Hamilton responds o...
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Hamilton responds on social media

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Reputable Member

Sick to death of the constant spiral downwards that this club is going. I was spoiled with the status of the club in the 80’s and 90’s but we’ve been (bar the odd up turn every now and again) an embarrassment since really. Lurching from crisis to crisis. My fave phrase “Only at Widnes” is getting tedious now. Neither our CEO or anyone should be abused but then again he IS the CEO! He’s in charge! But how appropriate is it to lash out on LinkedIn (a business social media platform!) and BBC local radio with veiled threats and unprofessional conduct. He’s been slowly turning this into a crunchie show with sacking off of some players that were surprising (some not) and replacing most of the office staff (with amateurs by the looks of the social media outputs lately). So, naturally fans will share their frustrations. Can I please appeal to those in the club leadership team to remember who this club is for. Fans. We’re human and loyal and make mistakes through disappointment. But don’t take us for granted. We would (and have) given the last pennies in our pockets to make sure Widnes succeeds. All we ask is for those privileged to take charge of the club to do their best and give us all something to cheer about. Wouldn’t that be nice (for a change) COYV ⚫️⚪️

Posted : 09/02/2024 10:33 am
Noble Member

The Board, who appointed Hamilton, need to listen to the concerns of fans (and respond) at the antics of Chris Hamilton and the damage he is doing to the Club. Unless they see that his short tenure has been a disaster both in the quality of the squad he has brought in and the reputational harm to the Club with his public comments, the already reducing fanbase will collapse.

If the Board continue to support Hamilton, the only outcome will be a downward spiral in support, with an inevitable outcome; and my guess people will not be prepared to put their hands in their pockets to save the Club next time it fails.

Posted : 09/02/2024 10:47 am
sunny, WatfordViking, Johnnyboy and 1 people reacted
Honorable Member

Been speaking to a few people tonight about the verbal attack on Hamilton. Seems it wasn't just verbal (threats) and it wasn't confined to Hamilton. Joe Edge was verbally abused when attempting to see his niece in the crowd after the game, as were a couple of other players.

The people to whom I was speaking tonight are diehards at every game, I doubt they'll go away games again. I wasn't there so I don't know but I believe what I was told.

Hamilton might be poor at his job. And our players aren't 80s or 90s standard. But they work all week and try their hardest at the weekend. I don't think this club will be around much longer. The Board can do no more, the CEO's heart isn't in it, the players are part-time and are now being abused and the fans hate their lives anyway. So, I think we're in terminal decline tbh.


Posted : 09/02/2024 11:04 pm
Honorable Member

We have yet to hear anything from the Board regarding their shortcomings. Why don't they just put it out there to the fan base "WE NEED SOME HELP, PLEASE" I'm sure the fans would give them loads of good ideas. Just bloody ask before it's too late. They are out of their depth.


Paulie xx

Posted : 10/02/2024 12:08 am
Noble Member

@pauliewalnuts, and Johnnyboy and FrankG.

Agreed totally.

Hamilton must go before it is too late - his tirade including " I hate RL" brings his attitude to the club and to RL in general into disrepute. It makes clear he has no interest in the sport or in this club.

He was a poor choice in the first place. OK, mistakes happen but PLEASE, Board, get rid of him NOW before the club folds.

He does not have the future of Widnes RLFC on his mind. All of the previous staff have left since he was appointed, season ticket support is plummeting, some decent players have left, there is a reason why Oldham RLFC were glad to see the back of him - PLEASE see sense and get rid of him now before this mighty club folds.

Cut your losses, Board, he is bringing this club into disrepute, sack him now before it is too late.

I first watched Widnes play in approx 1947, over the years have bought shares which have gone Bump, donated items to the recent "last chance saloon" raffle, travel some 150 mile round trip to a home game bringing Newbies with me, have been a gold south stand season ticket holder for "donkeys years", was so pleased when our board took over - and sincerely thank them for doing so - but just cannot stand by without saying what I honestly believe. 

His ego, and your lack of action, will close this club.

Act now, Board, as Alan Sugar would surely say "You'r fired", and save this club.


