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Prominent Member

Hearing that the clubs rejected there application, Best news in a long time, Saints Leeds Catalan and the RFL where the only votes they got.

Topic starter Posted : 02/11/2020 3:10 pm
Former Chemic
Honorable Member

The correct decision for me, I’d promote Toulouse as they the top of the championship table when it was suspended.

IMHO two questions remain ... What is the future now for Rimmer whose NA expansion dream hasn’t worked out, and why on earth did Warrington abstain?

Posted : 02/11/2020 4:27 pm
Noble Member

A surprise but welcome decision to me  and common sense at last. We need Rimmer to explain why the RFL voted to keep TWP in the SL. Was it a decision taken by the RFL Board or a decision taken by clubs? If the former, perhaps Rimmer should consider resigning and moves started to merge the two management bodies as soon as possible.

Argyle has previously indicated that players will receive the monies due to them. He should honour that pledge.

Where does this leave TWP as far as the Championship is concerned and whether Ottawa and NY will still be aiming to play in League 1 in 2o21 and 2022?

On a practical note, there will be a few players looking for new clubs. Perhaps not SBW, but are there any we may be interested in? Bet Beaumont will be chasing a few and maybe St Helens, Wigan or Leeds may be looking at SBW, if they can afford him.

Posted : 02/11/2020 4:36 pm
Estimable Member

I would not mind seeing Tom Olbison back in a Widnes shirt, plus. One or two others.

I think that the right decision has been made. I am not against expansion as a concept, just the half - arsed way the RFL tries to achieve it. I thought that a few lessons might have been learned after the Crusaders debacle.

In my opinion,If you are going to include brand new teams in SL, it should be hand in hand with the reintroduction of licencing and new clubs and far stricter auditing should be undertaken, with, if deemed necessary a bond in place to cover two months salary for all club employees.

Once again, we have seen a vanity project by an individual with a much higher opinion of his wealth than the banks have and the finger of blame must be pointed at the vetting done by the RFL.

I am seeing comments from ex Toronto players saying they have had no salary for 7 months and this is not o ly sad, but wholly unacceptable.



Posted : 02/11/2020 5:06 pm
Famed Member

Most, including Olbison, will probably want full time berths but with the economic situation of clubs, and also their fan base, clubs recruiting big would be taking a gamble.

Come to think 0f it some part timers might be taking a hit if their jobs are threatened.

Posted : 02/11/2020 5:25 pm
Prominent Member

A surprise but welcome decision to me and common sense at last. We need Rimmer to explain why the RFL voted to keep TWP in the SL. Was it a decision taken by the RFL Board or a decision taken by clubs? If the former, perhaps Rimmer should consider resigning and moves started to merge the two management bodies as soon as possible. Argyle has previously indicated that players will receive the monies due to them. He should honour that pledge. Where does this leave TWP as far as the Championship is concerned and whether Ottawa and NY will still be aiming to play in League 1 in 2o21 and 2022? On a practical note, there will be a few players looking for new clubs. Perhaps not SBW, but are there any we may be interested in? Bet Beaumont will be chasing a few and maybe St Helens, Wigan or Leeds may be looking at SBW, if they can afford him.

If the RFL men where suspected of taking back handers then this just adds a lot more fuel to the fire. How many clubs and fans alike have any faith left in these muppets. I wanted the RFL to take back control of SL but with these idiots in charge I have lost faith in them all. Laughing stock of the sporting world once too often.

Topic starter Posted : 02/11/2020 5:40 pm
Famed Member

And of course their credibility will have affected the Sky negotiations. Just wonder where Ottowa are now in the RFL's plans?

Looks likely that the easy fix would be Toulose into SL. Makes sense and goes along with the expansionist strategy. Also gives SL fans a taste of the expanded league.

Posted : 02/11/2020 6:05 pm
Trusted Member

How can those entrusted to govern our game not have the brain known from day one that an intercontinental League would not work. Those of us who opposed the idea from the beginning were called dinosaurs without ambition.

Our sport is a laughing stock, even it’s main sponsor, SKY are believed to be offering a lower sponsorship than previously!

Heads must roll.

Posted : 02/11/2020 6:05 pm
Noble Member

A little surprised but delighted. Yet another half brained idea to expand hits the rails. Interesting that the RFL voted for them to return while SL said no. This would seem to say SL never wanted them whereas the RFL  still does. This polarisation has to be remedied fast. All parts of the British RL need to be singing from the same page. Hopefully this will now limit aspirations to SL to British & a maximum of 2 French sides. i would prefer it to be one to be honest. Hopefully Ottowa & New York may now withdraw their interest as not wanted.  However the RL could find itself being sued by  Ottowa & New York for monies already spent.

Posted : 02/11/2020 6:50 pm
Noble Member

What we need now is a decision to end the fantasy NA expansion and a plan from the RFL/SL (under one management board) for the promotion of the game in the UK. If that means a closed shop SL with no promotion or relegation using a licensing system, then so be it. In this case, the RFL should be clear about their plans to promote and fund the game below SL.

Posted : 02/11/2020 6:57 pm
Noble Member

How many of those who voted today were thinking thus? "The game comes first, not my club!"

Rimmer, and Elstone perhaps, but were there any others?

In my opinion, RL should be run by people who have no club interest, and can therefore have precious little, if any "home" bias


Posted : 02/11/2020 7:01 pm
Noble Member

How many of those who voted today were thinking thus? “The game comes first, not my club!” Rimmer, and Elstone perhaps, but were there any others? In my opinion, RL should be run by people who have no club interest, and can therefore have precious little, if any “home” bias Spelly.

If the decision was made on the basis of self interest, they had the option to allow TWP back in to SL, but with no funding from the Sky money.

I am prepared to accept that the decision took account of the TWP application and also the independent report on the marketing opportunities in the short and medium term. The scandal is that they were allowed into RL in the first place on a promise of future riches, but no independent scrutiny of the viability of the NA expansion was  carried out before they were admitted. Rimmer needs to explain this.


Posted : 02/11/2020 7:43 pm
Noble Member

Is that the end for them, or will they play in the Championship/L1?

Posted : 02/11/2020 9:11 pm
Famed Member

Or does the economic study into the NA idea scrap Ottawa too?

It really would be something if we had a real management structure!

Posted : 02/11/2020 9:15 pm
Noble Member

Is that the end for them, or will they play in the Championship/L1?

I reckon we've seen the last of 'em mate, coz I can't see a backer coming in for non SL football.

As I've said before, I loved my trips over there, was made hugely welcome by their fans, and it's they who've been kicked in the wotsits. Their team has been taken from them, through no fault of their own, and will now be lost to the game.


Posted : 02/11/2020 9:29 pm
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