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Halifax Panthers?

Noble Member

When did this happen?

Topic starter Posted : 15/02/2021 2:41 am
Noble Member

December 2020

Posted : 15/02/2021 6:41 am
Noble Member

Nothing screams Modern RL more than rebranding does it?!!

Posted : 15/02/2021 3:58 pm
Noble Member

it’s strange as one of the reasons I liked Halifax is they didn’t take on the silly American franchise BS 

Topic starter Posted : 16/02/2021 1:25 pm
Noble Member

I'm sure they will all be shouting up the Panthers from the terracing on the Shay.....

Do these names really work commercially?

Think they do for Leeds, Bradford and maybe Cas to an extent.

I mean, if you look across sport now, both mens and womens teams have an abundance of these names which I think gives them less and less resonance.....

Posted : 16/02/2021 2:54 pm
Honorable Member

I’m sure they will all be shouting up the Panthers from the terracing on the Shay….. Do these names really work commercially? Think they do for Leeds, Bradford and maybe Cas to an extent. I mean, if you look across sport now, both mens and womens teams have an abundance of these names which I think gives them less and less resonance…..


Good post, Bull or Bullmania, was great for Bulls and early SL, really increased exposure  in the Bradford region, but yes I agree, does it attract more commercial revenue? No.


I cringe when we get referred to by “Vikings”.

Posted : 16/02/2021 4:53 pm
Noble Member

it’s strange as one of the reasons I liked Halifax is they didn’t take on the silly American franchise BS

halifax blue sox ?

Posted : 16/02/2021 5:10 pm
Prominent Member Admin

I’m sure they will all be shouting up the Panthers from the terracing on the Shay….. Do these names really work commercially? Think they do for Leeds, Bradford and maybe Cas to an extent. I mean, if you look across sport now, both mens and womens teams have an abundance of these names which I think gives them less and less resonance…..

Agree with this. Don't get it. If you were dropping the town name, then I could maybe understand it; as ultimately you're trying to appear more fashionable to people who don't think Halifax (or otherwise) is fashionable enough to support.

I did this a year or so ago:

Posted : 16/02/2021 5:10 pm
Noble Member

I think the name change has been good for Widnes, especially our younger fans. And st least our new name had something to do with Widnes.

Posted : 16/02/2021 7:18 pm
New Member

I think the name change has been good for Widnes, especially our younger fans. And st least our new name had something to do with Widnes.

Call me old fashioned but I would like to see the Widnes coat of arms back on the shirt.

Posted : 28/02/2021 3:58 pm
Noble Member

I agree with the coat of arms being on the jersey maybe like years ago at the back of the neck 

Topic starter Posted : 01/03/2021 12:26 am