Posted : 10/02/2024 1:47 am
Estimable Member

Posted by: @pauliewalnuts

We have yet to hear anything from the Board regarding their shortcomings. Why don't they just put it out there to the fan base "WE NEED SOME HELP, PLEASE" I'm sure the fans would give them loads of good ideas. Just bloody ask before it's too late. They are out of their depth.


Paulie xx

If they do then Hamilton would have to go as he tells us different.  With £200,000 given to them recently how are they broke ?


Posted : 10/02/2024 1:48 pm
Active Member

@prisoner At the moment 'All roads lead to Rome' or in the club's case 'The elephant in the room' There can surely  only be one sensible and logical outcome for the good of the club and we all know what that is........

Posted : 10/02/2024 2:20 pm
Reputable Member

If the club treated the fans better I think we would not have lost 1k season ticket holders. At £200 I feel 200k would have bought decent players. Then winning brings more fans it is not rocket science. 🙈

Posted : 10/02/2024 3:18 pm
Prisoner reacted
Trusted Member

Unlike Mr Hamilton I love Rugby League and have supported Widnes since watching my first game in October 1970 on the terraces in Naughton Park (I think it was versus Swinton).

The outlook for us this season looks dismal. But after watching boring RU 6-Nations games on the tele, I'm really glad that I've renewed my season ticket and hope that things will only get better for "my" team.





Posted : 10/02/2024 7:26 pm
Estimable Member

Agreed let’s hope it’s a positive result 

Posted : 10/02/2024 7:40 pm
Estimable Member

@sunny nice post. It's people like yourself and dad I feel sorry for. Your better than a misspelt badge and half arsed argument

Posted : 10/02/2024 10:46 pm
Active Member

@ratboy couldn’t agree more Ratboy. Sold just over 1k ST this year from what I can work out, Coleman has also stated this today in his after match interview. We have always had a solid 2k ST holders obviously more in SL seasons. I was made redundant 2 yrs ago, I’ve had a ST since 1990’ maybe a few yrs earlier. 

I kept my ST year I lost my job, last year I didn’t bother to renew it based on shocking performances, poor recruitment etc etc. I could afford it just couldn’t be bothered. No one from the club contacted me to ask why or to try and get me to renew.

again this yr I am not bothering for similar reason to above. Yet again no one from the club has contacted me to see why I have not renewed. They simply don’t seem to have their fingers on the pulse. They seem to have brought in a man to annoy people to encourage them to leave or he has wilfully low balled people with new contracts knowing they would not take them. He has also encouraged players who are still on contracts to move elsewhere, players have said no they want to be here. 

all cost cutting exercises or to get people out of the club who would push back against CH. 

All in all it IMVHO is going to cost the club money rather than save money. As Ratboy says £200k in non renewed ST is in the wind, probably tens of thousands lost because of the badge error on kits, I certainly won’t be buying a kit with the incorrect town badge on it. 

this statement will not help any waivering  fans return. I know 2 others who have not renew ST and will not be doing so. One of them will be cancelling his VIP subscription which in the end hurts the clubs playing budget as all funds are handed to the club for recruitment purposes. 

As mentioned elsewhere I think we did need someone cheaper than PF and who was capable of running operations, but this guy is not that person. He seems to me to be here for his own ego as I cannot see 1 just one thing that he has done since he came that has improved the club. He has driven people out of the club and some very good people behind the scenes not in the playing squad who were wholeheartedly Widnes through and through CH is not. 

the sooner he goes the better as far as I am concerned. 

Posted : 11/02/2024 8:45 pm
Ratboy reacted
Reputable Member

Neil W a good post and it hurts me being a Widnes fan to see one man destroying the club. I feel for Coleman as doing his best and comes across well and love him to succeed. Let's hope results improve. 👍

Posted : 11/02/2024 9:07 pm
Noble Member

Well CH has achieved a record for himself in today's attendance!

Agree that the players and coach seem to be trying and working and it's a shame they have been somewhat overshadowed!

Posted : 12/02/2024 12:11 am
Estimable Member

Was it Hamilton on the match announcements. Definitely an Oldham accent. Your Widnes Vikings? No Rockin Roy?

Posted : 12/02/2024 7:02 am
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