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St Helens game

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Famed Member


Even a young Saints side, out to show their wares before their Aussie trip, would be a great test for our defence!  

Well done lads!!!!!!


Posted : 27/01/2023 10:22 pm
Prominent Member

Well worth the game, despite what some on here thought.

Their team first half wasn’t that young and for most of it we matched them set for set. 

Second half they used more players, but we stayed with them physically given ours had 40 minuets behind them.

Centres very good. Fleming touch of class for first try and Edge dealt with Hurrell well. 

Gilmore controlled us all night and the pack stood up well.

Tough decisions for next weeks 17.

Posted : 27/01/2023 10:39 pm
Noble Member

Att. 5768. Not bad for as testimonial

Posted : 28/01/2023 12:16 pm
Noble Member

Yep that pretty good 

Posted : 28/01/2023 4:43 pm
Noble Member

Who played at 6 last night for the Vikings?

Posted : 28/01/2023 5:08 pm
Noble Member

@geoffw Lyons.

Posted : 28/01/2023 5:57 pm
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