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Honorable Member

Surely there are other people apart from me who are uncomfortable with what our Govt are condoning here?

Keir Starmer needs to realise how his bread is buttered and call this out. That is, more (MORE) war crimes committed by Israel.

We've been force-fed 12+ months of 'hate the aggressor' with Russia. Now we're expected to side with the aggressor in a different campaign? Is the irony lost on people?

Is this all a prelude to America bombing Iran? Seems that way, they started yesterday. Why are we aligned to these maniacs?

And why are we not allowed to talk about Israel the aggressor, Israel the war criminal in this country? Without the media badging it as anti-semitism? Which it isn't. They did for Corbyn, now you can't speak out about Israel, wave a Palestinian flag without threat of jail sentence. You don't need to be a scientist to work that one out, it stinks.

Is no-one else concerned about where our country is headed?

Topic starter Posted : 28/10/2023 9:59 am
Noble Member

What's the answer though mate?

It'll take a person / many persons far cleverer than I to bring this war to an end, but even someone as thick as me can see that the answer to killing innocent people, is not killing more innocent people.

Senior Labour politicians are at odds with the leader over his comments about a ceasefire.

Thousands of pro-Palestinians rallying in London, as man's inhumanity to man continues.

We are all part members of the human family, and we all deserve to live in peace, but unfortunately that right is denied to far too many of that family.


Posted : 28/10/2023 7:13 pm
Noble Member

Posted by: @spelly

What's the answer though mate?

It'll take a person / many persons far cleverer than I to bring this war to an end, but even someone as thick as me can see that the answer to killing innocent people, is not killing more innocent people.

Senior Labour politicians are at odds with the leader over his comments about a ceasefire.

Thousands of pro-Palestinians rallying in London, as man's inhumanity to man continues.

We are all part of the human family, and we all deserve to live in peace, but unfortunately that right is denied to far too many of that family.


Just amended the last sentence slightly.


Posted : 28/10/2023 8:55 pm
Famed Member

It is a sad fact that there isn't one world leader with the gravitas and stature to speak out on this never-ending middle east problem. 

Starmer has allowed 'non-semitism' to become 'pro Israel' - which makes the Trump tribute act that is Netanyahu the controller!!!

He, like Trump, Biden's family, and Johnson, is corrupt and being pursued in his own courts!!!

USA has, as it sees it, unfinished business in Iran and elsewhere and can only see the solution of the big stick and extermination.

Hamas is not 'Palestine' but it dominates by its single minded purpose. This hinders any peace-making efforts.

The United Nations should be the one to bestride the problem and almost enforce a unified approach but it has lost its own standing by being side-tracked too many times.

This post was modified 9 months ago by sandgroper
Posted : 29/10/2023 9:28 am
Honorable Member

Why will no-one back a ceasefire? Sunak is a disgrace but I expect that. Starmer is a disgrace but I would expect more from a Labour leader. I hope he's held to account, he could lose his election goodwill here the idiot.

Topic starter Posted : 31/10/2023 11:50 pm
Honorable Member

We have tolerated Israeli war crimes for generations. It's occupation. It's terrorism.

Yet somehow, we respond to other occupation differently (Ukraine). We respond to other terrorism differently (Iran).

You'd have to be a Grade A dickhead to buy all this. Luckily, people these days know when they're being hoodwinked. Unfortunately, you get arrested for knowing what you're talking about.

Tory Britain, and that includes Starmer.

Topic starter Posted : 01/11/2023 12:34 am
Famed Member

Better brains than Sunak and Starmer have failed to resolve the middle east's problems because both parties in the conflict are extremists and will not agree to give ground.

As long as that remains there will be no movement, whoever is in power in the rest of the world.

Killing vast numbers of innocent civilians may give either side a lift on their power 'scoreboard' but will not resolve anything.

Posted : 01/11/2023 7:20 am
Estimable Member

2 wrongs don't make a right. This latest round of war was started by Hamas murdering 100's of innocent people who had done nothing. Israel were always going to retaliate.

Are they going about it the right way? Absolutely not, as 100's of thousands now suffer, but Hamas will have known this and don't care about their own either. They have been building to this for a while seemingly and are trying to take on people's goodwill for Palestine's as goodwill for Hamas.

It does seem crazy that the world will stand by and let so many suffer, but with it being relatively small and massively intertwined I'm not sure of an answer.

Should Hamas pay, and be wiped out? Absolutely.

Will this actually happen? Almost certainly not.

Who will lose out? Innocent people on both sides, as always.

Posted : 02/11/2023 8:47 am
Honorable Member

I'm not offering a suggestion as to what Israel or Palestine or Hamas should do.

I'm just offering up that, at the moment, Israel are bombing hospitals, schools, refugee camps, fleeing citizens etc. and we're doing nothing. We're not even calling them out for it, in fact we're condoning it by suggesting they are "defending themselves". It's despicable.

More people arrested yesterday in pro-Palestinian marches. And the Daily Mail ramping the culture war angle seeing as its Remembrance Sunday tomorrow. Pity the Mail didn't bother to report on the Covid Enquiry this week, unbelievable levels of Govt ineptitude.

Topic starter Posted : 04/11/2023 12:14 pm
Famed Member


Netanyhu openly declared that it was 'war' early in the piece, Hamas just say nothing but keep sending missiles.

Does anyone think that either of them knows or cares what we think?

They count success by the numbers of dead , they always have done.

Posted : 04/11/2023 4:27 pm
Noble Member

Just watching BBC News, as the killing and heartbreak in Gaza continues.

The UN have suspended aid operations due to lack of fuel.

As I mentioned earlier in this thread, I don't know what the the answer to killing innocent people is, but I repeat it's NOT killing more innocent people!


Posted : 17/11/2023 3:31 pm
Noble Member

I don't believe any civilised person would condone the loss of innocent lives in Gaza and Israel.

My understanding of a cease fire is that it includes all parties in the conflict. Haven't Hamas said that they will continue the attacks like that on 7 October and daily missile strikes on Israel, until Israel has been wiped off the face of the earth?

Instead of a political gimmicks by the SNP on a vote that would have no impact at all on the conflict, there should be a call to support for everything to be done to allow humanitarian aid into Gaza; and for Israel and the Palestinian leaders to enter into talks about a two-state solution, as soon as possible. 

This post was modified 8 months ago by Frankg
Posted : 17/11/2023 4:36 pm
Honorable Member

The continuous war crimes that Israel perpetrate. Is no-one bothered?

We'll be asked to hate Russia more soon but, you know, they're nowhere near the same ethnic cleansing maniacs as the Israelis.

Don't people care?

Topic starter Posted : 02/01/2024 2:19 am
Noble Member

Posted by: @gpo1971

The continuous war crimes that Israel perpetrate. Is no-one bothered?

We'll be asked to hate Russia more soon but, you know, they're nowhere near the same ethnic cleansing maniacs as the Israelis.

Don't people care?

To paraphrase an old Barry Maguire song " ------ but you don't count the dead when Biden's on your side."

How does Netenyahu sleep at night?




Posted : 03/01/2024 8:52 pm
Estimable Member

@spelly  Handful of senators don't pass legislation is a truer line

Posted : 04/01/2024 11:43 am
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