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Our league

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Noble Member

Just wondering how our league works for the club.

I understand that ST holders get free access to home games and other games can be accessed for £4.95

Do the club have to pay our league to cover game and do we get any money back from people paying the £4.95?

that is a really cheap price to view an away game, if you take in travel costs and your ticket. Or is this just when no crowds are allowed.

Topic starter Posted : 21/02/2021 1:47 pm
Prominent Member Admin

The club only get the money from home games, is my understanding, as they cover the costs of streaming it; Our League simply provides the platform/mechanism.

I'd be amazed if the prices remain the same when crowds are back, as it will be suicide for rugby league.

It'd be nice if they remained streamed, but would expect the fee to be a good £15 per match so it doesn't deter people from actually buying a ticket.

Posted : 23/02/2021 6:31 pm
Noble Member

Thanks for that James, I wonder what the break even figure for a game would be   Without ST holders

But I suppose if there was no streaming available and no crowds allowed ST sales would suffer

Also the least supported clubs will have to think twice about streaming - I assume they would probably do a Widnes game as it would probably more than pay for itself, but without putting individual clubs down, I doubt batley/ Oldham games would generate sufficient interest

Topic starter Posted : 24/02/2021 4:15 pm
Noble Member

A few seasons ago, I think Bradford had the majority of their League One games streamed live.

If memory serves me correctly, Workington refused on the grounds that it would probably be the biggest gate of the season for them, which would be detracted from by streaming.

There was a big row between the clubs, but I think it is right.

I mean, imagine the shoe was on the other foot and a home game v Wigan was streamed?

Posted : 24/02/2021 5:56 pm
Reputable Member

Our league when it first started streaming felt like Bradford tv to be fair

Posted : 24/02/2021 6:22 pm
Noble Member

A few seasons ago, I think Bradford had the majority of their League One games streamed live. If memory serves me correctly, Workington refused on the grounds that it would probably be the biggest gate of the season for them, which would be detracted from by streaming. There was a big row between the clubs, but I think it is right. I mean, imagine the shoe was on the other foot and a home game v Wigan was streamed?

yes exactly, I can only imagine that streaming will work for the no crowd scenario and maybe long distance travel.
but as James stated the fee, if crowds are allowed back would be self destructive, the majority of away fans would go round a mates house and watch it with a few beers and be home before they could get in their cars at the venue

Topic starter Posted : 24/02/2021 6:56 pm
Estimable Member

This might help with understanding the costs and how it will work.

ACTING Bulls chief executive Mark Sawyer has explained how streaming games will work for the club in the early part of the season.

Matches will remain behind closed doors for the foreseeable future, with fans not expected back for another few months yet.

The RFL announced last Friday that Championship matches will be live on Our League, and free to home season ticket holders.

Otherwise other rugby league fans – including supporters of the away club – will be able to secure the live coverage for an Early Bird price of £4.95, which increases to £10 on the day of the match.

A Day Pass will cost £15 and secure live coverage of all fixtures on a given day (for example the four Challenge Cup ties on Saturday, March 20).

A Weekend Pass will cost £20 and secure live coverage of all the matches being shown on Our League in a full round (such as all seven matches in Round One of the Championship from April 2-4).

But as for how it will work for the clubs themselves, Sawyer had the answers.

Speaking to West Yorkshire Sport's Mick Gledhill over the weekend, he explained that it costs clubs around £1,250 to stream a match, with 90 per cent of the revenue generated going towards the home team.

The remaining 10 per cent will go to the away team.

Sawyer admitted that the fans paying to watch the streams would be vital, given the additional costs of regular Covid-19 testing.

Posted : 25/02/2021 7:07 pm
Noble Member

Very informative thanks

that means to break even we need about 250 early payers on top of ST holders

which should be achievable

and if we pay for a stream away that generates income for us, sounds like a win to me

Topic starter Posted : 25/02/2021 8:41 pm
Noble Member

Still amuses me how the Dewsbury chairman can be acting CEO of Bradford.....

Other than that, it all seems like a pretty decent solution all round until the end of May.

Posted : 26/02/2021 4:02 pm
Famed Member


How do I get Our League games onto my PC?

Posted : 27/02/2021 12:59 pm
Reputable Member

This should give you a start..



Posted : 27/02/2021 3:02 pm
Famed Member

Ta! Ceejay!

Posted : 27/02/2021 7:41 pm
Reputable Member

Can’t be bothered trawling through pages of info, can I get our league on a smart TV?


any help appreciated.

Posted : 28/02/2021 12:41 am
Famed Member

Don't think so. I am not mega literate on computers which is a pain. As I understand it Our League is to an android tablet or similar. To put it onto a PC and then to smart TV you need an adaption app.

I have (I think)  downloaded Our League an it carried with it what I assume is the app. I had previously downloaded BlueStacks as the conversion app.

If I don't need Bluestacks I'll ditch it. I already have Vimeo so that might have done the job!

The trouble is you ask on the internet and you get a sales pitch for all sorts of garbage and if you aren't 'internet smart' you can get lost!!!

If anyone can simplify please do!

Posted : 28/02/2021 11:18 am
Estimable Member

Can’t be bothered trawling through pages of info, can I get our league on a smart TV? any help appreciated.

Do you have an internet browser on your Smart TV? something like a Microsoft edge icon, or similar? If not you might be able to download one.

If you have a browser, you just go to that, pull up a google search engine (or similar) and type in OurLeague and basically use your TV like you'd use a PC. The pop-up keyboard that you'll see is a bit painstaking to use to type in your Google search and then type in your OurLeague user name and password but otherwise it should be fine.

I did exactly this to watch Featherstone v York in 2019 on OurLeague not expecting much and the picture quality was perfectly acceptable, I got a couple of brief instances of "picture lag" but it was better than I'd expected.


Posted : 28/02/2021 12:28 pm
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