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Phil Finney

Noble Member

He was interviewed on Merseyside RL programme earlier. He said he’s had lots of applications for the coaches job, they stared as soon as he announced Finnegan was leaving. He’s spent the last 2 weeks interviewing them all, he’s now going to interview those on the short list, some are out of a job, some aren’t. He thinks it will be the end of May beginning of June before we announce who it is, and when he starts depends on when he’s available.

Dupree said he wanted to play SL when we signed him, and had a clause in his contract to leave after a year of a SL club came in for him. Salford did, and because he was injured they decided to let him go early, Leigh or Featherstone also wanted to sign him but we turned them down.

He said Brown Lawton and hopefully Craven will be available for Sunday.


Topic starter Posted : 11/05/2022 6:27 pm
Noble Member

I listened to it and I must admit he does have the club in his heart. I don’t know if he is at super league team ceo but you can’t question his love for the club 

As for the appointment of the new coach it could possibly be at the end of the season which is what I took from the interview 

I am not saying we should write off this season but we obviously don’t have the team to kick on for a good shot at promotion so if we make top 6 I believe we have done ok this season 

next season I can see a big turnover of players and depending on who we bring in as coach will determine the caliber of players we can sign but that can sometimes take more than one season as we will be looking at players now for next season. I hope after the last few seasons we don’t lose a big chunk of supporters as that will have a big impact on the budget 

This post was modified 2 years ago 2 times by Mckviking
Posted : 11/05/2022 7:00 pm
Honorable Member

The thing is we have already written off the last couple of seasons and also made 11 new signings this pre season. 

Posted : 11/05/2022 7:23 pm
Mckviking reacted
Noble Member

@dan1 I totally understand your frustration mate I’m the same but it is what it is. 

from what I got from finneys interview it sounds like the club aren’t in a rush to appoint a new coach as they realize if they get this next one wrong it could mean a lot of our fans walk away and without the fans the club will struggle to compete even more for players and their salary 

Posted : 11/05/2022 8:05 pm
Honorable Member

@mckeeverviking I think fear of failure isn’t an excuse for not doing anything.

I’d also hope that there are more people involved in the interviewing of candidates than just the CEO. If mot and his chosen candidate is unsuccessful then he has very little wiggle room in what he can decently be expected to do.

Posted : 11/05/2022 8:41 pm
Sinbad reacted
Noble Member

Sounds fair enough and we don't know who is available and you can never please everyone. Personally I go with someone with experience if they are available, and hopefully turn the season around. My baguettes have not been banged enough. 🥖🥖😊🥖🥖 Final note we need to get behind the team and fingers crossed we kick on. 

Posted : 11/05/2022 9:10 pm
Estimable Member

Today im hoping we get over 2500

One thing the board have always talked about is financial stability, so in this respect phil must be doing a good job. 

But those crowds are needed. 

So instead of moaning and being critical, get the game today

Posted : 15/05/2022 10:00 am
Prominent Member
Posted by: @primrose-viking

Today im hoping we get over 2500

One thing the board have always talked about is financial stability, so in this respect phil must be doing a good job. 

But those crowds are needed. 

So instead of moaning and being critical, get the game today

1500 if lucky

Posted : 15/05/2022 10:12 am
Former Chemic
Honorable Member
Posted by: @primrose-viking

Today im hoping we get over 2500

So instead of moaning and being critical, get the game today

Well I’ll be there Primrose, but my friend (who came to his first ever match here for the dreadful Batley game) won’t be.

And, I strongly suspect most of the other season ticket holders in my part of the ground will sadly give this game a miss too!!

But, as the official attendance figures don’t represent the actual number of bums-on-seats, it’s my guess that it’ll be announced as circa 3,000.

Posted : 15/05/2022 11:10 am
Estimable Member
Posted by: @former-chemic
Posted by: @primrose-viking

Today im hoping we get over 2500

So instead of moaning and being critical, get the game today

Well I’ll be there Primrose, but my friend (who came to his first ever match here for the dreadful Batley game) won’t be.

And, I strongly suspect most of the other season ticket holders in my part of the ground will sadly give this game a miss too!!

But, as the official attendance figures don’t represent the actual number of bums-on-seats, it’s my guess that it’ll be announced as circa 3,000.

There are other reasons to go the game. 


For me it is to spend time with my dad and niece, and maybe one or two friends will turn up 

Posted : 15/05/2022 11:15 am
Noble Member

How many ST Holders do we have, do we know? Be about what 1700?

I think the actual attendance will be not as bad as Batley because the weather is quite nice and also there is no Liverpool v Everton to watch instead.


Posted : 15/05/2022 11:15 am