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Today's safety meeting for allowing fans in for the next 3 home games

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Estimable Member

Now we have a situation where people who are entitled to (through a season ticket) don’t want to go to the match and people who want to go can’t buy a ticket 😂😂😂

Posted : 16/05/2021 6:37 am
Honorable Member

It wouldn't be walk ups, it would be ordering an electronic ticket and giving full contact details for everyone that wanted to go.

By leaving it to the last minute (be that the council, club or whoever) they have messed up. Like I have said if it was done the week before, season ticket holders could of had say the first 3 days to secure a seat. Dont forget with the way things are not everyone will actually want to attend yet. You can't use your season ticket so everyone has to order one.  Then after that the remaining tickets could go on general sale with people supplying the same contact info.

Why with the stadium facility we have could we not let 2,500 to 3,000 fans in. That would comfortably allow everyone who wants to go to get in. Government guidelines say 4,000 can attend. They had 20,000 at Wembley yesterday. My honest opinion on numbers would be circa 2,500. Its a lost revenue opportunity for the club and also bad PR as a number of people feel frustrated.

From a personal note I was a season ticket holder last year and donated the money. I was then made redundant and got a job that only has 1 weekend a month off, so buying a season ticket wasn't feasible,  especially if that 1 weekend off fell on an away game. Now as all 3 games are season season ticket only, I won't be able to attend my 1 match per month. Very frustrating when you would be sat outside in such a large stadium.

Would the council come out and say its down to cost and either they don't want to pay to open all the stands or they don't want to contribute the resources to organise it properly and safely? Are the club not throwing the council under a bus to protect the relationship after what happened with the previous regime at Widnes?

Topic starter Posted : 16/05/2021 7:46 am
Noble Member

Interesting to see the crowd at Wembley yesterday, when the cameras showed the crowd, the majority of them weren’t wearing their masks, as they could easily be identified by the stewards, I assume the rules about having to wear a mask all through the match, is more of a request, than a rule.

I  can’t see our stewards walking up and down the aisles looking for people not wearing a mask and ejecting them from the ground.

Posted : 16/05/2021 8:09 am
Honorable Member

I’ve just read Hull FC’s ‘code of conduct’ and it’s pretty much the same as ours so I’d assume it’s a game wide document. Masks at all times, not leaving your seat until told at the end of the game.

Their fans have been allocated seats without the choice of where they sit

Posted : 16/05/2021 9:43 am
Reputable Member

Widnes do not have the amount of office staff that the SL or well off Ch clubs have to do all that kind of work   We are run on a purse string until we can get Moneyman/Woman on board.

Posted : 16/05/2021 11:30 am
Estimable Member

Sounds to me like the council has been dragging its feet and is being overly cautious, perhaps. Maybe their required staff have remained on furlough until the last minute, meaning getting organised for it was left til now. Believe season ticket sales are around 1400. We should be able to accommodate 4000 – but even accommodating 2000 surely shouldn’t have been beyond the realms of any restrictions / safety advisory group concerns.

Thats all reasonable. But why is this council so different to the rest? We have an all seater stadium so pretty simple to manage social distancing compared to say Warrington with large standing areas

This council is different because they are very confident their position is in no danger whatsoever and they will never be held to account for their actions. They can do what they want and they are doing.

If you go swimming in a Halton pool or swimming in a Warrington pool at these Covid times you notice the difference. If they bother to open the pool at all. Runcorn pool has been closed since March 2020.

Someone spent a lot of money on a beer garden in Runcorn ( difficult to believe I know ) and the council came along and insisted they dismantle half the shelter roof.

The stadium fiasco can be added to a long list.


Posted : 16/05/2021 12:20 pm
Estimable Member

Widnes do not have the amount of office staff that the SL or well off Ch clubs have to do all that kind of work We are run on a purse string until we can get Moneyman/Woman on board.

London have been a basket case, didn’t know where they’d be playing home games, but still they are selling tickets to Bradford fans for their upcoming game.

The capacity of the ground may be down to the council. But how that is filled is down to the club

Posted : 16/05/2021 12:23 pm
Reputable Member

Widnes do not have the amount of office staff that the SL or well off Ch clubs have to do all that kind of work We are run on a purse string until we can get Moneyman/Woman on board.

Here we go. I knew it wouldn't take long!

Posted : 16/05/2021 12:31 pm
Noble Member

Who are these well off championship clubs ?

Posted : 16/05/2021 1:09 pm
Reputable Member

Who are these well off championship clubs ?

Aren't Batley rolling in it? I am sure I read somewhere that Oldham were the 5th richest sporting establishments in the Forbes sports list of 2021.

Posted : 16/05/2021 1:26 pm
Reputable Member

Who are these well off championship clubs ?


Prove me wrong.

Posted : 16/05/2021 8:20 pm
Reputable Member

Who are these well off championship clubs ?


Prove me wrong.    Some of them must have someone with money.


Posted : 16/05/2021 8:23 pm
Noble Member

Who are these well off championship clubs ?

Prove me wrong. Some of them must have someone with money.

It was just a question.What should I do, go into their accounts ?

Posted : 16/05/2021 9:30 pm
Estimable Member

Who are these well off championship clubs ?

Prove me wrong. Some of them must have someone with money.

It was just a question. What should I do, go into their accounts ?

Toulouse is a given, London are payrolled by Dave Hughes, I think York may have a bit behind them, but beyond them I wouldn't know.  Going into the season we should have been rivalling Bradford for weekly crowd numbers.    But now I think we'll struggle

Posted : 17/05/2021 7:25 am
Estimable Member

Interesting to see the crowd at Wembley yesterday, when the cameras showed the crowd, the majority of them weren’t wearing their masks, as they could easily be identified by the stewards, I assume the rules about having to wear a mask all through the match, is more of a request, than a rule. I can’t see our stewards walking up and down the aisles looking for people not wearing a mask and ejecting them from the ground.

The FA Cup final was one of the test events, similar to the concert in Liverpool the other week, masks weren't mandatory, you could wear one if you wanted to.

I'm not sure how it works with capacity, I know it's 50% but then you still have to socially distance as well, so I don't think you can just sit in every other seat, there will have to be spacings between groups of people.

Posted : 17/05/2021 8:21 am
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