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Prominent Member Admin

Posted by: @cj91

Can't speak for the veracity of this but read on social media it costs around £2.5k extra to fully open the stand.

Over the course of 13 home games that would be £32.5k. So if that is true can see why this is being done.

However, it has significantly damaged the matchday experience.

Just a thought, that alleged £2.5k could be covered each matchday by an extra 150 or so supporters turning up- maybe the club need to be thinking more in depth about why so many have decided not to come this season (Friday apart which was a reasonable turnout).

I have submitted a Freedom of Information request to the Council about this.

I cannot see that it costs £2.5k extra to open the full stand as opposed to four blocks - the only real difference is the human cost (stewarding, concourse staff etc). £2.5k would be 50 staff earning £10 an hour for five hours!

Whatever money is being saved is going to be lost by alienating the fans left.  And it was so utterly predictable. With all due respect to the NWC, it was their complaints that got their section re-opened; but there were far less complaints after the previous home game where the middle sections were open. If you're opening part of a stand, it should be the middle. The club's tweet saying there were seats at the front of Block A were laughable.

The whole stand should be opened otherwise we might as well just regress Oldham-esque in to all being situated in the south stand.


Posted : 02/04/2024 8:58 am
Ringo Bells, Widnes77, Pensioner and 1 people reacted
Noble Member


I agree it seems like a lot - I was thinking a few hundred quid tops.

Steward on the turnstiles on Friday said that it was made because opening the stand for '900 people was not financially viable'. For a cup match, maybe, but they surely had some inkling through ticket sales etc that the crowd would be over 2000?

Also, from a reputational point of view, they have sold season tickets on the basis you can sit where you like if you go in that stand-there's an ethical question mark there I think.

Perhaps if savings are being looked at then value for money in executive positions needs to be examined!!

Posted : 02/04/2024 3:32 pm
Trusted Member

Posted by: @jdgsport

Posted by: @cj91

Can't speak for the veracity of this but read on social media it costs around £2.5k extra to fully open the stand.

Over the course of 13 home games that would be £32.5k. So if that is true can see why this is being done.

However, it has significantly damaged the matchday experience.

Just a thought, that alleged £2.5k could be covered each matchday by an extra 150 or so supporters turning up- maybe the club need to be thinking more in depth about why so many have decided not to come this season (Friday apart which was a reasonable turnout).

I have submitted a Freedom of Information request to the Council about this.

I cannot see that it costs £2.5k extra to open the full stand as opposed to four blocks - the only real difference is the human cost (stewarding, concourse staff etc). £2.5k would be 50 staff earning £10 an hour for five hours!

Whatever money is being saved is going to be lost by alienating the fans left.  And it was so utterly predictable. With all due respect to the NWC, it was their complaints that got their section re-opened; but there were far less complaints after the previous home game where the middle sections were open. If you're opening part of a stand, it should be the middle. The club's tweet saying there were seats at the front of Block A were laughable.

The whole stand should be opened otherwise we might as well just regress Oldham-esque in to all being situated in the south stand.


Should have submitted it to Sharron Black, She's in the know. 

My opinion is whatever it costs to open the 4 middle the club will foot it. The damage in not doing so financially and attendance will hurt more. They should be more concerned why is this now an issue under their tenure. What has changed or not been done that has caused the North Stand to argue over which blocks are open. Where are the missing fans?


No one is looking forward to going the game to be penned in, They will just jib it with the other 1200 fans. Honestly cant see why its an issue opening. Remember, We are not skint we are told. There is no cost cutting. Most clubs are envious of our financial position.


Posted : 02/04/2024 3:45 pm
sandgroper and Widnes77 reacted
Estimable Member

Sharron Black's husband is the chief security officer or whatever you call him, pretty sure he had the same job at Oldham under Hamilton. 

As others have aluded to, another 10 staff, (turnstiles, snack bard, stewards) would only cost about 600 quid for 5 hours, plus whatever bit of electricity us used, it's nowhere near £2.5k per game. 

Surely the people in charge can see that their last two plans haven't worked for the North Stand, give the customers what they want and make for a better atmosphere. 



Posted : 03/04/2024 2:17 pm
Reputable Member

Posted by: @the-ghost-of-ethel

Sharron Black's husband is the chief security officer or whatever you call him, pretty sure he had the same job at Oldham under Hamilton. 

As others have aluded to, another 10 staff, (turnstiles, snack bard, stewards) would only cost about 600 quid for 5 hours, plus whatever bit of electricity us used, it's nowhere near £2.5k per game. 

