China What Is the T...
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China What Is the Truth

Prominent Member

With a population of 1.6 billion yet only 80000 cases of coronavirus an only 3200 fatalities am I the only person that hints at this is a load of wotsits. When the truth eventually shows its face will there be real repercussions towards China?.

If they would of announced it when the virus started would the world would have been able to better deal with the outbreak ?.

Topic starter Posted : 26/03/2020 6:55 pm
Trusted Member

You shouldn't believe anything a communist tells you. Didn't they initially arrest that poor 34 year old doctor for rumour-mongering or whatever his crime was? Communists like above all to be proved right by history, so if this involves 'proving' their swift action closing down Wuhan has eliminated the virus, it will have been eliminated. Honest.

Posted : 27/03/2020 6:54 am
Famed Member

You shouldn’t believe anything a communist tells you. Didn’t they initially arrest that poor 34 year old doctor for rumour-mongering or whatever his crime was? Communists like above all to be proved right by history, so if this involves ‘proving’ their swift action closing down Wuhan has eliminated the virus, it will have been eliminated. Honest.


Better to believe Trump , the healer sent to solve America's problems?

Posted : 27/03/2020 10:29 am
Trusted Member

With a population of 1.6 billion yet only 80000 cases of coronavirus an only 3200 fatalities am I the only person that hints at this is a load of wotsits. When the truth eventually shows its face will there be real repercussions towards China?. If they would of announced it when the virus started would the world would have been able to better deal with the outbreak ?.

They should have been more open when the virus surfaced and not tried to suppress information from the worlds scientists, I don't think anyone is disputing that. But I have no idea what the rest of your post is even alluding to.

Posted : 27/03/2020 5:03 pm
Trusted Member

You shouldn’t believe anything a communist tells you. Didn’t they initially arrest that poor 34 year old doctor for rumour-mongering or whatever his crime was? Communists like above all to be proved right by history, so if this involves ‘proving’ their swift action closing down Wuhan has eliminated the virus, it will have been eliminated. Honest.

Rafe is there a possibility you might have an axe to grind here?

Posted : 27/03/2020 5:04 pm
Trusted Member

Possibly, given the Chinese communists have so far killed more people than Stalin and Hitler put together.

Just saying, whatever they tell you, assume they're not necessarily on the level.

Posted : 27/03/2020 8:47 pm
Noble Member

The number of cases and deaths in China and both relative to the population of the country and even Wuhan itself look extremely suspicious when you look at the subsequent data elsewhere.

Did the low number of deaths lead to complacency in other countries which has now lead to more deaths elsewhere?

Or are the numbers right and the Chinese early lockdown dealt with the situation? Is there a reason that Italy and Spain have had hugely higher death rates than all the other affected countries (where sample size is large enough to be relevant)?

There is so much guesswork here. If you believe some of the scientists quoted as to how many people may have or have had the virus and not known about it then the death rates may be a fraction of what has been in the public eye.

Posted : 27/03/2020 9:48 pm
Trusted Member

A friend of mine who's struggling vainly to equip medical staff with PPE in a well-known large NW trust has said the Chinese are under-reporting their death rate by a factor of 40. Guesswork, I know, but educated guesswork I'd say. The tidal wave (as he describes it) is hitting the north west this weekend - so please, don't go for your daily trip to the Asda or Morrisons today, it's just not worth the risk.

Posted : 03/04/2020 8:46 am
Former Chemic
Honorable Member

The original poster questioned whether or not China would face repercussions when the crisis ends. I heard it reported on the radio that the source of the virus, wild animal markets, have just reopened in China.

If that’s true, it beggars belief and I’m sure that the USA and the rest of the world will, somehow, make China pay a price.

Off topic perhaps, but how can the UK even consider giving China a leading role in 5G if we doubt their truthfulness over the spread of this virus?

Posted : 03/04/2020 9:10 am
Prominent Member

With a population of 1.6 billion yet only 80000 cases of coronavirus an only 3200 fatalities am I the only person that hints at this is a load of wotsits. When the truth eventually shows its face will there be real repercussions towards China?. If they would of announced it when the virus started would the world would have been able to better deal with the outbreak ?.

They should have been more open when the virus surfaced and not tried to suppress information from the worlds scientists, I don’t think anyone is disputing that. But I have no idea what the rest of your post is even alluding to.

Are you getting the point yet ?

Topic starter Posted : 17/04/2020 7:30 am