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Latu & Patton in squad

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Honorable Member

<p style="text-align: left;">The good thing with the reserves is if we don't want any Warrington players one week it's not a problem as they can still get a game and maintain match fitness in the reserve league. By the same token our young lads are getting game time and as it's Superleague reserve sides they are playing it's at a fairly night standard. I said on another thread that Wigan reserve team would beat most Championship sides.</p>
If we had Jay, Baker and Craven available then I don't think we would be playing Latu and Patton. Patton wasn't getting a game even with Widdop out injured, Price was going with Ratchford at half back and Danny Walker on the bench.  Now Widdop is back he is even further down the pecking order. So if Craven is out for 6 weeks with a broken finger I can see him here for that period. Latu can't get in the Warrington side even with Hill on a 3 match ban. I would like to see him here until Jay is back in about 4 weeks or so. Once Baker has completed him 1 game ban I would still have Latu.  Play Baker in the 2nd row and have 2 props on the bench.

Posted : 15/02/2020 7:26 pm
Honorable Member

Anyone that would rather watch us lose with academy or lads that aren’t ready to be challenging at the top end than win with 2 dual reg Warrington players in the team need their heads testing honestly.



Posted : 15/02/2020 9:52 pm
Eminent Member

We should welcome Patton with open arms. You never know, this could turn into a season long loan. Possibly. Maybe. 😁

Posted : 16/02/2020 9:44 am
Honorable Member

How long do you think patton and latu are going to be with us for sunny

One game is fine as they fill gaps for this afternoon.

Is your issue with the fact that we are loaning players from another club, or that the other club is Warrington?

Posted : 16/02/2020 9:56 am
Noble Member

Anyone that would rather watch us lose with academy or lads that aren’t ready to be challenging at the top end than win with 2 dual reg Warrington players in the team need their heads testing honestly.

Irishtrevor take note.

Posted : 16/02/2020 10:53 am
Eminent Member

Anyone that would rather watch us lose with academy or lads that aren’t ready to be challenging at the top end than win with 2 dual reg Warrington players in the team need their heads testing honestly.

Irishtrevor take note.

That is a great perception you both have of our current First Team Squad.  Which players are not good enough scouse and sunny ?

Posted : 16/02/2020 11:10 am
Honorable Member

Joe Lyons, for me, is not at this moment good enough to be starting in a team challenging for top 5 it’s that simple for me, keep him filling the interchange role for now developing... Patton is a proven SL halfback that’s filling an important role whilst craven is out injured


We’re  missing Jay C, and kenny baker, the forwards already weren’t big enough to challenge the size and SL experience of London’s Battye Allgood et al down the middle so bringing in latu makes sense...



Posted : 16/02/2020 11:38 am
Eminent Member

I think we’re very lucky to get these two dual reg players for this game as they fill our current gaps perfectly! I’ve just read some crap on Facebook where someone is spouting that he doesn’t pay for his season ticket to watch borrowed players from other clubs, blah, blah, blah….. Utter spangles! Loan players, dual reg and trialists have been a part of the game for years and there’s many a time we’ve been on the receiving end so I hope we get the benefit of it this time!

Can’t believe Roly Rawlinson moaning because for me it benefits Widnes, as we need a big prop and a half-back while Craven is injured. There is some good reserve players, but if they are that great they leave for a Superleague club. Yeah I like youngsters coming through if definitely stay long term and some are not even ready for the Championship. I am sure they are just bored and want an argument. lol

If you wish to mention me, at least get my name right, it’s Rowlinson.


I was not bored at all, thanks for your concern though.


Both of you have just said your opinion is right and mine is utter spangles. Opinions are opinions and saying mine is rubbish and yours are right is so narrow minded.


I absolutely despise dual reg, regardless of who it’s with, I hated Fev last year getting so far with it.

I maybe old fashioned, I have held a season ticket for over 30 years so I feel I am fully entitled to voice my opinions.

Posted : 16/02/2020 11:51 am
Former Chemic
Honorable Member

Fair point Albion13, if that’s your guiding principle.

I’m not quite a no principled “win at all costs” Vikings supporter, but I’m not ashamed to admit that I’m not far off being one.

Posted : 16/02/2020 12:21 pm
Eminent Member

Short term we may win, they could even tip today’s game in our favour.


What about, for example, Craven is not fit for the next 2 games after today, and Patton is not free to play for us.


Lyons, who people are saying is not ready, is then playing.

it doesn’t work for me

Posted : 16/02/2020 12:33 pm
Noble Member

Fair point Albion13, if that’s your guiding principle. I’m not quite a no principled “win at all costs” Vikings supporter, but I’m not ashamed to admit that I’m not far off being one.


Have to agree with you FC, I'm the same. However I just look at how close Featherstone came to the promised land; 80 mins with Leeds players so for me they can play the whole Wire team to get us there or most of them. LOL

Posted : 16/02/2020 12:38 pm
Reputable Member

Roly Poly take a chill pill and still a crunchie opinion. You are welcome to an opinion and if we had 6 players injured and played 6 reserves you be happy. But a lot of Widnes fans would be annoyed losing and I look forward to your Windmilling back. lol

Posted : 16/02/2020 1:29 pm
Eminent Member

Nothing wrong with my opinion at all, but thanks.

Posted : 16/02/2020 1:31 pm
Reputable Member

Nothing wrong with my opinion at all, but thanks.

Your welcome.

Posted : 16/02/2020 1:35 pm
Honorable Member

Nothing wrong with my opinion at all, but thanks.

30 years obviously makes you a real fan.

Thing is, yes it seems Ratters and I agree that your view of only wanting to see “Widnes lads play for Widnes” is spangles. I’m sure I speak for Ratters when I say that neither of us are ‘narrow-minded’ but thanks for introducing personal insults into the debate.

Fact is, and it is a fact, loans, DR and playing players from outside the hometown of the team is within the rules of the game. So either the RFL, the clubs and the coaches share our ‘narrow-minded’ view that’s it ok, or you need to have a rethink.

I’m interested to know how much you opposed DR when we were in SL? We’re you equally as disillusioned with the game, or was that alright for us to send our young lads for a run out at Crusaders? You can’t have it both ways.

I bet it’s made you puke with some of loaners we’ve had over 30 years! 😂

Posted : 16/02/2020 1:49 pm
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