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Sheens Resigns

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Topic starter Posted : 06/10/2020 11:04 am
Active Member

Shocked and disappointed, difficult times ahead.

Posted : 06/10/2020 11:11 am
Reputable Member

Honestly, I don't blame him.

He can't sit around and waste time hoping the season might start again in the new year.  I wouldn't be surprised if we don't get Championship rugby for a long time yet.  It's not as big an issue in Australia as it is over here, so (with respect) at his age I'd be heading back home too.  I'm sure he can get some kind of role back in Oz even if it's within coach mentorship, fair play to him.


Posted : 06/10/2020 11:13 am
Famed Member

Need to know the reason before reacting - it might be a personal/family problem for instance.

Posted : 06/10/2020 11:14 am
Eminent Member

Betts in.

Posted : 06/10/2020 11:22 am
Trusted Member

As I understood it he was keen to get his British citizenship as he quite liked it over here. Guessing the pandemic has changed his plans massively. Can't begrudge that, it's unusual times.

Posted : 06/10/2020 11:45 am
Noble Member

It seems (to me anyway) an odd time to go, with nowt happening on the park, nor likely to be till well into 2o21.

Has he been offered summat back home?

I can't see you rushing to appoint his successor with the resumption months away, so...……………..

Who'd you like to take over?

I don't think there'll be a shortage of applicants.



Posted : 06/10/2020 11:57 am
Eminent Member

Was he receiving Furlough money mebbe ?  And thats just run out. No income?

Posted : 06/10/2020 12:10 pm
Reputable Member

Why is it an odd time to go Spelly?  You've answered why it's a good time to go in the rest of the sentence?!  Could be well over a year until we get part time rugby back.

Posted : 06/10/2020 12:15 pm
Reputable Member

What's Douggie doing?


Posted : 06/10/2020 12:35 pm
Noble Member

Disappointing but as previously said these are strange times with Covid 19 & there being no idea when rugby at our level will return.  I would hope he will make a statement on reasons as the club has stated it will make no further comment.

Posted : 06/10/2020 1:01 pm
Famed Member

Anything but 'odd' in my view. Squad largely signed up with major forward signings, what's to do between now and after Christmas?

We have time, he's saved us cash and left a ready made squad to start whenever. Not a bad shot for anyone wanting to coach one of the stalwart clubs of the game. Just hope that the lads signed will stay on. The players haven't even been able to train this year but the 'old heads' are looking towards retirement anyway, so no great urgency to get up the ladder, they've already been there!

Chance for anyone ready for a coaching career to get a flyer.

Posted : 06/10/2020 1:41 pm
Reputable Member

Maybe a chance for Matty Smith to have a go in the Coaching roll if that is his aim in the sport.


Posted : 06/10/2020 2:03 pm
Noble Member

Why is it an odd time to go Spelly? You’ve answered why it’s a good time to go in the rest of the sentence?! Could be well over a year until we get part time rugby back.

I just find it odd that he's gone with nowt going on football wise.

Perhaps it's me being odd? Not for the first time I hear you mumble!


Posted : 06/10/2020 2:11 pm
Reputable Member

Why is it an odd time to go Spelly? You’ve answered why it’s a good time to go in the rest of the sentence?! Could be well over a year until we get part time rugby back.

I just find it odd that he’s gone with nowt going on football wise. Perhaps it’s me being odd? Not for the first time I hear you mumble! Spelly,

So what's the point in him hanging around then with nothing to do?

Huddersfield need a coach, maybe he'll go there until the end of the season then go home.

Posted : 06/10/2020 2:39 pm
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