against the way the panel misconstrued the video!!

Topic starter Posted : 22/09/2022 12:42 pm
Noble Member

Saints taking the **** now?

The announcement of their squad for Saturday, has Knowles' pic on it!

Comments again please!


Posted : 22/09/2022 1:24 pm
Noble Member
Posted by: @farnworth-viking

If you look on the serious about rugby league website, it gives the RL detailed explanation why he got off and saying it wasn’t a second appeal against the sentence, but against the way the panel misconstrued the video!!

That's alright then. Presume they won't use the Panel again!!!! Maybe next time someone is sent off for a head tackle, the best defence should be, they were just being friendly and gave the player a gentle tap on the head to make sure he was OK!!

Posted : 22/09/2022 2:12 pm
Noble Member
Posted by: @spelly

Saints taking the **** now?

The announcement of their squad for Saturday, has Knowles' pic on it!

Comments again please!


Maybe McManus had already agreed the decision with the Panel!

Posted : 22/09/2022 2:14 pm
Estimable Member

Since when is have your arm twisted up your back with force (for quite a while, relative to a tackle duration) a normal range of movement? Absolute clowns & making the game even more of a laughing stock.

Seems like they worded it badly, and a smart ass solicitor has overturned it based on that. Amateur all round, and an embarrassment to the game.

Posted : 22/09/2022 2:48 pm
Noble Member

This is partly why RL in the UK is now a laughing stock. Smells like corruption to me.

Posted : 22/09/2022 6:18 pm
Noble Member

In the final Knowles hit Myler seconds after the ball had gone. That shows what sort of player he is. he repeatedly breaks the rules with very cheap shots & gets away with minimal retribution.

Posted : 25/09/2022 10:30 pm
Reputable Member
Posted by: @geoffw

In the final Knowles hit Myler seconds after the ball had gone. That shows what sort of player he is. he repeatedly breaks the rules with very cheap shots & gets away with minimal retribution.

He's a Stains player Geoff, they're untouchable, precedent has been set

Posted : 26/09/2022 7:36 am
Noble Member

Knowles has now been given a 1 game ban for his dangerous late tackle on Myler in the final that the majority of people, including some Saints fans, thought he should not have been playing in in the first place! This once again begs the question why did the referee not send him off or at least give him a yellow card during the game? 

I now await St Helens to appeal!

The game is corrupt & a complete joke. This is a new low for the sport.

Posted : 26/09/2022 3:42 pm
Noble Member

Well what do you know he has now been picked in the England squad and being allowed to play in ALL world Cup matches with a friendly v Fiji being the match he misses! This is nothing more than continually condoning foul play & rewarding it. 

Posted : 01/10/2022 12:43 pm
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