Boris Johnson.
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Boris Johnson.

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Posted : 25/06/2022 3:19 pm
Reputable Member

It seems Starmer has suddenly remembered what a women is as he allows his hypocrisy to shine once again

Tweeting about the overturning of Roe v Wade in the US he said " The right of women to make their own decisions about their own bodies is a fundamental human right."

This comes a few months after the twix voted for and forced his party to vote for the sacking of all NHS staff and care workers as well as the segregation of all people who would not allow the Government to inject them with an experimental genetic therapy


Posted : 26/06/2022 11:08 pm
Honorable Member

@anotherposter Are you saying that what he tweeted about women’s rights is a bad thing ?

Posted : 27/06/2022 12:22 am
Reputable Member
Posted by: @royston-vasey

@anotherposter Are you saying that what he tweeted about women’s rights is a bad thing ?


I'm saying that the right to bodily autonomy and being able to choose is a fundamental human right

So why did the former human rights lawyer vote for mandatory vaccinations and the persecution and demonisation of those who chose to exercise that right on multiple occasions ?

Why did he vote for the restriction of of liberties and say the government was not going far enough in its actions against these people

Why are the decisions made in other countries more important to him than the segregation and division of society he voted for in this country and forced his party to impose , destroying the economy and small business in the process

Human rights exist even If they protect some things you disagree with, don't quote the very thing you are happy to ignore and abuse when it suits you personally and politically


Posted : 27/06/2022 7:51 am
Honorable Member

@anotherposter And on the other side of the coin enforcing decisions to protect the greater good may be taken at a cost. I understand the argument and I also understand that there are contrary opinions and viewpoints in most ethical debates.

because a person holds one view in one set of circumstances and a different opinion in different circumstances isn’t necessarily hypocritical.

Posted : 27/06/2022 7:57 am
Reputable Member

@royston-vasey it is when you and the majority of the people who voted for and implemented them also ignore them

Especially when they contradict every medical opinion and protocol prior to 2020 and have subsequently been shown to have been detrimental



For the greater good is a phrase that has constantly been used throughout history by dictators to oppress dissenting voices, so where does it stop when you decide the circumstances dictate if you have human rights or not ?

Do we enforce sterilisation after one child because of a growing population - for the greater good

Do we enforce euthanasia at a certain age because of the cost and burden of looking after older people - for the greater good

You don't get to pick and choose what are human rights when they suit you

They are not legislated , they are fundamental

Posted : 27/06/2022 12:00 pm
Reputable Member

Oh and I forgot to add the Tories are pushing through a bill that will allow the government to suspend and remove human rights when they deem it for - the greater good.

Let's see what starmer has to say about that

Posted : 27/06/2022 12:08 pm
Honorable Member

@anotherposter So you don’t think there is such a thing as the greater good. It is just a device to curry favour that will later invariably be ignored ? 

I’m not sure that quite a lot of the assumptions you make - including who you believe it is that I vote for and why I may or may not vote for candidates - would actually stand up to scrutiny.

A lot of people, undoubtedly including your good self, are not hypocritical. A lot of people try to live lives the best way they can. Of course, as people grow older and life experiences are gained, opinions change and people make mistakes - politicians are no different.

Stammer is an average politician at best (as an aside, as a person, he is, in my opinion, a far more worthwhile human being than the current Prime Minister) but as a person is a reasoned and reasoning individual.

Of course your, hopefully pseudo, moral outrage (we’ll leave morality aside for another discussion on another day) is great to see and I’m sure that you believe, with the limited knowledge at your disposal, you are right.

Good for you I say although I’m mindful of the words of the great P D Heaton : ‘And I thought I’d beheaded if I stuck my neck out but they just gave me a hanky for

my tears.

Of course their are bad people running evil regimes out out there but they are the exception not the norm and although you seem to suggest that everybody, everywhere is repressed it is not only factually inaccurate it is also just plain ludicrous beyond words. 

I have four children and nobody has suggested sterilisation. I’m over 60 and was considered medium risk at the onset of Covid - nobody suggested I might want to euthanise myself. One of my sons is married to a person of what we chose to refer to as ‘of ethnic descent’ and nobody has proposed us for ethnic cleansing.

if you doubt the validity of ‘greater good’ then you should also apply the same critical thinking to the question of what constitutes human rights. If they are inalienable then how can they, logically speaking, be diminished, at the very least on a philosophical level ?

Posted : 27/06/2022 1:01 pm
Noble Member

So the "Shove it boss!" brigade are now joined by Savid, and Rishi eh?

Michael Heseltine has just been on 5Live, and (I'm being diplomatic and polite here) he wasn't exactly backing the Blond Buffoon!

