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Reputable Member

Posted by: @salwid

'Well nobody knows the facts unless part of admin with the wages'...or you know the people concerned i.e the players..


you moan on and sound like someone with an axe to grind against the club because maybe one of those ‘players’ you know haven’t had much game time because they’re probably not very good for championship level 


Posted : 18/10/2023 10:06 am
BEGG reacted
Trusted Member

Scouse Viking there seems to be a few like this who come on with an Axe to grind. Personally there is probably just a pot of money available to spend, and the club want to spend what available to get the best team possible with that budget. It is not as if Widnes have a money tree to spend willingly? The board, fans and coaches all have opinions right or wrong. Lawton for example may not have had an offer much more at Oldham, but got a 2 year offer, and that is the clubs decision. I do not mind Craven or Lawton, but say we sign Craven for 2 years this message board be moaning why we offered him 2 years, when is getting older and prone to injuries? I will support my team whoever is playing, and I will back the new coach to assemble his own team. SalWid could have paid out his own money for the players contracts, especially because wanted to keep them. 🤣 

Posted : 18/10/2023 12:22 pm
sandgroper reacted
Prominent Member Admin

Posted by: @mckviking

I believe craven/Lawton/farnworth to be good players but maybe got too comfortable at widnes, we finished 9th last season so any players leaving with the exception of one or two isn’t the end of the world 

As has been said though, that's all well and good if the club can demonstrate it can recruit better players than them.

In other news, Sam Brooks will be announced at some point this week.


Posted : 18/10/2023 2:58 pm
Famed Member

You never know what's around the bend though, with the re-hash of fixtures they may yet be playing the same clubs as they were last year! Still, they have the thrill of driving through Manchester and back two or three times a week next year - now that is a new challenge!!

As long as we get some big bruisers like Kirk It will be a different Vikings next year.


Posted : 18/10/2023 3:19 pm
Pascal reacted
Noble Member

So what,some players were offered terms they were not happy with so looked elsewhere ? Nothing new about that,it happens all the time at every club.



Posted : 18/10/2023 3:21 pm
Prominent Member

Posted by: @sinbad

So what,some players were offered terms they were not happy with so looked elsewhere ? Nothing new about that,it happens all the time at every club.



Exactly mate it is a short career and they just do what is best for their family. As I said before Widnes just pay what they think worth and if do not want to match it then fair enough. 

It be interesting training at Oldham stuck in the motorway traffic. 


Posted : 18/10/2023 3:28 pm
Sinbad reacted
Eminent Member

no, just a axe...sorry

Posted : 18/10/2023 3:32 pm
Famed Member

Another two year contract! Not bad for a club that only offers one year contracts on minimum pay!!!

Posted : 18/10/2023 7:04 pm
Eminent Member

@sandgroper that's what I was told was offered to the players that left hence why they left.

It's not hard is it really??

Posted : 18/10/2023 10:21 pm
Famed Member


I'm not doubting your word J65 .

There were a few on this site were questioning whether we were getting a good deal having regard to our gates etc. Sounds like an assessment was done to compare our squad cost with others (the 'bang for your buck' ?) and some were offered what the club thought they were worth and they weren't happy.

We'll have to see how it works out.

Posted : 19/10/2023 9:48 am
Ratboy reacted
Noble Member

Of course they left because the cushy number here was over for them.Either coasting through games half arsed or watching from the stand the monthly cheque was still paid.They had to find another gravy train elsewhere and third division rugby will suit them down to the ground because it requires even less effort.

Posted : 19/10/2023 10:16 am
Reputable Member

Watch Lawton become unfit again eating junk at the service stations after training. Takes nearly an hour to Oldham depending on traffic. Good luck to them but we move on and get the best players possible with the budget. 

Posted : 19/10/2023 10:27 am
Eminent Member

@sandgroper Agreed and their is probably one more player at the club who is literally taking the piss and has done nothing since he came back..

Posted : 19/10/2023 12:37 pm
Prominent Member Admin

What is "minimum" pay?

They train for what, two hours, three times a week, and then play on Sundays. So it's <16 hours a week. That'd be what, about £8.5k a year on min wage.

Posted : 19/10/2023 2:04 pm
Eminent Member

@jdgsport that's what I was told they offered him.

Posted : 19/10/2023 2:09 pm
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