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Today's safety meeting for allowing fans in for the next 3 home games

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Prominent Member

What would be 50% of the West & North Stands? Anyone know? Obviously the South Stand is for players & officials, press etc. I’d imagine it will be zero hospitality. The Elton John Stand must be, as per rumour, so out of action. Paulie xx

North Stand full capacity:  4,181

West Stand full capacity: 3,022.

Posted : 15/05/2021 2:04 pm
Noble Member


“Working alongside Halton Borough Council we have been able to ensure that a safe return for supporters is able to take place, in line with government guidelines and social distancing rules.” Will that do?

Must've been edited since I read it.

Posted : 15/05/2021 2:12 pm
Reputable Member

“Working alongside Halton Borough Council we have been able to ensure that a safe return for supporters is able to take place, in line with government guidelines and social distancing rules.” Will that do?

Must’ve been edited since I read it.

100% Sinbad

Posted : 15/05/2021 2:34 pm
Prominent Member

“Working alongside Halton Borough Council we have been able to ensure that a safe return for supporters is able to take place, in line with government guidelines and social distancing rules.” Will that do?

Must’ve been edited since I read it.

It has but all the other clubs followed guidelines without any trouble or difficulty communicating with fans.

Posted : 15/05/2021 2:43 pm
Prominent Member

What would be 50% of the West & North Stands? Anyone know? Obviously the South Stand is for players & officials, press etc. I’d imagine it will be zero hospitality. The Elton John Stand must be, as per rumour, so out of action. Paulie xx

North Stand full capacity: 4,181 West Stand full capacity: 3,022.


So by Gov guidelines we could house 3,500 fans give or take a few.

If we could get every other seat filled on a regular, non-restricted match, we'd be more than happy.


Paulie xx

Posted : 15/05/2021 3:00 pm
Prominent Member

Think I might just wait until going the game is ‘back to normal’.

At the minute it’s looking like more hassle than it’s worth.

Posted : 15/05/2021 3:27 pm
Noble Member

List of do's and don'ts now on the Club Website.

Include phased entry times and mask wearing at all times except when eating and drinking.

Email them if you are sitting in a social bubble.


Posted : 15/05/2021 3:34 pm
Prominent Member Admin

Sounds to me like the council has been dragging its feet and is being overly cautious, perhaps. Maybe their required staff have remained on furlough until the last minute, meaning getting organised for it was left til now.

Believe season ticket sales are around 1400.

We should be able to accommodate 4000 - but even accommodating 2000 surely shouldn't have been beyond the realms of any restrictions / safety advisory group concerns.

Posted : 15/05/2021 5:44 pm
Estimable Member

Sounds to me like the council has been dragging its feet and is being overly cautious, perhaps. Maybe their required staff have remained on furlough until the last minute, meaning getting organised for it was left til now. Believe season ticket sales are around 1400. We should be able to accommodate 4000 – but even accommodating 2000 surely shouldn’t have been beyond the realms of any restrictions / safety advisory group concerns.

Thats all reasonable. But why is this council so different to the rest?   We have an all seater stadium so pretty simple to manage social distancing compared to say Warrington with large standing areas

Posted : 15/05/2021 5:51 pm
Honorable Member

HBC are pretty much crunchie at everything so I’m not surprised.


I probably wouldn’t blame the club for this one, however some of the comments on social media towards fans comes across a bit too hostile for me

Posted : 15/05/2021 7:07 pm
Prominent Member

Fans moaning about not being able to attend as a 'walk up' v Whitehaven. Maybe this will confirm that there wouldn't be 'Walk Ups' while restrictions are in place, and that no more ST will be sold. The clue is in the word DEADLINE.


Paulie xx

Posted : 15/05/2021 9:02 pm
Reputable Member

Just been reading through the ‘rules and regs’.


sounds like it’s gonna be a barrel of laughs.

Posted : 16/05/2021 1:10 am
Estimable Member

Fans moaning about not being able to attend as a ‘walk up’ v Whitehaven. Maybe this will confirm that there wouldn’t be ‘Walk Ups’ while restrictions are in place, and that no more ST will be sold. The clue is in the word DEADLINE.
/a> Paulie xx

That was always implying that if capacity was less than number of season ticket holders there wouldn’t be general sale for games. Talks of lotteries etc for season ticket holders. This is far from the case it seems

Posted : 16/05/2021 1:19 am
Honorable Member

Just been reading through the ‘rules and regs’. sounds like it’s gonna be a barrel of laughs.

I know, shocker isn’t it. I’d think it would be a lot more of a laugh if we all sat together and shared the new Indian variant of covid - that would be so much more fun.

If it’s all getting too much of a hassle just don’t go - wait until they lift all restrictions and then you can guarantee that you will have fun. Or at least as much fun as you can expect watching the 2021 version of Widnes.

Posted : 16/05/2021 6:11 am
Reputable Member

Wasn’t a pop at Widnes Vikings that Royston Vasey, or the council either to be honest.

the rules are what they are, albeit crazy.

tomorrow I can walk into a pub at any time and hug somebody but next Sunday I have to arrive up to an hour before kick off, wear a mask despite not being near anyone, whilst sat outdoors? Madness.

ive followed these rules for the most part over the last 18 months or so but I’ll be honest my patience is wearing thin with it all now. Roll on normality! As for catching the Indian variant let’s hope not. I’ve had my vaccine which should protect against this strain, so they reckon.

Posted : 16/05/2021 6:31 am
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