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Latu & Patton in squad

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Noble Member

Latu & Patton from Warrington in the squad for London. If they fit in quickly should mean another win. NRL prop in Widnes colours for 2020 who would have thought it?

Topic starter Posted : 14/02/2020 12:10 pm
Prominent Member

Bet Joe Lyons is made up

Posted : 14/02/2020 12:12 pm
Noble Member

Yes Sheens needs to keep him happy. I think he will. There is plenty of time for Lyons to develop. I think he will be in the 17.

Topic starter Posted : 14/02/2020 12:17 pm
Estimable Member

To be fair that is using DR to mutual benefit, we lose Craven and in comes Patton, needing a bit of game time, OK Lyons could have stepped up, but as has been said he will get his chances and he may well keep his place on the Bench. Latu very rusty so needs a run out or two, we are desperately short of a big prop or two and we have lost one of our most effective forwards in Baker to suspension. A win win! Ironically if Latu is as unfit s some have said he may be the weaker link, we know Patton is decent enough!

Posted : 14/02/2020 12:43 pm
Active Member

Good move by the club,definitely short of a prop and with Danny injured it makes sense,some people might disagree but this a great use of dual reg,both players have plenty of experience it's not like taking on young Warrington players just to give them experience


Posted : 14/02/2020 1:30 pm
Reputable Member

We want to win the game, that's what Sheens is paid for.  We put the best team out there on Sunday to win the game, even if Joe Lyons gets upset (not suggesting he is though).

Coaches are paid to make these calls, most will agree he should go straight in.  Patton & Smith were a SL partnership back end of last year.

Posted : 14/02/2020 1:34 pm
Reputable Member

Having being booted from Wembley by Purtill i doubt Lyons will be too upset if someone like Sheens decides to leave him out

Posted : 14/02/2020 2:00 pm
Reputable Member

Very good use of the dual reg partnership as others have said Lyons will get opportunities in different positions, for me he’s not at the level required for a starter in a team trying to get into the top 5  yet and Patton is a very good player


latu concerns over his fitness so that one is up in the air but another week of training will hopefully stand him in decent stead for the game Sunday

Posted : 14/02/2020 2:25 pm
Honorable Member

Latu played for Warrington reserves 2 weeks ago so he must have a least some level of fitness by now.  If he is capable of 2 15 minute spells that will do as Ted, Moran and Farnworth can all do good minutes.

Lyons will be favourite to retain his place on the bench, Patton in for Craven and Latu on the bench for Baker. Therefore I don't see that Lyons will be that upset, it's not as if he won't be involved in the game. For me I would have Dwyer on the bench as an extra forward. Lyons can cover full back so we could switch things round if a 3 quarter picked up an injury. Latu, Farnworth, Dwyer and Lyons on the bench.

Posted : 14/02/2020 4:04 pm
Honorable Member

I think we’re very lucky to get these two dual reg players for this game as they fill our current gaps perfectly! I’ve just read some crap on Facebook where someone is spouting that he doesn’t pay for his season ticket to watch borrowed players from other clubs, blah, blah, blah..... Utter spangles!

Loan players, dual reg and trialists  have been a part of the game for years and there’s many a time we’ve been on the receiving end so I hope we get the benefit of it this time!

Posted : 14/02/2020 4:31 pm
Reputable Member

I think we’re very lucky to get these two dual reg players for this game as they fill our current gaps perfectly! I’ve just read some crap on Facebook where someone is spouting that he doesn’t pay for his season ticket to watch borrowed players from other clubs, blah, blah, blah….. Utter spangles! Loan players, dual reg and trialists have been a part of the game for years and there’s many a time we’ve been on the receiving end so I hope we get the benefit of it this time!


Can't believe Roly Rawlinson moaning because for me it benefits Widnes, as we need a big prop and a half-back while Craven is injured. There is some good reserve players, but if they are that great they leave for a Superleague club. Yeah I like youngsters coming through if definitely stay long term and some are not even ready for the Championship. I am sure they are just bored and want an argument. lol

Posted : 14/02/2020 8:18 pm
Honorable Member

Spot on Ratters!😂

Posted : 14/02/2020 10:41 pm
Eminent Member

I'm sorry to spoil the Wire party but you would rather have two players going through the motions and trying their best not to get injured over YOUNG WIDNES LADS   wow some people on here need to have a serious word with themselves

Posted : 14/02/2020 11:16 pm
Reputable Member

We want to win games that’s it

Posted : 15/02/2020 5:41 am
Honorable Member

We need to get back into Superleague, any Widnes lads we develop in the Championship will be picked off by SL sides. Danny Walker, Matt Whitley, Keenan Brand, Jordan Johnstone. Once we are in SL and we can offer them a full time environment it's much more likely they will stay. I have said many times, if we win the Championship grand final with 2 or 3 Warrington players in the squad you will hear no complaints from me.

Posted : 15/02/2020 9:29 am
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