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Today's safety meeting for allowing fans in for the next 3 home games

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Estimable Member

Who are these well off championship clubs ?

Prove me wrong. Some of them must have someone with money.

It was just a question. What should I do, go into their accounts ?

Toulouse is a given, London are payrolled by Dave Hughes, I think York may have a bit behind them, but beyond them I wouldn’t know. Going into the season we should have been rivalling Bradford for weekly crowd numbers. But now I think we’ll struggle

London made a loss of £881K in the year to November 2019, £1.6M loss the year before and are £24M in debt

York City Knights lost around £5K to Nov 2019 and are £82K in debt

Feathestone made a profit of £35K and aren't in debt, but have their stadium as a major asset

All taken from Companies House.

It puts into perspective the difference between London and the rest of the clubs, presumably the £24M is owed to David Hughes.

Posted : 17/05/2021 8:50 am
Noble Member

Didn’t the person/people who saved Bradford from administration put money into the club as well, do they could buy some better players?

Posted : 17/05/2021 10:23 am
Estimable Member

No ticket system yet, but another update from the club.  There's some info on the decision making process, but some of it sounds very defensive - wish they'd just stick to the facts

Some highlights:
*South Stand concourse used for changing rooms
*East Stand exit/entry not deemed suitable for current restrictions
*Both of these mean the capacity isn't 4k

Don't think we're ever going to find out fill details, If the East couldn't be used for fans, why not designate that one of the changing rooms,  Also I know the south could be split into two stands as you cant automatically get from the West side to the East side, that could be the other, or even the two bars in the ground - we've seen these utilised at other venues

I may be over simplifying things, I just hope they have tried everything

Posted : 17/05/2021 3:25 pm
Reputable Member

All very defensive as you say. I just don’t understand how every other side apart from widnes can manage it.

Posted : 17/05/2021 3:35 pm
Reputable Member

Ticket system is up, very simple if you want to book one person.  If you want to book with family members who have their own ticket, not so much.

Posted : 17/05/2021 4:20 pm
Estimable Member

Ticket system is up, very simple if you want to book one person. If you want to book with family members who have their own ticket, not so much.

I’m waiting for a reply from the club. I’m not sure on timescales. Looking at those entry times, hoping not to get allocated a 1.10 entry time

Posted : 17/05/2021 4:26 pm
Reputable Member

Likewise, my issue is now the ticket system is up everyone that can will pick the seats they want.  We're relying on the club responding to an email which usually a) doesn't happen or b) happens in about 3 weeks time.

A 1.10pm entry call for a 3pm kick off is ridiculous.

Posted : 17/05/2021 4:29 pm
Estimable Member

All very defensive as you say. I just don’t understand how every other side apart from widnes can manage it.

I asked that on FB earlier and got another defensive reply. I don’t think people are asking anything unreasonable.

The council are the ones with most say in this, or you’d think so anyway. Maybe they’re less helpful than others, but you’d think they’d want their main tenants  in their facility to be successful, living out of area don’t know what they’re like

Posted : 17/05/2021 4:30 pm
Estimable Member

Likewise, my issue is now the ticket system is up everyone that can will pick the seats they want. We’re relying on the club responding to an email which usually a) doesn’t happen or b) happens in about 3 weeks time. A 1.10pm entry call for a 3pm kick off is ridiculous.


I doubt they’ve got any idea on the number of bubbles that exist in the ground. It’s probably something they should have asked when the season tickets were on sale. It may have not been an option in the guidance then but was certainly on the cards based on the sporting events open last autumn/winter

Posted : 17/05/2021 4:35 pm
Honorable Member

most of the crowd have prob had 1 or 2 covid jabs apart from the kids in the nw corner lol

Posted : 17/05/2021 4:45 pm
Noble Member that for real?

With 1400ish in a 13500 stadium?

Deary me, be waiting longer than the match for the match!

Posted : 17/05/2021 5:25 pm
Trusted Member

Watching the’Team’ down the road that we do not like, finding it very strange. Terraces open with NO social distancing, what on earth is going on.
Seating 4000, socially distance is possible at the Gerry Halliwell so why are fans being allowed to stand! Perhaps our limit of just season tickets, approximately 1400 has been a decision made by our glorious council and not the club. Same at Cas as well.

Posted : 17/05/2021 6:18 pm
Eminent Member

Just booked for the family as long as you know there email it's simple.

Posted : 17/05/2021 7:38 pm
Reputable Member

Watching the’Team’ down the road that we do not like, finding it very strange. Terraces open with NO social distancing, what on earth is going on. Seating 4000, socially distance is possible at the Gerry Halliwell so why are fans being allowed to stand! Perhaps our limit of just season tickets, approximately 1400 has been a decision made by our glorious council and not the club. Same at Cas as well.

I said the same thing to my lad - the seats were all spaced out in bubble groups but those terraced parts were very close (not as close as I’ve seen previously but still...) not sure how that was passed.

Posted : 17/05/2021 9:23 pm
Noble Member

Perhaps instead of going to all the trouble of taking alternative rows of seats out and all the end of row seats in the North and West stands, we should take ALL the seats out, then everyone can stand together, like they did at Warrington last night, and we can have a lot more people attending, and we won’t have to pick were your going to sit, you can just book a ticket and stand anywhere.

Posted : 18/05/2021 8:23 am
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