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New North American Teams

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Noble Member

Ottawa followed by New York.


For me, if there is so much interest, then let them have a North America League.

If they have to be part of our system, make Super League a global league of 10 and let the rest of us get on unhindered in a proper league.

Topic starter Posted : 06/03/2020 10:35 pm
Noble Member

Said it many times, a world league is on its way - the only thing holding it back is the lack of interest so far from the convicts.

other articles already mentioned Ottawa,New York, Jacksonville,red star,toulouse and London.

add Catalans then you only need 5 current SL teams - stains,pies,Leeds,hull plus one.

then bingo we go back to we’re we where with the big 5 reserve teams in our league

then as time goes by the world league will tweak the laws to suit tv - playing in quarters will be the first step

Posted : 07/03/2020 7:00 am
Noble Member

The game does not have enough quality players to support 2 more teams unless they come from the USA /Canada which they will not. It is a very bad move in my view. I have nothing against them having a league of their own in fact would welcome it but in effect it is 2 more UK sides based in North America.

Posted : 08/03/2020 7:25 pm
Former Chemic
Honorable Member

<p style="text-align: left;">Anyone with an ounce of common sense would agree with you geoffw  -  everyone that is except the RFL!</p>

Posted : 08/03/2020 8:33 pm
Noble Member

I agree that if rugby league is so popular in North America, the aim should be to build their own league.

If we are to continue to allow Ottowa and New York to enter the UK game, there should be a requirement for them to field a minimum number of home grown players and to put money that would normally be required for an Academy/Reserve team into developing local community teams in their local area.

As has been said, if these teams are simply UK based teams, where are the players going to come from? I would also set a salary cap commensurate with the average spend in League 1/Championship to avoid the nonsense we had with TWP, with a SL spend in those Divisions,and basically buying promotion. If not, they should be fast tracked into the "international" SL.

Posted : 17/03/2020 8:32 pm
Active Member

Might be waiting for more interest and then have a small north american leigue

starting from scratch which would give them credability and support from G B

also be able to play to their seasonal weather instead of jetting around needlessly

Posted : 17/03/2020 9:08 pm
Famed Member

Brian Noble's statement is quite an eyeopener and shows the level of uncertainty at the top. He must have been a bit over-optimistic though if he thought that our ruling bodies ever have far reaching plans. Tomorrow is a far off dream to them at times.

I am sure that there are ways that a presence in North America could be helped and supported but the fantasy thinking of a worldwide league etc is just stupid. Clubs involved could be playing maybe a half a dozen games in this country. Is that enough for supporters?

Our leaders obviously see TV contracts as the only way that our game can survive, and in Aus or USA where there are well-heeled competing TV companies wanting our product that works. However we have one TV option - Sky, and they will call the shots and we will play at their rates.

Posted : 19/03/2020 9:44 am
Noble Member

Agree with that and as you correctly point out sky call all the shots

what alternative have we got ? Maybe a separate deal for the championship with another provider - BT for instance.

leave SL to its own devices

Posted : 19/03/2020 4:26 pm
Famed Member

Maybe build some interest in the US now that Sky have an interest there. Show SL games on TV over there maybe, then some 'show' live games, then their local teams. It will take time.

A split with SL to better finance Championship would make it more stable and give it bargaining power with SL.

Full time teams that can't meet the costs without Sky makes them vulnerable and RU an attractive option for some players possibly. Can't help but think that some SL outfits have overdeveloped and stretched their finances to a point where any hitch in funding could upset their finances dramatically.

Atm I'm just happy that our board opted for PT this year!

Posted : 19/03/2020 8:52 pm
Famed Member

I notice that Fitzpatrick is fearful for Wire finances if this thing goes on for too long. Just shows the fragility of even 'successful and well financed' teams.

The income from Sky must have simply been spent rather building up the game's reserves.

Even wealthy backers aren't going to go on for ever.

Posted : 20/03/2020 9:15 am
Former Chemic
Honorable Member

The possibility of some teams going under because of the current restrictions might benefit the proposed North American teams.

That’s because if any established clubs disappear then I’m sure the RFL would be anxious “to plug any gaps”.

Off topic I know, Toronto are another expansionist  team. I wonder how they are going to survive? They have a wealthy backer ... but how deep are his pockets if their expensive players want paying over the next few months and there’s no income?

Posted : 20/03/2020 10:25 am
Trusted Member

Doesn't he own an airline? Not the best business to be in at the moment unlike Degsy and his toilet roll empire, he must be rolling in to speak!!

Posted : 20/03/2020 12:46 pm
Famed Member

The present national dilemma will expose a few areas of our daily life that have poor foundations. Chance perhaps for the powers that be to re-design the way systems or sports function?

Just thinking this morning that in the last century it was wars that shook society up and changed basic parameters. This time, maybe luckily, it has been a pandemic. Whatever the cause it can be used as a chance to redress a whole host of things.

If the 'social distancing' logic is going to continue for months pub gatherings to watch sporting events is a 'no-no'. Quite probably part time players will be thankful that they have a job to return to and full time players will just have to hope that SL gets its ducks in a row soon.

Troubling times for us all but chance to press the reset button?

Posted : 21/03/2020 8:45 am
Noble Member

I agree that there should be restrictions on the number of overseas players a new team can sign, just like their is for English clubs, otherwise as people have said you’re just weakening existing teams.
I did here an interview on Radio Merseyside from a spokesperson for New York, who said that they would be playing mostly players from America, and playing all of their home games in America, 2 matches at home and then 2 away, if that was true I wouldn’t mind them joining.

Posted : 28/03/2020 5:02 pm
Prominent Member

Tony Smith mentions in an interview how we need a bigger pool of players yet he doesn't go on to mention that all these N American teams will put a much greater strain on this and put nothing back into the pool. The RFL need to grow a pair and stop the nonsense or cut all ties with SL and let them perish alone. Slightly off topic but cannot believe SL are wanting the RFL to bail them out of during the current crisis, as me grannie said "you made your own bed now lie in it.

Posted : 28/03/2020 5:34 pm
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