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NHS Medal

Eminent Member

I was thinking that a nice way for the country to thank the staff of the NHS, who are risking their lives for the rest of us might be to have a special medal minted (like a peacetime campaign medal) and given to each one I’ve started a petition on to see if it gets any support ( Please sign/tweet (#NHSMedal) or spread the word however you like if you agree

Topic starter Posted : 28/03/2020 4:23 pm
Prominent Member

Not for an instance am I disagreeing or in any way not saying they deserve praise but, there are a lot of people workers ie supermarket staff carers for example who are doing just as much and probably with greater risk. People need to realise that others are putting there lives on the line and congratulate them all not just NHS workers.

Lets pray to keep them all safe.

Posted : 28/03/2020 5:00 pm
Noble Member

Not for an instance am I disagreeing or in any way not saying they deserve praise but, there are a lot of people workers ie supermarket staff carers for example who are doing just as much and probably with greater risk. People need to realise that others are putting there lives on the line and congratulate them all not just NHS workers. Lets pray to keep them all safe.

I agree with this. We all need to show our thanks to the NHS staff working on the front line to beat this virus, but there are lots of other unsung heroes out there too - cleaners, posties, refuse collectors, shop staff, delivery drivers, warehouse workers, carers, teachers and teaching assistants and, of course, the army of volunteers serving their local community.

Posted : 28/03/2020 5:48 pm
Famed Member

What we should all realise is that we are all inter-dependent in the end. One domino falls and, potentially, we all fall.

When the fallout comes hopefully we will be able to establish a less partisan society and be better for it!

Posted : 31/03/2020 10:15 am
Honorable Member

I agree with Mick and Frankg on this one, too many key workers involved in keeping all the cogs turning to start praising one over the other. I do have total respect for NHS workers, however I abstained from the first week’s applause as it seemed too exclusive - especially as on the Monday of that week the government had agreed a deal for private healthcare to also clear non-emergency beds to open doors to Covid patients, so why not applaud their staff too (amongst others)?

In subsequent weeks I have applauded as there is a consciousness of other areas deserving recognition. Whether it’s the bin-men, the contracted maintenance guys keeping the lights on, or the internet service providers providing access to medical records and facility to work from home, they all matter and are needed to keep the wheels turning!

Posted : 18/04/2020 12:48 pm