Bit of recognition
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Bit of recognition

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Reputable Member

Probably fall on deaf ears coz let's face it some in a minority just sit and wait to doom monger ..but for the more reasonable I think it's time some credit is given to the "cheap option coach" .."cheap option players" and the "Oldham mafia " signings ..some have gone out to batter the club at every opportunity..some justification in some cases ....but hey maybe ..just maybe of years of  spunking big money on "name coaches and name players" the club actually have done the right thing in appointing who they saw as the right man ..and signed battle hardened championship players which many have frowned upon ...still early doors and we all know from previous 5/6 seasons that a good start means diddly ..but this season has been an exception because literally everything the club has done has faced a negative reaction ..I'm for one will big up the coach  and staff who at half time turned a bang average 40 mins into an exceptional 2nd 40 ... whatever was said ...done ...the results were obvious....up the 4/4 chemics 🤟

Topic starter Posted : 14/04/2024 6:02 pm
Mckviking reacted
Noble Member

Fair play so far, great second half today, but the next 2 games will tell us a lot more 

Posted : 14/04/2024 6:29 pm
Noble Member

It’s a promising start to the season so far, with promotion/relegation not a factor it seems our players are ready to make a go of it. 

Posted : 14/04/2024 7:18 pm
Noble Member

I think today showed that things can be really good again here. Today was an example of a better fan experience in the ground-a solid attendance which can be built upon-a better atmosphere.

Not everything is perfect with the club but a bit of listening and less executive statements go a long way.

As for the coach, he has been impressive so far and has to be respected. Do I think we will finish the season in 2nd? No. Do I think we could make Top 6? Definitely. We need a bit of stability and I think he could build us into a consistent Top 4 side given time and some backing over the next 2-3 years.

Posted : 14/04/2024 7:21 pm
Mckviking reacted
Estimable Member

I think the biggest difference from previous seasons is we now have props , some actual size in our middle , Kirk and Murray are solid with big Ant coming on against tiring defences its worked well , the acid test will be next week against fev , we'll get an idea of. where we stand 


Posted : 14/04/2024 9:35 pm
Widnes77 and sandgroper reacted
Estimable Member

I was never critical of the choice of coach but I was critical of the lack of size in the pack but credit where credit is due I've really enjoyed the games so far, well done widnes. 

On a negative note I was hoping a few more walk ups would have attended yesterday, all those who only want to go when we are winning, we'll we are winning so what's the excuse now? Where's all those who went to Wembley? COYV.



Posted : 15/04/2024 9:01 am
Estimable Member

Cant fault  our league performances and we do seem to have a competent coach, who has put together a decent side, who defend well and show energy and effort. Missed yesterday's game, which clearly seemed a a very good win. Tougher tests to come but, I fully support the coaches mantra of "win our home games" and compete away from home. Too often in recent seasons, we have been massively inconsistent at home, with the odd surprise victory, followed by unexpected defeats, showing a brittleness when things didn't quite go our way. The current team seems much more resilient, as they showed in the second half yesterday!

Hopefully we can keep it going!

Posted : 15/04/2024 10:10 am
Reputable Member

Another great performance and still got two players out on loan and Martyn Reilly to come back. Everyone has forgotten him because we seem strong in the prop department, but I hope he is back soon playing. Anyone know when he is back or an update on him? 

Posted : 15/04/2024 2:16 pm
Famed Member


The word was that he would be out virtually all season but there hasn't been any up date other than 'recovery progressing' as far as I know.

But Dixon is now back in the mix and it's hard to see dropping either Ince or Butt. Butt is playing better and better atm.

Good thing is that players have time to fully recover rather than being rushed when not fully fit. We started to see some real rugby yesterday with a number of ball-players to choose from.

Posted : 15/04/2024 4:03 pm
Trusted Member

Credit indeed due BUT didnt we do 4/4 for last 3 years? I think 3 of the 4 we have beaten should be finishing below us come end of year and oh how we soon forget not beating Whitehaven at home pre season, The Batley cup game defeat at home and of course that infamous Swinton game.

Bring on Fev, I reckon we will do them and if so and turn over Bulls at Odsal again its a totally different story from previous years.



Posted : 15/04/2024 6:06 pm
Reputable Member

Posted by: @eddieo57

Credit indeed due BUT didnt we do 4/4 for last 3 years? I think 3 of the 4 we have beaten should be finishing below us come end of year and oh how we soon forget not beating Whitehaven at home pre season, The Batley cup game defeat at home and of course that infamous Swinton game.

Bring on Fev, I reckon we will do them and if so and turn over Bulls at Odsal again its a totally different story from previous years.



we have indeed gone 4/4 in past seasons but I would say those previous seasons weren't met with such negativity regarding coach and player recruitment..there was alot of people that slated the Coleman appointment...alot that panned the signings of Kirk..butt..lyodd and langtree in particularly ..and up to now they've come up trumps be fair I think the club had a period of carnage thanks to Mr Hamiltons antics..the media mistakes and I think that just bred attacks on literally every aspect is very noticeable that some people only come out the woodwork when there's doom to monger but bizarrely hide in the shadows when things are going well 


Topic starter Posted : 15/04/2024 8:21 pm
Prominent Member Admin

Murray has been a key addition. Having him and Kirk from the start makes a significant difference to where Widnes have been in previous seasons.

Hard to get carried away yet as has been said, done 4/4 or 3/4 plenty of times in the past; and the first three games are games you really ought to win if you're a top half team.

There does at least seem to be some structure and cohesion this season, and options in each position, which hasn't always been the case.

Posted : 17/04/2024 10:10 am
Noble Member

Murray, great signing. I think we have quite a few grafters in the squad this season and that definitely makes a difference. Lloyd, fozzard, butt all hard working and makes the lads around them work harder. Like flash said options in key positions apart from 6/7. We can bring in players but not specialists in those positions. Hopefully Lyons and Gilmore build on a good run of games and continue to improve. 

Posted : 17/04/2024 11:18 pm
Famed Member

Agree with most of what has been said, but we are all nervous of false dawns! 

Regarding our half back partnership of Gilmore/Lyons and Owens, I know the numbers don't add up but you know what I mean, opposition teams will focus on hitting Gilmore as the organiser, as did Fax on Sunday and we need someone alongside him to look after him.

In the old days players like Murphy had a 'minder' of course, but Gilmore is a major threat and teams know it.

Lyons is developing his own game and defends like a hero so just let him get on with it. His short kicking game is developing and he seems to serve Lloyd well!

Posted : 18/04/2024 7:54 am
Reputable Member

@jdgsport completely agree ..we've had more false dawn's than we can care to count .. definitely more structured..better shape in attack..better organisation and most notably massively improved defensively.. previous seasons of teams had 3/4 repeat sets on our line wed completely fold ..I'm guessing alot of that is down to the work of Eddie kilgannon.. amazing what can be achieved with a decent backroom team behind you opposed to previous coaches that weren't allowed the same luxury

Topic starter Posted : 18/04/2024 11:07 am
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