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Simon Finnigan as new coach

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Estimable Member

Sinon Finnigan as new coach is the latest rumour. Thoughts anyone? I will start it off, no thanks Widnes, there will be no season ticket renewal for me.

Topic starter Posted : 04/11/2020 9:31 am
Trusted Member

Sinon Finnigan as new coach is the latest rumour. Thoughts anyone? I will start it off, no thanks Widnes, there will be no season ticket renewal for me.

How very you know him ? or something about him that makes him not up to the job ? tell.

As a player at Widnes always seemed to be on the ball when I have spoken to him .

Seen him work with the players of TWP and they seemed to respect him.

True Widnes would be a stepping stone to onwards and upwards for him imho but take advantage of what he offers.......................

So ,if anyone has good reason to oppose that view OK . but do tells s why !!!!!!

Posted : 04/11/2020 9:46 am
Famed Member

Sinon Finnigan as new coach is the latest rumour. Thoughts anyone? I will start it off, no thanks Widnes, there will be no season ticket renewal for me.

Top coaches will want top dollar wbich, as a club struggling to build again after Administration, we would struggle to find. Though you want a Rolls sometimes you can only afford a Ford that will do the job witbout the glamour.

If you can't see that throw tbe toys out if the pram.

Posted : 04/11/2020 11:02 am
Estimable Member

Nothing odd about it, it's my opinion. We went for an up and coming coach in Betts some years ago look how that went, then the same again with Purtil. We got Sheens in and seemed to attract players to the club. Nothing against Finnigan personally as a person or a player, but I would prefer an experienced coach to lead us rather than someone cutting his teeth. We can't be saying that we should be aiming for a top finish with the team we have then put a head coach in with little experience as a head coach in the championship. Maybe we can't afford a Rolls but atleast go for a Volvo 🙂

Topic starter Posted : 04/11/2020 11:47 am
Prominent Member Admin

What experienced coaches are even out there?

Even Super League clubs seem to struggle to identify them - hence Hull have Last in post, Huddersfield have Robinson.

Posted : 04/11/2020 12:54 pm
Reputable Member

Think in terms of attracting a certain level of player the coach profile can be pivotal...dont really see Finnegan fitting that although he may attract ex Toronto players...for me if  Henderson or marshall were possible they'd be a very smart appointment...already recognised as top coaches and would be handy with their links at saints n wire in terms of possible loans ....

Posted : 04/11/2020 2:53 pm
Noble Member

Not sure why any fan would want to stop watching the club because they disagree with the appointment of coach without seeing how they perform, but their choice. Did everyone agree with the appointment (and retention of Betts for so long). or the appointments of Cummins and Purtill (who had limited coaching experience) or indeed the appointment of Sheens?

I do not think that Kilshaw is suitable for the club and perhaps would have been a cheap option, but if appointed would give him a chance. If Finnegan has applied and is appointed, he would be a decent signing. Links with the club, good playing experience and reasonable coaching experience at TWP and Newcastle.

As for aiming for a rolls royce signing, I am not sure that such appointments (usually Australians) have all been successful. Even Sheens, who was presumably seen as a top coach, failed at HKR - he is probably a second hand rolls royce, but still running well!! The club have said that they would pay the salary commensurate with experience either on a full-time or part-time basis. Presumably, if a rolls royce coach has applied and been interviewed and was the best candidate, the salary would not be an issue. Even Long says he was approached by Widnes (to his amusement) and he would not have been cheap. Perhaps you could look on Long as a sports car that looks flash, but little under the bonnet!

So come on, get behind the club whoever is appointed.

Posted : 04/11/2020 3:04 pm
Reputable Member

Our last two coaches have used the club for their own benefit

Cummins was a stop gap after Betts pottered through x number of years picking up a salary

At least Finnigan cares about the club, which is evident every time he is asked about it, he did a good job at Newcastle and is well thought of at TWP

I would much rather give a shot to someone who has the clubs interest at heart than be used again and again by someone who sees us as a stopgap or stepping stone


Posted : 04/11/2020 3:23 pm
Famed Member

How much coaching experience had Dougie, or Frank Myler?

We are in the same position as Finnigan, if Finnigan it is. We are trying to move up the rankings from a pretty low start, financially and performance wise. Our best years have been under coaches with playing experience, but only little coaching experience.

Those successes were born, in large measure, from a close knit group of players and their coach, many local, and we could do that again. We don't know if we have a new Assistant Coach etc but no doubt all will be revealed in due course.

Whoever the Coach is its 'us against the rest', as it always was, no silver spoons or sugar daddies!

Posted : 04/11/2020 3:36 pm
New Member

I would be happy with Finnigan. He knows the club and what it stands for. And I trust the board to have picked someone worthy! We have been burnt too many times by ulterior motives - I don't see Finnigan being the same.

Posted : 04/11/2020 4:44 pm
Prominent Member

I would be happy with Finnigan. He knows the club and what it stands for. And I trust the board to have picked someone worthy! We have been burnt too many times by ulterior motives – I don’t see Finnigan being the same.

He knows nothing about the club been nowhere near it in  9 years.

Posted : 04/11/2020 5:29 pm
Prominent Member

Done deal.

2 years

Posted : 04/11/2020 5:40 pm
Estimable Member

I was only joking about the season ticket, I let the club have this years money and will be renewing for 2021. I'm with Mick George in the issue of him knowing the club. I still believe there must be coaches out there with experience that are a good fit for the club. People going on about past coaches like Frank and Dougie, rugby league has moved on since then. I heard a large scraping noise from the bottom end of  the town earlier, it was the vikings scraping the bottom of the barrel.

Topic starter Posted : 04/11/2020 5:53 pm
Trusted Member

Sinon Finnigan as new coach is the latest rumour. Thoughts anyone? I will start it off, no thanks Widnes, there will be no season ticket renewal for me.

What a comment to make. Some of our so called fans are the worst. Why on earth would you decide not to buy a season ticket based on the coach selection?

We have the making of a decent side if we make a few further good additions. Finnigan may not be a big name appointment, but realistically was we ever going to get that? He has served a decent apprenticeship at Newcastle and Toronto, seems well regarded and has been at the club before.

Ian Watson was certainly not a big name appointment when he got the Salford job and look how well hes done.

Finnigan probably wouldnt be my first choice, but if he gets it from ~20 applicants, then he must of impressed most and will have my full backing. I am all for ex players coming through as decent coaches.




Posted : 04/11/2020 5:57 pm
Reputable Member

Fair points made by most. I’m not exactly inspired by Finnigan but can understand the decision made. Let’s see how it works out

Posted : 04/11/2020 6:02 pm
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