WVIPS Membership an...
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WVIPS Membership and Finance

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Trusted Member

Current membership stands at 217, which
generates around £32,220 pa.We want to be as transparent and proactive as we can. We are open to suggestions
from members as to how we can increase our membership and the funds we raise for the club. 
Every single regular donation from £5pm upwards is greatly received. We thank youall for your support.
Our bank account balance is £28,238.34,with the next direct debit collection due on or around 5th January 2025.
We are grateful for your continued support

Snippet above is from the December news letter from WVIPS

I find it quite shocking that a town the size of widnes is now that only 217 people contribute to the WVIPS scheme on a monthly basis, How are we able to compete at the top of the championship league and build a decent team that the town is proud of and build a club for future generations with such a low turnout, The whole town needs to go back to grass roots and start playing rugby again and get rid of all those football pitches 














Topic starter Posted : 30/12/2024 12:07 pm
Estimable Member

That is awful I live 200 miles away and have joined for £10 a month. If another 200 joined for even £5 a month it would not break the bank account just a pint of beer. The Town of 60k and add Runcorn for Halton, then I think nearly 130k people. There is fans like me who live away and easy to do online. There is also fans in Australia who could join too. Alan Coleman deserves more support and buying those Seson passes for kids is a great idea too, Now down to the people if want a decent team.

Posted : 30/12/2024 1:23 pm
Estimable Member

That is awful I live 200 miles away and have joined for £10 a month. If another 200 joined for even £5 a month it would not break the bank account just a pint of beer. The Town of 60k and add Runcorn for Halton, then I think nearly 130k people. There is fans like me who live away and easy to do online. There is also fans in Australia who could join too. Alan Coleman deserves more support and buying those Seson passes for kids is a great idea too, Now down to the people if want a decent team.

Posted : 30/12/2024 1:23 pm
Eminent Member

It's quite simple really.

People have better things to spend money on.

Posted : 30/12/2024 3:21 pm
Noble Member

A shame to be fair and a fiver is hardly much money. To me it seems the Town don't want a decent rugby team and lost the pride. Nothing else really in the Town to put on the map, because it is a dump with fudge all else in it. 😂

Posted : 30/12/2024 3:23 pm
Honorable Member

@johnny65 can’t get much for a fiver these days to be fair 🤣 even in a cost of living crisis it’s like pennies in this modern day

Posted : 30/12/2024 5:26 pm
sandgroper and Pascal reacted
Eminent Member

@scouseviking55 funny man I never said people couldn't afford to I said they had better things to do with their hard earned.

Posted : 30/12/2024 8:23 pm
Noble Member

Posted by: @scouseviking55

@johnny65 can’t get much for a fiver these days to be fair 🤣 even in a cost of living crisis it’s like pennies in this modern day

I understand what you mean mate because £5 wouldn't be a major expense to a rugby fan if like there team to go to the next level. Say there is 1k season ticket holders and even half did £5 WVIPS a month for a year be massive difference . We know others dpay more but to be successful we need that little extra than the other teams in the league. Personally I prefer the Season pass it on to kids for £35 because potentially you get more new fans. Kids bring parents, uncles etc. 

Hopefully if we can play well a few more will join these schemes. The passion Alan Coleman shows he deserves the Town supporting him. 👍💪 The club are doing there best asking for ideas but they also need the Widnes Town people wanting it to succeed and something we can be proud of on the pitch. 


Posted : 30/12/2024 9:45 pm
Honorable Member

@johnny65 weren’t trying to be funny pal, chill yourself.

It’s a genuine point. Out of interest what might someone better spend £5 on in a month? 1 pint of Cruzcampo? 1 large Costa hot drink? A maccies burger and small chips? 1 Tesco finest meal deal? 2 lotto tickets? I could go on to name a list of things that would give very temporary pleasure for a fiver.

If 1000 Widnes fans give up one of those above things once a month to provide to WVIPS its £60,000 a year, double what we’re currently producing from 214 fans.

it’s simple. Some fans want the best and complain when it’s not happening when we’ve got a board who helped secure the future without much of a pot to piss in but won’t drop one simple pleasure a month to help a squad builder such as WVIPS.

