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Leigh Centurians 2021

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Reputable Member

Joe Mellor has joined Leigh for the 2021 season.   The report says he is the 21st member of their 2021 squad.


Topic starter Posted : 10/11/2020 1:20 pm
Famed Member

From the rate of their signings they must have started at zero!

Posted : 10/11/2020 1:30 pm
Noble Member

Leigh's 2021 squad so far as published on Love Rugby League comprises 21 players:

Backs: Iain Thornley*, Ben Hellewell*, Ryan Shaw*, Jamie Ellis, Blake Wallace, Junior Sa’u*, Ryan Brierley, Matty Russell, Joe Mellor.

Forwards: Tom Spencer*, Nathan Mason*, Alex Gerrard*, Mark Ioane*, Adam Walker, Liam Hood*, Andy Thornley*, Jordan Thompson*, Matty Wildie*, Matty Gee, James Bell, Nathaniel Peteru.

The following players from their 2021 have either left the club or not offered a contract so far:

Greg McNally, Ryan Ince, Adam Higson, Ben Reynolds, Jarrod Sammutt, Danny Addy,  Sam Brooks, Josh Woods, Martin Ridiyard, Liam Forsyth, Nick Gloe, Craig Mullen, Callum Field, Brad Holroyd, Cameron Scott, Lewis Bienek.

Can't wait for Beaumont's reaction when they don't get the 12th spot in RL and no promotion in 2021!!. Obviously he thinks the 2020 "promotion" squad was not good enough. I am not sure this one looks any better at the moment, but still time to spend his money and implode when they are not promoted. Having said that, he seems to be prepared to put his money into the club and we would welcome a local business stepping in with this level of investment in Widnes.

Posted : 10/11/2020 1:56 pm
Honorable Member

Joe Mellor Toronto

Blake Wallace Toronto

Jamie Ellis Hull KR

Matty Russell Toronto

Ryan Brierley Hull KR

Nathaniel Peteru Hull KR

James Bell Tolouse

Matty Gee Hull KR

8 decent signings and already a good squad last year, 4 new half backs!

Posted : 10/11/2020 2:08 pm
Reputable Member

Can’t wait for Beaumont’s reaction when they don’t get the 12th spot in RL and no promotion in 2021!!. Obviously he thinks the 2020 “promotion” squad was not good enough. I am not sure this one looks any better at the moment, but still time to spend his money and implode when they are not promoted. Having said that, he seems to be prepared to put his money into the club and we would welcome a local business stepping in with this level of investment in Widnes.

Beaumont has said on Twitter he thinks Toulouse should get it.  They're applying for the 12th spot but they are more than within their rights to do so, as you say he's put his money where his mouth is which can't be said for many owners in this game.

There's no reason why Leigh can't compete in SL next year, although I think it will be Toulouse as it ticks more boxes.  Fair play to them, they have assembled a decent squad.  It's when injuries occur and a lack of squad depth that will be their issue.  They have no youth squads to fall back on, which is where I think Leigh should have invested in over the last few years.

Posted : 10/11/2020 3:48 pm
Famed Member

Sounds as if it will be big-wigs making the decision so its anybody's guess!

Posted : 10/11/2020 9:15 pm
Noble Member

Toulouse will tick the 'expansion' box  even though RL has been played in South France since the 1930's.Leigh will tick the box of stadium.Toulouse will tick the box of population, Leigh will tick the box of home crowds.It will be six of one and half a dozen of the other but in the end they'll pick who they want.

Posted : 11/11/2020 8:24 am
Estimable Member

Lord Jonathan Caine, a Conservative peer, will subsequently chair a panel which will make the final decision on which club to admit to Super League. The seven-strong panel will also consist of three members from each of Super League and the Rugby Football League.

There you have it. Don't know who the first one is, but the other 6 will definitely all pick whoever they think will make their clubs/pay packet increase or last as long as possible.

Posted : 12/11/2020 11:26 am
Famed Member

Well Toulouse seem to well financed and could possibly 'go it alone' on the finance front. Any club opting out of Sky money would be a walk-in if it was decided by clubs alone!


His Lordship was born in Leeds btw - (Yorkshire preference?)

Posted : 12/11/2020 11:59 am
Noble Member

Well Toulouse seem to well financed and could possibly ‘go it alone’ on the finance front. Any club opting out of Sky money would be a walk-in if it was decided by clubs alone! His Lordship was born in Leeds btw – (Yorkshire preference?)

Why would any club opt out of receiving the £1m that they are entitled to receive - unless the criteria includes a provision about taking bribes to SL into account, in which case Beaumont will offer to forego the £1m and give a further £1m to be distributed to SL clubs in 2021!!

Surely financial stability and no ground would rule out Bradford unless a big investor is in the wings; Beaumont will have to convince them of his long term funding plans and that he will not walk away if they are relegated in 2021 and leave the club in financial turmoil again; probably too soon for York, but seem to have ambition for SL, but not really expansion with another Yorkshire club; similarly, Featherstone do not fit any expansion criteria;  and it would be difficult (but not impossible) for a part-time club to transition to a full-time in SL in the limited time available. Who are the part-time clubs - Widnes, Bradford, York and Halifax?

This leaves Toulouse and London, who seem to be most people's choice, with Toulouse the favourites.

Has the actual criteria for selection been published yet?

Posted : 12/11/2020 12:57 pm
Famed Member

Can't do that in advance, it cuts out their flexibility!

Posted : 12/11/2020 1:34 pm
Former Chemic
Honorable Member

First of all you have to choose who is going to replace Toronto, and then you can select the appropriate criteria.

Posted : 12/11/2020 3:23 pm
Noble Member

Just had a quick look and there's something about 'no insolvency issues since 1/1/18' so I guess that would have ruled us out anyway

Posted : 12/11/2020 4:06 pm
Noble Member

Just had a quick look and there’s something about ‘no insolvency issues since 1/1/18’ so I guess that would have ruled us out anyway


With my *Conspiracy* hat on - that date was probably chosen to exclude us.......

Posted : 13/11/2020 7:54 am
Famed Member

Just watching our team playing good football and winning with it would do for me atm!

Posted : 13/11/2020 10:00 am
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