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League Express

Famed Member

Is anyone having difficulty getting the mag to download?

Topic starter Posted : 17/08/2020 8:33 am
Noble Member

Yeah I have been too

Posted : 17/08/2020 12:15 pm
Famed Member

Managed to get on eventually, might have paid again though! It tells you to sign on which I haven't done before (sure that they said they would recognise my address), also had to download their free app from Microsoft store.

Topic starter Posted : 17/08/2020 12:25 pm
Noble Member

Yeah mine is working now, must have been a glitch....

See the Clough news is in there.

Posted : 17/08/2020 1:24 pm
Noble Member

Still get mine the "old" way.

Go to the shop every Monday morning for it. The only paper I buy.

Really enjoy reading League Express.

One good thing about the letters page during lockdown was that there was no constant moaning about Refs, and TJs!


Posted : 17/08/2020 3:15 pm