Not all fans, some may scrimp and save for a season ticket of course and that’s appreciated but majority could afford £5 a month giving up one purchase to a multi million pound organisation.


but of course that 10 minute Terry’s chocolate orange hot chocolate is ‘better to spend your money on’

Posted : 30/12/2024 10:40 pm
Eminent Member

@scouseviking55 at the end of the day it doesn't matter who can or cannot afford £5 a month or what they spend their money on,the interest obviously isn't there anymore and you can't force feed RL to public of Widarse whether the club is doing well or not.

Unfortunately football is a staple in this town whether we like it or not and it doesn't help that the game of Rugby League is on its arse.

Posted : 31/12/2024 12:04 am
Noble Member

Posted by: @johnny65

@scouseviking55 at the end of the day it doesn't matter who can or cannot afford £5 a month or what they spend their money on,the interest obviously isn't there anymore and you can't force feed RL to public of Widarse whether the club is doing well or not.

Unfortunately football is a staple in this town whether we like it or not and it doesn't help that the game of Rugby League is on its arse.

That is the sad thing, so how do we entice the interest and the board are interested in ideas to improve things? Ideas good or bad can at least be listened too. If Leigh can do it then we need to do it, because our Town is bigger plus got Runcorn to tap into. I love Football but also other sports and I am sure if new people gave it a shot, they might enjoy it too. 

What is annoying Leigh, Oldham and York buying into things but in Widnes they seem to just moan without ideas. 


Posted : 31/12/2024 9:21 am
Estimable Member

To be honest I think we are doing well here, after VIQI was closed due to whatever reason, there was a suspicion about where monies were going. That is now completely transparent and I applaud the people involved.

if I still lived in Widnes I would put my hand up to help, but as you all point out you can lead a horse to water ….

the only way now is up, we are as I see it financially secure and with Coleman pulling the playing strings it can only get better

other clubs may be burning money to make it to the promised land, but I think when they get there it will be little more than an empty shell

onwards and upwards 

Posted : 31/12/2024 2:11 pm
sandgroper reacted
Famed Member

What makes us a little different is that we don't owe everything to one or a few wealthy backers, but more to a wider support led by a generous and well motivated owner group. 

As to just where the game as a whole will be in the next few years it's just anybody's guess, but it doesn't look well run that's for sure!!!!!

Anyway, Happy New Year and good luck to all supporters, players and the club

Posted : 31/12/2024 10:44 pm
Estimable Member

From a personal opinion the club has been through the mill ( as we know ). I now live in Wales but I got to 10 plus games last year. Even going to Batley. I was starting to feel part of something even vocal engagement at the match🤣 But with the dark arts of viqi, membership and even the scrapped and much missed Cash Maker people are jaded. I think if wvips keeps it's cool and keeps chipping away people will get onboard. I'm not sure the name has a pull. Acronyms are excluding and the full name does not pull you in. As for VIP's...

Anyway I'm off to sign up.


Keep going 💪

Posted : 01/01/2025 11:23 am
Noble Member

Posted by: @pascal

Posted by: @johnny65

@scouseviking55 at the end of the day it doesn't matter who can or cannot afford £5 a month or what they spend their money on,the interest obviously isn't there anymore and you can't force feed RL to public of Widarse whether the club is doing well or not.

Unfortunately football is a staple in this town whether we like it or not and it doesn't help that the game of Rugby League is on its arse.

That is the sad thing, so how do we entice the interest and the board are interested in ideas to improve things? Ideas good or bad can at least be listened too. If Leigh can do it then we need to do it, because our Town is bigger plus got Runcorn to tap into. I love Football but also other sports and I am sure if new people gave it a shot, they might enjoy it too. 

What is annoying Leigh, Oldham and York buying into things but in Widnes they seem to just moan without ideas. 


The reason Leigh have become successful is because Degsys has put loads of his money into the club and bought lots of good players. Unfortunately Widnes haven’t got anybody with his sort of money who could help us out.

But I agree it wouldn’t be much of a burden for a lot of people to give £5 a month to Widnes, but would certainly help the club out a lot. Perhaps we could advertise it more, because unless your a keen supporter, I doubt a lot of people will know about it.


Posted : 01/01/2025 12:25 pm
Pascal reacted
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