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Dan Murray

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Estimable Member

Linked to us on Twitter decent addition I’d say good experience at the right age 

Topic starter Posted : 21/02/2024 11:50 am
Reputable Member
Prominent Member

Be a decent signing. 

Posted : 21/02/2024 2:11 pm
Ratboy reacted
Estimable Member

Is he injured?

Is this coach got any idea whatsoever ? Every man and his dog knows we need a halfback and he signs another prop how many do we need ? No doubt he will still play Roberts there. Coleman promised entertaining RL well with no creation in the HB's we are well and truly fucked.


Posted : 21/02/2024 3:17 pm
Noble Member

Coleman believes he can get more out of Lyons than we have seen, we won’t get another 6 in with roby probably back up

Posted : 21/02/2024 3:24 pm
Prominent Member

Posted by: @prisoner

Is he injured?

Is this coach got any idea whatsoever ? Every man and his dog knows we need a halfback and he signs another prop how many do we need ? No doubt he will still play Roberts there. Coleman promised entertaining RL well with no creation in the HB's we are well and truly fucked.


Cant play attractive or unattractive rugby without a decent pack.

For too long it hasn’t been addressed.

Field, Brooks, Kirk, Walker, Tilleke, Wilson & Murray genuine props. Plus Roberts, Bent can play there. Get Bullock & Wood from Wire for decent a period of the season then it looks like we’re finally getting somewhere. 

You can’t address every problem straight away


Posted : 21/02/2024 5:30 pm
Noble Member

Don't forget that Reilly is basically out all season and the potential uncertainty over who you are going to get from Wire and it is an essential move to bring more props in- many of us were baffled to say the least about Roberts playing prop!

Posted : 21/02/2024 5:57 pm
Estimable Member

@viking25 The problem for years and years has been halfbacks to not have a back up is as bad as it gets last year Lyons was back up but now we don@t have any. All this crap about Roby and Owens playing there is utter rubbish against championship teams.

Posted : 21/02/2024 6:44 pm
Reputable Member

Posted by: @prisoner

@viking25 The problem for years and years has been halfbacks to not have a back up is as bad as it gets last year Lyons was back up but now we don@t have any. All this crap about Roby and Owens playing there is utter rubbish against championship teams.

I am with you for a specialist 6 like Craven. I would have been happy with Sammutt who attacks the line. Probably a nice lad Lyons but hasn't done it for me. I hope he can improve though and want him to succeed. Happy with another prop though as lost Reilly for the season and can't rely fully on Warrington players. I like Max Wood and Bullock for a long period as I do rate them. 


Posted : 21/02/2024 9:51 pm
sandgroper and Mckviking reacted
Reputable Member

Don't rate Sam Brookes or Tilleke. 

Posted : 21/02/2024 9:52 pm
Noble Member

Seems like a good addition, apparently was a stand off in his youth 

Posted : 21/02/2024 10:31 pm
Reputable Member

@ratboy club were 100% offered sammut....they said no probably thru age seeing as he's now at Workington and won't be earning a packet there ...I get the age thing but sammutts probably fitter than 80%+ of halves in this league .. exactly what we could have done with but favoured a half that carries zero running threat ...aslong as he's fit we won't see bullock again only reason he played Sunday was for wire to get mins in his legs

Posted : 21/02/2024 10:32 pm
Prominent Member Admin

Well he has previously played for Oldham so he does fit the bill!

In seriousness, think Murray would be a decent addition. The fact Max Roberts started at prop on Sunday suggests that regardless of people's opinions about our half backs, that props are needed.

When Dixon/Owens are available, I'd have thought the half-backs will be Gilmore/Roby or even Owens/Gilmore based on what I've seen.

Having said that, Lyons deserved credit for his performance defensively against Doncaster, doing a stint at hooker.

Posted : 21/02/2024 10:50 pm
Trusted Member

We can't rely on any specific individuals coming on DR from Warrington, they will prioritise their own needs first and we will get whatever is left once they've fulfilled their first team and reserve commitments. The reserves haven't started games yet, they may prefer to give their players needing minutes game time there, especially as their whole squad has a lot of youngsters once you get past the first 22/23 so a couple of more experienced bodies will be needed.

This is one of the problems with DR, recipient clubs rarely get continuity and have different DR players coming in and out of the squad. Look at the Lucas Green farce last Sunday, does it do anyone - player, home club, recipient club - any good to have a player playing with two different DR clubs in the first month of the season?

Unfortunately, this is the way the game is structured now, only Bradford and Wakefield in the Championship have any structure below their first teams, everyone else has a squad that is limited to ~25 players as they can't afford any more and/or they can't give game time to more players than that. So, once there are some injuries then teams struggle to find 18 of their own players on a match day so have to rely on loans and DR from SL clubs.

Of course , this could be addressed by spreading funding to the Championship and League 1 clubs so that they can carry a bigger squad and play a reserve/academy team but of course turkeys don't vote for Christmas so SL will never allow this to happen, to the demise of the overall game IMO.

Posted : 22/02/2024 11:20 am
Ratboy reacted
Famed Member

On our struggle to save the club iirc the funding for our academy was withdrawn, despite our good record in that area. 

It is pretty clear that the Board are setting up the off field staff and connection with the amateur ranks in the IMG pattern. That has to be done, like it or not, and we at least have some history in the academy system.

Others are spending big on the field, and maybe off it, but that takes more cash than we have atm. There will be  ructions if a good on field team are ruled out for off field deficiencies!!!!! but hopefully that won't be us.

A long way to go yet though!!

Posted : 22/02/2024 4:53 pm
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