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Warrington A Friendly

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Honorable Member

What does any expect? 

The coach was picked due to him been cheap and living close to Widnes.

The players are signed on the same basis.


Posted : 26/01/2024 10:41 pm
Estimable Member

Posted by: @spike-island-90

What does any expect? 

The coach was picked due to him been cheap and living close to Widnes.

The players are signed on the same basis.


That was more or less our starting line up 

Against a bunch of kids who looked far better.

I fear for this year as we are going to be near the bottom of the league unless we can find some investment 


We are miles behind the likes of Wakefield, Toulouse, Bradford Bulls, Halifax, and York


Posted : 27/01/2024 2:38 pm
Noble Member

Posted by: @spike-island-90

What does any expect? 

The coach was picked due to him been cheap and living close to Widnes.

The players are signed on the same basis.


How do you know? Just how much does he earn?


Posted : 27/01/2024 5:21 pm
Noble Member

Sick of hearing about so called 'kids'. They are young men on the fringes at a SL club.The pick of the crop.Not excusing a 46 point defeat but let's not call the opposition,kids.

Posted : 27/01/2024 5:35 pm
Noble Member

@sinbad   Agreed.

Dudsun certainly isn't a "kid,"

Posted : 27/01/2024 5:48 pm
Sinbad reacted
Honorable Member

@sinbad I quite agree. Wire have an exceptional crop coming through their Academy just back from a successful Australia tour and nobody called them kids there!

Anyway, give it a month or two and several will probably have a Vikings shirt on…

Enjoyed the game, a good run out. Our defensive line speed started well but faded in closing them down. We also looked short of kicking options in play. Was it just my perception or was Lyon’s v quiet? A bit of indiscipline cost us valuable first half possession, though notably improved second half.

Posted : 27/01/2024 8:27 pm
Sinbad reacted
Reputable Member

I was luckily enough to watch the game on you tube, and some parts was awful and some parts very good. Wilde, Gregson, Harvey Wilson  and Fozzard looked decent. The worrying thing for me is the halfbacks, and I wonder if can get a few from Warrington. Another centre, back rower and prop be nice too. Roby looks decent at fullback and hopefully as season progresses we improve. Ant Walker looks fitter than what I saw last season. All early days and I will be behind them even if end up crunchie. On a positive I hope Warrington  have a few players for us. 

Posted : 27/01/2024 9:23 pm
Trusted Member

For anybody who went would you sat that the Dud would be a good acquisition?

Posted : 28/01/2024 12:54 am
Noble Member

I thought we struggled when we made lots of changes and moved players around to give everyone a run in different positions. This certainly unsettled the team. I think it was a friendly on paper and in reality. The players will gel over the 1895 cup games and we’ll have to see where we’re at for the start of the season. We lack size in the middle so we’ll have to play an expansive game to suit our more mobile team. We won’t be winning the league but no need to write off the season just yet 

Posted : 28/01/2024 2:05 am
Eminent Member

Captain marvellous out again injured with a broken arm.

Posted : 28/01/2024 4:15 pm
Reputable Member

Posted by: @johnny65

Captain marvellous out again injured with a broken arm.


Who? Owens? Gilly?

Posted : 28/01/2024 9:18 pm
Noble Member

@johnnyboy I’d assume Owens

Posted : 29/01/2024 2:30 am
Johnnyboy reacted
Noble Member

One of those 'kids' Max Wood,scored two tries.He bumped off Wilde for his first and Wilson for his second.Strong kid.

Posted : 29/01/2024 12:34 pm
Trusted Member

Posted by: @johnny65

Captain marvellous out again injured with a broken arm.


Lies, Its his hand. You're welcome.


Posted : 29/01/2024 3:21 pm
Reputable Member

It will be interesting what dual players we receive for the Swinton game. The concern for me is halfbacks, centre and lack of size in the forwards. Hope Coleman gets it right, but without size we need an expansive game. I have been impressed with Harvey Wilson from Wigan and glad a season loan. 

Posted : 29/01/2024 3:29 pm
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