Director Resignatio...
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Director Resignation

Trusted Member

I see another Director has left the club in David Dean. That is the 2nd Director to leave and also our CEO.

Anyone know if his shares can be purchased?

Jason Shaw is also still listed as a Director. I was always under the impression he was only a director due to the VIQI money. With VIQI now disbanded, how come he is still a director? Just interested to understand.

If we are losing Directors it would be good to replace to have more capital coming in to the club?














Topic starter Posted : 30/01/2023 8:31 pm
Honorable Member

I thought Dean had left the club some time ago? He had a few health problems IIRC. Really nice bloke.


Paulie xx

Posted : 30/01/2023 8:59 pm
sandgroper reacted
Estimable Member

I see Electrod sponsor Adam Lawton, isnt this the company Rod Sneddon owns?


Posted : 31/01/2023 11:47 am
Estimable Member

Ask the question Dave ? Wasn't it 10k to go on the board originally? Putting the info out there might attract more investors 

Posted : 31/01/2023 9:12 pm
Noble Member

Posted by: @vikingfox71

Ask the question Dave ? Wasn't it 10k to go on the board originally? Putting the info out there might attract more investors 

I think it was £25k each.


Posted : 31/01/2023 11:03 pm
Estimable Member

@geoffw cheers Geoff I was close !! Lol 😂

Posted : 01/02/2023 8:38 am
Eminent Member

Posted by: @d-day

I see Electrod sponsor Adam Lawton, isnt this the company Rod Sneddon owns?


He used to, not sure if he still does or not though. 


Posted : 01/02/2023 11:18 am
Estimable Member

@bomb-jack Hes still listed as a director with Companies House along with his wife.


Posted : 01/02/2023 12:26 pm
Bomb Jack reacted