@farnworth-viking have you been since the Leopards. The fans really believe the brand. It's a long time from climbing out of Hilton park. It was very impressive
It's a big ask for somebody from VIPS (Ann Marie Hughes, probably) to do what the Club did back in the 80's with the 'Lifeline' (I think it was called).
Basically, a VIPS rep and a Club Rep go and visit all the workplaces in the town, and try to get employees of the said companies, to give a contribution, at source, deducted from their salaries by the HR depts, on pay day.
This would then create awareness with 'Out-of-Town' workers, that such a scheme is in place, but you would have to have an incentive to join, i.e. a cash prize etc.
Might be worth a go.
Paulie xx
@johnny65 I don’t disagree with you, as unfortunate as that fact of the town is.
My point was you can’t get more stuff worth the same value of £5.
Let’s hope for renewed engagement and a stronger bond between club and lapsed/detached fans in 2025. Allan did a good job of reconnecting with those of us who have hung around so it’s progress!
@gofyn I’m it doubting the fans believe in it, but the reason they got/ get a lot of fans there, is because Degsy’s money bought lots of good players for them, to help them become a SL side.
@scouseviking55 at the end of the day it doesn't matter who can or cannot afford £5 a month or what they spend their money on,the interest obviously isn't there anymore and you can't force feed RL to public of Widarse whether the club is doing well or not.
Unfortunately football is a staple in this town whether we like it or not and it doesn't help that the game of Rugby League is on its arse.
That is the sad thing, so how do we entice the interest and the board are interested in ideas to improve things? Ideas good or bad can at least be listened too. If Leigh can do it then we need to do it, because our Town is bigger plus got Runcorn to tap into. I love Football but also other sports and I am sure if new people gave it a shot, they might enjoy it too.
What is annoying Leigh, Oldham and York buying into things but in Widnes they seem to just moan without ideas.
The reason Leigh have become successful is because Degsys has put loads of his money into the club and bought lots of good players. Unfortunately Widnes haven’t got anybody with his sort of money who could help us out.
But I agree it wouldn’t be much of a burden for a lot of people to give £5 a month to Widnes, but would certainly help the club out a lot. Perhaps we could advertise it more, because unless your a keen supporter, I doubt a lot of people will know about it.
Cheers mate I just found 217 poor especially when a few of the people like myself live out the Town who have joined it. So not including myself 216 for Widnes and Runcorn area is very poor. I think the Widnes Season Passes for kids is in thway and attract new fans. If we can get a winning team hopefully more will join WVIPS We would all love a dessie type from Leigh at Widnes, but to be successful all of us have to contribute the best we can mate.
What is becoming clearer with each new season is that the pot of cash that all clubs rely on is becoming smaller with every season. Without that clubs, even the top clubs, are forced to rely on private funding from well endowed supporters. This is not a reliable funding model and cannot sustain the game as a nationwide sport.
Without someone taking charge and re-organising we could well finish up being a billionaires plaything and nothing like the RL that we started with. The Elon Musk's of the world soon get bored and move on, usually leaving a mess for someone else to clear up!!!!
What is becoming clearer with each new season is that the pot of cash that all clubs rely on is becoming smaller with every season. Without that clubs, even the top clubs, are forced to rely on private funding from well endowed supporters. This is not a reliable funding model and cannot sustain the game as a nationwide sport.
Without someone taking charge and re-organising we could well finish up being a billionaires plaything and nothing like the RL that we started with. The Elon Musk's of the world soon get bored and move on, usually leaving a mess for someone else to clear up!!!!
Agree mate a lot of clubs are reliant on Sugar daddy's to compete and we are doing the best we can with the resources available. Yeah i feel jealous of Oldham, Bradford, Leigh, York etc who have some backers but at least we are doing fine without it. Probably our best way is to get more WVIPS members, Season Pass it on for kids and all doing our little part. I am living in Andover which is miles away and i help buying Widnes season pass for kids and joining WVIPS. Unfortunanetly I can not go most games but I always attend a few a season. Happy New Year all and lets stay positive onwards and upwards under Coleman.
What is becoming clearer with each new season is that the pot of cash that all clubs rely on is becoming smaller with every season. Without that clubs, even the top clubs, are forced to rely on private funding from well endowed supporters. This is not a reliable funding model and cannot sustain the game as a nationwide sport.
Without someone taking charge and re-organising we could well finish up being a billionaires plaything and nothing like the RL that we started with. The Elon Musk's of the world soon get bored and move on, usually leaving a mess for someone else to clear up!!!!
hopefully linford Christie is a fan
Yes, I think people with money would be better for us😁
As a Liverpool based Widnes fan, who still gets to games and is a member of WVIPS, I applaud the great work by WVIPS but unless we attract a Derek Beaumont, we'll always struggle to reach Super League unfortunately.
It seems atm we’ve found ourselves in a financial position that we have come to realize that without significant investment we are a championship club but we can compete and with the right people can and should be able to again gain promotion to super league level
My worry is that just investing short term to make the leap up to SL may not be enough if the Sky deal, or it's equivalent, isn't enough to keep you there.
There are only so many sugar daddies prepared to shell out year on year and why should they? It will be interesting to see just how Oldham get on having made the big effort. The path to SL isn't really established and will be fiddled to look after Bradford, Fev and others.
That will be the acid test for the modest money-men!!!!!!
The path to SL isn't really established and will be fiddled to look after Bradford, Fev and others.
As a Fev fan, the idea that anyone, anywhere in authority in RL would "fiddle the path to SL" in Fev's favour is comedy gold.
WVIP is doing well if it can raise £32,000 with 218 members. Didn't VIQI have 1,500 members? Probably too late now, but surely former VIQI members should have been contacted to seek their continuing support, once the decision was made to wind-up VIQI. Maybe they were and almost 1,300 decided to opt out. VIQI did a lot of good for the Club over the years and those organising it were unjustifiably criticised on here by some.
Do the Club promote VIQI enough, for example handing out fliers at games or through social media?
It is somewhat disappointing that there are only 218 people from Widnes (and Runcorn) willing to support the Club. Do the people of Widnes actually want a RL team in the town? I suppose you could also ask the question as to whether the RFL are actually interested in the game outside SL, which may contribute to the general apathy towards the game.
Maybe a successful team will increase local interest and support. We will have to see.
Surely, we should be looking to finish in a higher league position in 2025 and a good run in the play-offs, as well as a decent run in the "Degsy" Cup and the Challenge Cup. Maybe we could be the team to challenge the "spreadsheet" approach to promotion and relegation, by winning the Championship but denied promotion because we don't have enough parking spaces for the dozens of reporters who turn up for games!!!