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Estimable Member

Does anyone else remember being told as a kid by whatever coach you had to not let the fuckin ball bounce from an up and under? At least three times we did this , not counting the keystone kops moment leading to their try and the time Jack tried to volley the ball back over the dead ball line ( why , I don't know)  it's not fuckin rocket science and it cost us the game 


Posted : 30/06/2024 8:40 pm
Pascal reacted
Reputable Member

Joey was sat in front of us in the South stand with Reilly, Ince et al. Is he injured or was he dropped? If it’s the latter that is one dumb decision today…  

Posted : 30/06/2024 10:07 pm
Noble Member

Posted by: @tosh

Does anyone else remember being told as a kid by whatever coach you had to not let the fuckin ball bounce from an up and under? At least three times we did this , not counting the keystone kops moment leading to their try and the time Jack tried to volley the ball back over the dead ball line ( why , I don't know)  it's not fuckin rocket science and it cost us the game 


The other thing drummed into us as kids was, if two people are trying to catch a ball, the one running forward (usually the FB) takes the ball rather than someone running backwards trying to take it over his shoulder.

Owens also tried to volley a ball, rather than catch it, against Wakefield. The ball went straight to their winger who scored..... Again costing us the game.

He is not the only player making mistakes, but he makes too many at present.



Posted : 30/06/2024 11:26 pm
Pascal and alanC reacted
Reputable Member

I think at the moment we’re trying too hard to re find the form from the start of the season and probably overplaying in certain areas causing panic throughout the team. Coleman has probably not helped with so many different selections but currently I’d say we’re looking tired and fading in games we’ve just gotta find that balance again and grind a win out to hopefully get back into some sort of form. 

Posted : 01/07/2024 4:15 am
Estimable Member

Worst performance of the season so far, in the league anyway. Pack was dominated, lacked guile when in possession and some embarrassing moments in defence.

Following on from last week's second half, it's not a good sign. Hopefully they can dust themselves down for next week because I can see Swinton being well up for it.

Posted : 01/07/2024 4:58 am
Noble Member

Just seems that Widnes don't have the strength or depth to go the distance of a full season.Others have tried and failed.No use pointing to injuries ,that's a given before a ball is kicked.We'll still get wins from here on in but plenty more defeats to come.Too many passengers.

Posted : 01/07/2024 5:54 am
Pascal and alanC reacted
Active Member


Pathetic performance, total lack of leadership on the field, what's happened to Jack, he seems to be lost and not leading.

Posted : 01/07/2024 8:34 am
Estimable Member

Not sure what Gregson offers, Sam Brookes should have been on the bench or even started to add a bit of size.  Really poor performance, Batley looked like they wanted it more. That said if Ollie Brookes doesnt miss a one on one tackle and Owens and Roby sort themselves out then we probably win the game.

Posted : 01/07/2024 1:15 pm
Pascal reacted
Prominent Member

Absolute terrible performance no composure or guile with losing ball on 1st and 2nd tackle. Need another big prop, strike centre and big back rower. We need Edge, Dixon and Joey Lyons back in soon. I think that Brogan will be a decent loan signing, but some players need to look at themselves. Laurel and Hardy moment 2 players bumping into each other for the high ball. Get some composure as that performance was shite. Don't rate Gregson he is over rated and hopefully Langtree improves with match fitness. Not a fan of Fleming in the centre and fingers crossed Edge is back this week. 

Posted : 01/07/2024 2:08 pm
Prominent Member

Chuckle brothers on high bomb and Brookes should have tackled the guy into touch. 12 points given to Batley who are bang average. 

Posted : 01/07/2024 7:55 pm
Prominent Member

Need Edge, Field, Dixon and Joey back playing. Possibly Benty. 

Posted : 02/07/2024 10:42 am
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