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Offiah video

Noble Member

There’s a brilliant video on X/twitter and you tube, called They Couldn’t Stop Offiah. Set tho the Billy Joel song .of a similar title!
Well worth watching 

This topic was modified 8 months ago by Farnworth Viking
Topic starter Posted : 04/12/2023 10:05 pm
Honorable Member

That song was 're-written' in Open Rugby magazine around 1989-90.



Paulie xx

Posted : 04/12/2023 10:32 pm
gpo1971 reacted
Halfback Ragnarsson
Estimable Member

Okay, that made my day, fantastic, especially the message board line.

Posted : 04/12/2023 10:41 pm
Noble Member

Very impressive - must have taken a great deal of time as well as skill. Well worth a watch. 

Posted : 04/12/2023 11:47 pm
Noble Member

Thanks Farnworth Viking. I enjoyed that.

I remember that Alan Briers try. v Hull KR in the 1964 Wembley final. He jinked his way through for the important opening try right below where I was sitting. I have always thought he got far too little appreciation for how important & skilful that try was. 

The whole video is worth a watch, excellent. However I am not sure why Aaron  Moule is on there!


This post was modified 8 months ago by geoffw
Posted : 05/12/2023 8:44 pm