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Sky funding.2021?

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Famed Member

It is almost a given that future  Sky funds will be reduced drastically and the funds concentrated on SL clubs as they are now. Any failing clubs will be outside SL.

Championship clubs will have to survive on their own funding, whatever that is.

Time to recognise the pattern and allow SL to break away with Sky and the big city logic. The M62 Founder clubs would be better as far away from the SL as possible imo, they are just padding to be used and discarded in the new structure's formation.

The decision has to be made sooner rather than later I am afraid or we are all at risk. Back to the future!

A new management structure would be needed to manage the Championship and League 1, which should be no problem with people like Beaumont around, not to put money in but to help organise the process.

The game ran for many years before Sky funding raised its head, organised by club reps etc. and could it do it again. Some clubs would no doubt be fearful of leaving the promise of Sky funding but that has to be faced. Time for absent supporters to make their decision!

There remains the question for some SL clubs to consider and that is which clubs are to be jettisoned to make way for City Clubs? That is their problem. Would anyone trust the present management?

Topic starter Posted : 31/08/2020 6:35 pm
Noble Member

How much funding do Championship/League 1 clubs get from the Sky money?

A split could kill the game completely below SL, with some clubs preferring to stay with the existing set up and others jumping ship to an even more uncertain future. Having said that, many clubs not fitting the SL mould will be facing an uncertain future. In short, the game is in a mess and the RFL need to come up with some answers now.

If SL continue with the big city international league - where are the Australasia teams in this "international" league - then clearly there is no place for the likes of Widnes, Salford, Leigh, Castleford, Featherstone, Hull KR and others. Just where do the RFL see these clubs in their vision for the future?

SL is heading to be a hybrid game based on American Football - no scrums, multiple substitutions, played in quarters etc to suit the NA market. Is there a future for Rugby League? As has been said, it needs someone who wants to see RL survive at community level and willing to invest time and money.

Posted : 01/09/2020 9:38 am
Famed Member

The real danger is that we will sleepwalk into a split, as I think we both fear.

In many ways I suspect that the SL/RFL are happy with that beacause it solves the planning problem for them. Maurice Lindsay at least was prepared to tell clubs how he saw the furure, merged clubs etc. The present incumbents are happy to let it slide.

Where do you see the handouts for Championship clubs coming from if the Sky money dies? I think that it will probably be inevitable that in that event Rimmer will just shrug his shoulders and say ' What could I do'?

It may need that to shake the tree enough to get clubs to assert themselves. At the end of the day it has to be the clubs who speak up for themselves, if they don't they will die.

I know I've said it before but SL will be a Sky gameshow.

Topic starter Posted : 01/09/2020 12:36 pm
Noble Member

then clearly there is no place for the likes of Widnes, Salford, Leigh, Castleford, Featherstone, Hull KR and others. .

Actually wouldn't mind being involved in a (Semi-Pro) Championship League with those sides, we would be in with a fighting chance of Grand Finals/Trophy wins.



Posted : 01/09/2020 12:46 pm
Noble Member

then clearly there is no place for the likes of Widnes, Salford, Leigh, Castleford, Featherstone, Hull KR and others. .

Actually wouldn’t mind being involved in a (Semi-Pro) Championship League with those sides, we would be in with a fighting chance of Grand Finals/Trophy wins.

I agree and there must be some scope for a tv deal of some type with one of the tv channels. Being separate from SL may actually bring back some traditional support that has been lost. It would be a competitive league, actually playing rugby league with local support. Properly marketed as the real game of rugby league, there is a chance that it could be sustained as a semi-pro game, leaving SL to jump into bed with Sky with their hybrid game to accommodate the NA market.


Posted : 01/09/2020 3:44 pm
Famed Member

Looks like we've cracked it!

Topic starter Posted : 01/09/2020 4:03 pm
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