Surely the people in charge can see that their last two plans haven't worked for the North Stand, give the customers what they want and make for a better atmosphere. 


If the Stand is only partially open, it would still require the same number of Stewards as if it were full.




Posted : 03/04/2024 8:19 pm
Reputable Member

Posted by: @jdgsport

Posted by: @cj91

Can't speak for the veracity of this but read on social media it costs around £2.5k extra to fully open the stand.

Over the course of 13 home games that would be £32.5k. So if that is true can see why this is being done.

However, it has significantly damaged the matchday experience.

Just a thought, that alleged £2.5k could be covered each matchday by an extra 150 or so supporters turning up- maybe the club need to be thinking more in depth about why so many have decided not to come this season (Friday apart which was a reasonable turnout).

I have submitted a Freedom of Information request to the Council about this.

I cannot see that it costs £2.5k extra to open the full stand as opposed to four blocks - the only real difference is the human cost (stewarding, concourse staff etc). £2.5k would be 50 staff earning £10 an hour for five hours!

Whatever money is being saved is going to be lost by alienating the fans left.  And it was so utterly predictable. With all due respect to the NWC, it was their complaints that got their section re-opened; but there were far less complaints after the previous home game where the middle sections were open. If you're opening part of a stand, it should be the middle. The club's tweet saying there were seats at the front of Block A were laughable.

The whole stand should be opened otherwise we might as well just regress Oldham-esque in to all being situated in the south stand.


Council have form for cutting their noses off to spite their face.

For years & years, HBC wouldn't allow us to take pints to our seats because they were sticking to a law that only applied to Football Matches 🤦


Posted : 03/04/2024 8:25 pm
Reputable Member

Has anybody had any  from the club about this?


its abit disappointing as a season ticket holder in the North Stand that you can't go wherever you want and also that it's an inconvenience buying refreshments. 

if its down to numbers, has it been confirmed that the south stand will be closed? Without the free tickets they give out in there and the away spectators, I'd imagine there's less than 300 paying fans in that stand. 

Posted : 04/04/2024 11:24 pm
Reputable Member

The stadium is far too big holding over 13000 and we get 2500 to 3000. So 10k spare seats is ridiculous and costly. A 8 to 9k stadium would be fine if had ambition for Superleague. Even in big games against Saints, Wigan etc we never really hit 10k so unless we are a, regular top 4 Superleague side it is definitely not fit for purpose. So if had a 8k stadium it be much more manageable. 

Posted : 05/04/2024 6:36 am
Estimable Member

I emailed the club , council and our great leader last weekend after the game and not had a reply from anyone as yet !! Not really surprised!! That'll be another 3 season tickets lost for next year sad times

Posted : 06/04/2024 7:54 am
Prominent Member

@vikingfox71 My last ever game I emailed our chairman but no reply or acknowledgement, they will just carry on like nothing has happened like they always do, utter disgrace of a club. Even Jimmy Rule replied to emails this lot are useless and should be nowhere near a RL club.


Posted : 06/04/2024 4:26 pm
Noble Member

I have had a reply from the Chairman Stuart within hours of e- mailing him direct regarding my query about away fans in the South Stand.   There is going to be an announcement next week before the Halifax game. I am happy with his response so I think we should all relax & see what transpires next week. I think the directors are doing all they can so I think they should be given the chance to resolve this matter. We are all on the same side here or should be in wanting what is best for Widnes Vikings. People stopping supporting is not going to help the club  progress it will only make matters worse by reducing the income of the club.

Posted : 06/04/2024 7:11 pm
Estimable Member
  1. @geoffw tbf Geoff, a week ago you were threatening to cancel your vips subscription over this issue and now you having a pop at someone who's upset about it and saying him withdrawing financial support harms the club, make your mind up mate!
Posted : 07/04/2024 7:09 am
Vikingfox71 reacted
Noble Member

@widnes77 I was not meaning to  have a go at any individual. I was just pointing out we need as many spectators as possible for the club to expand & improve financially. I have calmed down since last week & satisfied with what our chairman  has said to me.

Posted : 07/04/2024 6:23 pm
Estimable Member

Hamilton has replied today stating signs will be put up for away fans who are only to sit in section b and the stewards will be notified we shall see

Posted : 08/04/2024 3:38 pm
Reputable Member

Stadium gettin' new tenants... 🧐

Posted : 08/04/2024 5:50 pm
sandgroper reacted
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