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Well, not quite, but we have produced a few players who are standing in to help out!!


Tom Gilmore and OAB training with Salford!

Topic starter Posted : 22/09/2020 2:18 pm
Reputable Member

They must be desperate then as OAB always injured and Tom Gilmore was average at Widnes and Halifax.

Posted : 22/09/2020 4:42 pm
Noble Member

They must be desperate then as OAB always injured and Tom Gilmore was average at Widnes and Halifax.

Salford only looking to increase numbers in their depleted squad in order to finish the season. Good opportunity for both of them to get in some training and presumably saving London/Halifax their wages costs.

Was OAB injured at London or just not selected in any of the 5 games played? There were a few who would have liked him to stay at Widnes, but he was injury prone. Halifax only played 4 games with Gilmore playing two of those I think. Not sure how you could judge his performances as  average. He was another player with potential, who never fulfilled that potential and was also injury prone. Maybe Ottawa (if they actually play any games) is their last chance to prove themselves. I guess it is also about the money too.

Posted : 22/09/2020 7:29 pm
Reputable Member

They must be desperate then as OAB always injured and Tom Gilmore was average at Widnes and Halifax.

Salford only looking to increase numbers in their depleted squad in order to finish the season. Good opportunity for both of them to get in some training and presumably saving London/Halifax their wages costs. Was OAB injured at London or just not selected in any of the 5 games played? There were a few who would have liked him to stay at Widnes, but he was injury prone. Halifax only played 4 games with Gilmore playing two of those I think. Not sure how you could judge his performances as average. He was another player with potential, who never fulfilled that potential and was also injury prone. Maybe Ottawa (if they actually play any games) is their last chance to prove themselves. I guess it is also about the money too.

Personally I thought Tom Gilmore was average at Widnes and a Halifax fan I know was not impressed with him. Olly was a great field runner with potential, but unfortunately injuries occurred too often. He needed to improve under the high ball and his defence. Might find his level at Ottawa the same with Gilmore. Only an opinion Franky boy.

Posted : 23/09/2020 9:10 pm
Famed Member

Gilmore certainly has ability but also weaknesses. To perform at a high level players need to be able to correct their errors and I have no doubt that he tried, but his defence was poor on too many occasions.

Olly certainly has a lot to offer but physical toughness doesn't seem to be one of them. In a team that uses his speed but protects him he might do well, who knows?

Good luck to both of them, hope they succeed. We have moved on!

Topic starter Posted : 24/09/2020 8:19 am
Noble Member

Wonder theoretically if they did well at Salford whether they would prefer to stay there as opposed to Ottawa?

Widnes have done an awful lot for the player pool over the last few years, let alone historically, and it is perhaps the biggest success we have had in recent times.

Posted : 25/09/2020 3:02 pm
Famed Member

Wonder theoretically if they did well at Salford whether they would prefer to stay there as opposed to Ottawa? Widnes have done an awful lot for the player pool over the last few years, let alone historically, and it is perhaps the biggest success we have had in recent times.

You are probably correct there CJ91.We probably haven't produced 'super stars' but we have produced some very good support players, and having played for Widnes still seem to carry some street cred!

Looking at the game generally these days there does seem to be a lack of 'stand out' stars in the Offiah/Karalius/Inglis/Slater bracket, players that just did things that got you onto your feet!

Sadly one of the last things that Rangi Chase did that actually achieved that was that pass at Widnes that opened the defence up. Everybody just looked at each other and went 'Oh Yes!' - worth the entrance fee on its own.

Brian Bevan used to do it every week. Possibly defences have become too good, though we complain about poor tacklers they do leave those gaps.

Topic starter Posted : 26/09/2020 7:54 am
Noble Member

You are probably correct there CJ91.We probably haven’t produced ‘super stars’ but we have produced some very good support players, and having played for Widnes still seem to carry some street cred! Looking at the game generally these days there does seem to be a lack of ‘stand out’ stars in the Offiah/Karalius/Inglis/Slater bracket,.

Absolutely spot on with that...I wonder whether it's the coaching methods of today compared to the past (Not that I was around to watch Peak Offiah like)

I heard a story about 5 or 6 years ago about a young halfback who played for I think it was Lancashire academy and he did a chip over the defenders head, regathered and scored a solo try. Coach sent the water carrier on and said if he did that again he would be off as it wasn't in the gameplan.

Could be just an isolated incident but I'm inclined to think that it is a more widespread mindset....

Posted : 26/09/2020 6:41 pm
Noble Member

You are probably correct there CJ91.We probably haven’t produced ‘super stars’ but we have produced some very good support players, and having played for Widnes still seem to carry some street cred! Looking at the game generally these days there does seem to be a lack of ‘stand out’ stars in the Offiah/Karalius/Inglis/Slater bracket,.

Absolutely spot on with that…I wonder whether it’s the coaching methods of today compared to the past (Not that I was around to watch Peak Offiah like) I heard a story about 5 or 6 years ago about a young halfback who played for I think it was Lancashire academy and he did a chip over the defenders head, regathered and scored a solo try. Coach sent the water carrier on and said if he did that again he would be off as it wasn’t in the gameplan. Could be just an isolated incident but I’m inclined to think that it is a more widespread mindset….

I think you are spot on that coaches have ruined the game with their game plans with no flexibility even when it is clearly not working. It is all about position and percentages and little room for individualism. I have similar stories about Betts. I often wondered why on re-starts we always seemed to kick to the same player and the answer was based on percentages, the player would eventually make a mistake. The problem was they never did!!

Posted : 26/09/2020 8:16 pm
Famed Member

Larder took over at Widnes and didn't like MacKenzie choosing the plays. This after us winning the league twice and beating Canberra.

Interesting logic from TS that they can do anything - but practice it on the training paddock first!

That seems to fit with the Storm's play in that they have very well practiced set moves that they can employ as they are needed. With five minutes to go, say, Cameron Smith can call a play that produces  score. Bellamy doesn't keep players who don't remember the moves.

Its different to the 'play off the top off you head' style but good to watch if it's done well and I guess that many of the Laughton team had plays organised, it just needed a ringmaster to call the shots.

Topic starter Posted : 26/09/2020 9:30 pm
Noble Member

I did not see the game but I see Salford beat the Wire tonight & both Gilmore, 1 try & Bott played.

Posted : 29/09/2020 10:38 pm
Famed Member

Interesting that there were several players on view either ex Widnes or Widnes born, but very little comment on that. Salford looked a bit rudderless tbh, Wire were better organised but Salford did better in the second half. Inu did more to take the game to Wire.

Gilmore was just one of several half backs, none of whom were in charge, or so it seemed. He backed up a break and scored, but with him, Ackers and Atkin on the field I would have expected more organised back play.

Brand looked like he played at Widnes tbh, bombed a certain try, two on one, he dummied where a pass was a try.

To be fair Salford had only had one session together.

Topic starter Posted : 30/09/2020 8:48 am
Noble Member

Regardless of Gilmore etc, one thing is for certain: Ian Watson is a top class coach. And another with a Widnes connection!

Posted : 30/09/2020 6:11 pm
Famed Member

Plus he had TS in his ear for a while, must have been a useful sounding board if nothing else!

Topic starter Posted : 01/10/2020 12:45 pm
Noble Member

Who would we say is the best Widnes produced player of the Super League era?

Richie Myler?

Stephen Myler? (albeit in a different code mainly)

Matt Whitley is doing really well at Catalans too.


Posted : 01/10/2020 6:06 pm
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