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Pay It Forward - building our fanbase

Estimable Member

How many posts over the years have started along the lines of 'Why don't the club give away free tickets to schools?'. Hundreds, that's how many.

Here's a great initiative to jump start that and make it happen, and we the fans can ensure it does. What a brilliant gift to give a child for Christmas and help to boost our attendances for the long term. I hope a LOT of folks do this, perhaps even get together with mates etc and buy like 50 or something, topped up to 100 by the club matching it. It could make a real difference to our future.

Topic starter Posted : 20/11/2022 12:24 pm
Prominent Member

Northstar great idea even 150 could give us a few grand extra to get a top quality player. Having that little extra money could also mean the difference of coming 7th or a decent play off place. 👍🥖🥖 Getting grass roots back and instill some confidence in the club too. Then hopefully with a more competitive team, we can attract more sponsors, or a owner like Beaumont to join the club. 👍

Posted : 20/11/2022 8:53 pm