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Halifax away

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Prominent Member

Most pleasing win in a long time. Near perfect 30 minutes. Field knocks on on their line and don’t think we attack their line again in the first half. The penalty incident with Gilmore was an utter disgrace. Carried through the air and gave it as his arm had touched the ground. An utter disgrace- as was his general performance. 

Second half, i think everyone was thinking ‘here we go again’. They scored off two poor kicks from Fozard and Gilmore, but the strength and resilience to fight back our way into the game was admirable. The tackle right on the hooter was incredible.

A fabulous win and sets us up for next week. Hopefully a big crowd- the players and coaching staff deserve it  

Posted : 21/07/2024 5:32 pm
Noble Member

Just reading about what RL refs get paid , and it’s between £1,200 and £2,200 a match, depending on if it’s a top match. Thats quite good money, £35-70,000 a season .

For that sort of money, we should be getting a better standard of referees.

Posted : 21/07/2024 5:45 pm
Estimable Member

@viking25  Good that we backed last weeks win up with a decent if nervy away win. Was following via the BBC Website, so whilst heartened by the 18 nil lead was then worried that the scores were all coming from Halifax! However to everyone's credit we didn't let it slip. It can't be easy for a much changed team to gel each week, but they managed it. How did the loanees do BTW? Thinking particularly of Green, Wood and Bailey?

Posted : 21/07/2024 6:21 pm
Estimable Member

@farnworth-viking Thats not in the Championship knock a few zeros off or take it up.

Posted : 21/07/2024 6:22 pm
Eminent Member

Unfortunately the referees are well below standard and do not justify their match fees .

In the last few games there has been numerous head high tackles that have gone unpunished and it is shameful especially as the players are part time and any serious injury affects their main job .

The rugby league board do not appear to be bothered about discipline or protection of the players and their delay in dealing with the issues in our Swinton game epitomises this . By employing sub standard referees in these litigious times they leave themselves open ,if God forbid , a player is badly injured and undertakes an action against them on the basis that they appoint and are responsible for the referees .

Posted : 21/07/2024 7:06 pm
Prominent Member

@wirralviking I’ll be honest: I didn’t really notice them- good or bad. Wood probably the better of the three of them.

We should be doing everything we can to sign Keanan Brand permanently next year. Stand out centre at this level and can play multiple positions. 

Posted : 21/07/2024 7:29 pm
Prominent Member

Posted by: @johnnyboy

Why doesn’t it surprise me we’re talking about bizarre ref decisions and not the performance. Scandalous low quality of officials in this league. 

It was SL Ref Vella.


Posted : 21/07/2024 8:56 pm
Johnnyboy reacted
Prominent Member

The Gilmore incident, apparently we were penalised for a push on a Fax player by Ince as he was about to receive Gilly's pass. Dunno whether that is true, or not, but will find out tomorrow, no doubt.

On leaving the ground a couple of Fax supporters were 'belly aching' over a try we scored in front of where our fans were standing was a knock-on. I don't know whether it was Roby's or the Gilmore 'bagatelle' effort. Fax player's didn't complain. Both looked good to me, but I was 65 yards away.

Any thought's?


Paulie xx 

Posted : 21/07/2024 9:07 pm
Noble Member

Great news a win and 2 points, it is  about time we had some luck. These lads deserve a good turn out from the Widnes fans next week. If we can get into the playoffs, t will entice more fans and players to join us next season. The budget and resources Alan Coleman has is not brilliant, but he s doing a fantastic job. 

Posted : 21/07/2024 9:17 pm
Trusted Member


I must say I was worried Gilly's try would be disallowed for a knock on, right in front of me. The ref hesitated but gave it a bit dubiously, I thought. After that the ref seemed to go out of his way to make amends to Fax! We were lucky also with a couple of sitters Fax missed with sloppy last passes and with not one but two kick outs on the full from restarts. Nevertheless top marks to the lads for a fine first half hour, for the fightback after going down and for the last ten minutes desperate defending. No stars but Lloyd stood out as he usually does and Butt was solid under a lot of high kicks. Roby managed not to screw up this time. Brand is class. 

Posted : 21/07/2024 9:50 pm
Estimable Member

@pauliewalnuts ..........................seems Coleman is another fan of VELLA!  I have not seen him have a decent performance refffing Widnes for many a year!


Posted : 21/07/2024 11:07 pm
sunny, Pascal, Chris B and 2 people reacted
Trusted Member

Thanks for posting the clip Erik, because it shows an enthusiastic and realistic coach speaking from the heart.

Posted : 22/07/2024 7:45 am
Pascal and Chris B reacted
Noble Member

Absolute love this guy Coleman he gives everything for this club. Please extend his contract the coach the biggest signing. We also need the people of Widnes to turn up as bigger the attendance, then more money for next season. 

Posted : 22/07/2024 9:28 am
Reputable Member

@pauliewalnuts strikes me that he’s down in championship because his standard has slipped? Didn’t this guy ref us away at Shef last year and we were given short shrift?

Posted : 22/07/2024 10:57 am
Prominent Member

Posted by: @johnnyboy

@pauliewalnuts strikes me that he’s down in championship because his standard has slipped? Didn’t this guy ref us away at Shef last year and we were given short shrift?


Possibly, I think we've had him this season, too. I suppose anyone can lose form, Refs & Players alike. I sometimes think Refs instruct their Liners to not get involved unless asked. It's all down to the Ref's ego then.

I may be wrong.


Paulie xx


Posted : 22/07/2024 11:13 am
Johnnyboy reacted
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