Donald Trump wants....
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Donald Trump wants....

Noble Member

............ to "Make America great again."

Has it ever been great? Nooooooooooo way in my opinion!

He lost an election, then said it was rigged, now..........

He's been convicted, and the trial was rigged! Yawwwwwwwwwwwwn!

Sore loser springs to mind!

If he's elected come November, will the World will be a less safe place? But................

Whether it's him or JB, who gets the nod, the term "Leader of the Free World" will be banded about again, but.....

I am a proud member of the Free World, and NEITHER be my leader, nor will ANY Yank ever be!


This topic was modified 9 months ago by Spelly
Topic starter Posted : 31/05/2024 6:31 pm
Honorable Member

I felt sorry for the Yanks choosing between Trump and Biden last time. They must be especially gutted to be choosing from the same shite 4 years later. What a jip.

Biden is a joke. But to be honest, that doesn't even begin to describe the Don.

The fact that we alienated our European allies to align to these basket cases is beyond belief. We shouldn't go near these gobshites whatsoever.

Posted : 31/05/2024 9:58 pm
Estimable Member

Only luck that he is still alive. A matter of mm from death, and serious questions will be asked.

Could have been history making for all the wrong reasons last night, and love him or loathe him nobody deserves that.

Posted : 14/07/2024 8:50 am
Honorable Member

Is anyone else sick to back teeth of American politics dominating the news? I really couldn't care less what happens over there, the whole country is one messed-up cult.

Posted : 22/07/2024 5:03 pm
Estimable Member

@gpo1971 Mmm watch out

Posted : 22/07/2024 5:25 pm
Noble Member

I notice that (with others) the Don was one of the chief guests at the re-opening of Notre Dame, but.............

How politically motivated was it? Massively I would suggest, coz............

He was strategically positioned in between Mr and Mrs Macron, with Prince William, Mrs Biden, and President Zelensky all within whispering distance, but.................

At a church that is prob only second of importance in Catholicism to St Peter's in Rome, why was the Pope not there? But......

Back to Trump, and what are your feelings / expectations of what'll happen when he re-enters the White House next month?

There's talk already of sanctions with both Canada, and us, so................

What awaits from across the Pond for the next four years?




This post was modified 3 months ago by Spelly
Topic starter Posted : 08/12/2024 8:27 pm
Noble Member

So the Don is at it again!

Gonna re-name the Gulf of Mexico as the Gulf of America eh?

How's about us Giving the Irish Sea a new moniker as the British Sea? Or........

Cardigan Bay, upon whose banks, my good lady resides, becoming the Gulf of Anglesey instead?

Will the world we live in be a safe place when he re-enters the White House in a few days?


Topic starter Posted : 08/01/2025 2:39 pm
Noble Member

So tomorrow, Trump (again) gets the keys to the Oval Office, and becomes head of a country with largest economy on the planet. What can we expect over the next four years?

A nation that destroys the English Language, retains (in some states) the death penalty, with a constitution that dates back to only the late eighteenth century.

Will the world be a safer place tomorrow and onwards?

Over to you, but..................

I for one, am holding my breath!



Topic starter Posted : 19/01/2025 11:02 am
Reputable Member

I watched his speech and have seen the executive orders he has so far put in place and aside from the Panama issue and renaming the Mexican Gulf everything he has done has been absolutely spot on IMHO

It was noticeable that within days of his election major US companies like Amazon, Ford, Walmart and McDonalds announced the were scaling back the DEI mandates imposed on them by Biden and co

Super criminals Blackrock ( who Starmer had at No10 in November, not long after he had Gates there !!!!!) alongside major banks like JP Morgan and Morgan Stanley withdrew from the UN climate scam as they know the grift is up.


Will the world be a safer place ? well it was The Obama/Biden crew and their CIA goons like Nuland that overthrew the last democratically elected President of Ukraine (twice elected) Yanukovich when he refused to be blackmailed by the IMF and EU into selling Ukrainian land to "Western Investors" like Blackrock and Vanguard, it was the same crew that kicked off all the "Arab Spring" and colour revolutions, the CIA's largest budget spend has been on trying to remove Assad for the last 14 years, They also destroyed one of the most advanced countries in Africa when they and "defensive" alliance NATO obliterated Libya, who can forget cackling Hilary and her "we came, we saw and we killed him" quote.

Trump winning in 2016 put an unexpected stop to their plans for the war in Ukraine to start in 2017 and the removal of Assad to occur around the same time as he wanted to team up with Assad and Russia to defeat ISIS- which they did so they had to wait for Biden to set everything off again.

It was the US and NATO that started to arm and train Ukrainian soldiers in 2014, It was EU politicians and NATO officials who admitted the two minsk agreements were just a ruse to buy them more time to dig in defences and build up more arms for Ukraine, it was the NATO armed and trained 200,000 strong Ukrainian force that was set to attack Donbass and Crimea in early March 2022 but Putin got in first....they always forget to mention that in the MSM, it is the NATO satellites and spy planes that are supplying coordinates and targeting info to the NATO supplied weapons like storm shadow to attack Russian cities and it is the Biden regime that has continued to escalate this war so that Little Russians can kill big Russians whilst the US gets fat on overpriced LNG supplies to Europe and MIC makes billions on arms sales to all those countries that have added to the death and destruction by using up their existing stocks whilst pushing for 5% GDP spend going forward

And it is Blackrock and Vanguard who have bought all this Ukrainian land with its natural resources that is being fought over who also have the rebuilding contracts..   


Not sure if it will be safer with Trump in charge but it cant be any more dangerous than having the warmongering Democrats in..


Posted : 22/01/2025 11:12 pm