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Catalan owner not happy!

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Prominent Member

What I find concerning is; when is a tackle complete? For me the first Saints try was a double movement. Progress was halted, Naiqama was on his back, for me that's tackle complete. KN then wrestles the ball to the floor. Try given. Maybe I'm just 'old skool', but if we ever want to speed up the game, and have a tidier ruck, the Refs need to be shouting 'held' when progress is halted, and cut out the wrestling.

Just my opinion


Paulie xx

Posted : 10/10/2021 9:37 pm
Estimable Member

What I find concerning is; when is a tackle complete? For me the first Saints try was a double movement. Progress was halted, Naiqama was on his back, for me that’s tackle complete. KN then wrestles the ball to the floor. Try given. Maybe I’m just ‘old skool’, but if we ever want to speed up the game, and have a tidier ruck, the Refs need to be shouting ‘held’ when progress is halted, and cut out the wrestling. Just my opinion Paulie xx


This. I thought the same for Toulouse first try tonight. Welham made a great tackle and after about 4 wrestles he gets it down. Not on.

I also thought it wasn't a pen try. If it was direct contact to the head then probably, but the initial impact (and the force that took him towards the touchline was legal) and just slipped up off the shoulder.


Posted : 10/10/2021 9:48 pm
Estimable Member

Catalan Dragons were on the wrong end of most of last night s calls.

Maloneys kick to touch , Coote is outside the field of play with his foot on the ground when he knocks the ball back in . Spectacular play for the crowd but basic call that the linesman gets wrong .

Yaha - what stops him putting the ball over the line .

Does he drop it ?No.
Does the pass go forward ? No.

Does he get tackled Legally ?No . Because a penalty gets given against Matkinson , who commits a foul for which he's sin binned that stops a player scoring . All day long its a penalty try .

Tompkins incident , penalty to Catalans not an incorrect Play the ball .


The Vicar




Posted : 10/10/2021 11:33 pm
Noble Member

I also thought it wasn’t a pen try. If it was direct contact to the head then probably, but the initial impact (and the force that took him towards the touchline was legal) and just slipped up off the shoulder.

So why the sin bin and penalty ?

Posted : 11/10/2021 8:34 am
Reputable Member

I also thought it wasn’t a pen try. If it was direct contact to the head then probably, but the initial impact (and the force that took him towards the touchline was legal) and just slipped up off the shoulder.

So why the sin bin and penalty ?

Because it was a high tackle, (not dangerous as the arm hit the shoulder and bounced up on impact) looked a lot worse than it was.

A high tackle close to the line doesn't mean it's a penalty try, I agree it wasn't a penalty try, as did the referee, 2 assistant refs and a video ref (but the referees on this board must be right).  Makinson was there to make the tackle, it was just a high tackle.  There is an obvious offence because it was quick rightly a penalty and a yellow card.  Correct decision.

The Coote touchline jump was very poor, linesmans fault that.  And the play the ball Tomkins got pinged for at the end was a poor call, but Moore did ok.  Catalans didn't lose because of the referee.


Posted : 11/10/2021 8:44 am
Noble Member

Because it was a high tackle, (not dangerous as the arm hit the shoulder and bounced up on impact) looked a lot worse than it was. A high tackle close to the line doesn’t mean it’s a penalty try, I agree it wasn’t a penalty try, as did the referee, 2 assistant refs and a video ref

(but the referees on this board must be right).

Yeah, because they never get one wrong do they ? I'm quite aware that a high tackle close to the try line doesn't automatically warrant a penalty try but this particular one prevented a try, in my opinion.Sin bin and penalty for high tackle and the high tackle stopped a try, accidental or not.You will never get 100% but that one was as close as can be.May as well do away with the rule.

Posted : 11/10/2021 8:52 am
Honorable Member

Just my £0.02.

The Coote touchline one was a bad mistake.

I thought the penalty on Tomkins near the end was very harsh.

There's no way the tackle on Naiqama was complete when he reached out to ground the ball.

Yaha's was a penalty try every day of the week. If that isn't a penalty try, then there's no such thing.

Naiqama's 2nd wasn't a foul, more a coming together.


All in all, a good game, one of the better GF's I can remember. Think Saints deserved to edge it.




Posted : 11/10/2021 8:55 am
Reputable Member

Captains challenge sorts out a lot of these issues in the NRL, accepting that officials are only human and occasionally get things wrong being able to challenge a decision is something we should look at bringing in , especially for the important games where the technology is available

Posted : 11/10/2021 3:05 pm
Reputable Member

Not sure what the Catalans owner is moaning about if I'm being honest.

Everyone knows RL officiating in this country has been sub standard for years.



Posted : 11/10/2021 3:10 pm
Noble Member

I've seen last minute winning tries awarded with the player a clear 5 yards offside in front of the kicker and they couldn't spot it between them so let's not pretend they are infallible.

Posted : 11/10/2021 5:41 pm
Prominent Member

If that was not a penalty try then its time to pack up,

the Referee may award a penalty try if, in his opinion, a try would have been scored but for the unfair play of the defending team. A penalty try is awarded between the goal posts irrespective of where the offence occurred

So everything fits the rule why was it not applied. As for Baz n Tez utterly clueless and do nothing for the game with there atrocious attempt at commentary and unbiased discussion.

Posted : 19/10/2021 7:07 am
Noble Member

May as well abolish the rule if they are too scared to use it and award one.The high tackle was indeed unintentional  but that's just tough, it was still penalised and it still prevented a try.

Posted : 19/10/2021 8:49 am
Famed Member

May as well abolish the rule if they are too scared to use it and award one.The high tackle was indeed unintentional but that’s just tough, it was still penalised and it still prevented a try.

That's my view too.

If it was worthy of a penalty, by definition it must be a penalty try. The ball was in his hands and he was forced out of play illegally.

Topic starter Posted : 19/10/2021 11:15 am
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