And of course, the Chris Pincher scenario is now directly over his head!

This apology of a PM must have a skin thicker than a Rhino!

How long has he got left?


Topic starter Posted : 05/07/2022 7:08 pm
Former Chemic
Honorable Member

Power is the ultimate aphrodisiac and, IMHO, Boris and his supporters will be in charge for many months to come.

Posted : 06/07/2022 9:07 am
Noble Member

I started this thread six months ago, and........

Well, he's now gone-ish!

He's resigned as Tory leader, but (up to now) staying on as PM!

So will he continue to live (is it rent free?) at the most famous address in the land, until his successor is appointed?

What is the function of the Deputy PM?

It seems that what precious little credibility he had left, has now gone!

There's that age old title about someone who is devoid of friends. being called "Billy No Mates" so maybe it'll now be re-branded as "Boris No Mates" instead?

Two and a half years ago, he walked triumphantly into Downing Street, backed by a huge majority given to him by the British public, but...........

How are the mighty fallen!

I would imagine those Tory MPs that were elected to the Red Wall seats back in December 2019, are now thinking "How long have I got a job for?"

My reply is "Not long I hope!"






This post was modified 3 years ago by Spelly
Topic starter Posted : 07/07/2022 12:46 pm
Honorable Member

Good riddance to (extremely) bad rubbish. He has his wedding party at Chequers next month so it’s no surprise he wants to hang around for a bit. Yet again with The Buffoon, it’s all about him.

A legacy of lies, sleaze and ambition before duty, standard Tory stuff I guess.

The warnings were there when his intention to stand was made, ex-journalistic colleagues, political contemporaries and even ex-girlfriends were not slow in coming forward to warn everyone that this was a man not to be trusted; and it’s been a massive case of ‘I told you so’ from start to finish.

Listening today to some of the things he has done in his time as PM is staggering, it’s amazing he’s lasted this long. He has done because he’s been supported by a massive majority of self-promoting lackeys, some of the worst boot-licks politics has seen in a long time. They’ve backed him all the way and the fact that some seem to have found a conscience in the past 48 hours simply cannot deflect the blame, they’ve enabled him.

His so called achievements include getting a Brexit done that was effectively worse for the country than Theresa May’s deal, for which she was ousted in favour of him. The ‘oven-ready’ ‘world-beating’ deal that, even up until last week, he was trying to (illegally) change as it simply doesn’t work.

His crowning glory was the Covid vaccination program, his administration’s strategy and the NHS’s execution of it, was impressive. But the road to that point was littered with mistakes, costing the lives of thousands, particularly the sending of infected patients back into care homes, untested, which was a catastrophe. And don’t forget this is where the corruption and siphoning of public money really ramped up.

He’s been vocal about Ukraine, rightly so, and the UK has provided a significant amount of arms to the country. But some of the ‘he’s a lion’ quotes I’ve seen today are a bit dramatic. We know he wants to be a Diet Churchill but, let’s face facts, he’s not even a Diet Major.

So, good riddance, do one, go quickly (Get Exit Done) and let’s move onto the next Buffoon Junior.

Posted : 07/07/2022 5:40 pm
Honorable Member

History will show him as a self serving, ineffectual human being who didn’t have either the intellect or moral fibre to lead the country and ALL of the members of the society that he was (staggeringly elected to lead.

Different Prime Ministers, from all political parties, have had their strong points and their weak points. By far Johnson’s weakest point, from quite a collection of options, is that he doesn’t have one single positive strong point.

Good riddance.

Posted : 07/07/2022 8:03 pm
sandgroper reacted
Famed Member

Amazingly the Johnson supporters who backed the lies, knowing them to be lies, have been absolved of all blame!

They are all true blue, and as trustworthy as their past leader!

Even JC himself would have been hard pressed to have purified them at that rate!!!!

Posted : 13/07/2022 9:53 am
Honorable Member

It's always good to see Hunt thrown out on his ear. Enjoyed that.

Surely Sunak is more of the same (Buffoon Junior)? When he talks about "rebuilding the economy" this is his personal economy of the past 2 years and his party's economy of the past 12 years. Or am I missing something? You've had your shot Rishi.

I must admit, I don't know anything about Mordaunt, other than her Brexit lies. But, for some, that's a long time ago.

Truss is endorsed by Adolf Rees-Mogg and Dorries so that should be enough of a death sentence. Those gobsh1tes wouldn't get a job under anyone normal.

I don't know anything about the other candidates. You'd hope the Tory faithful would choose someone completely removed from the atrocious cabinet we've just endured but, then again, these are the same people who endorsed The Buffoon in the first place. So anything is possible.

Battle of the Losers.


Posted : 13/07/2022 8:44 pm
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