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Whitehaven Game

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Noble Member

Tougher than last week for sure, but the type of team you would expect us to beat: especially if we have any ambitions of doing anything this season.

Hopefully the players are good from the run out against West Wales.

I'm going for Widnes 28-14 Whitehaven.


Topic starter Posted : 27/03/2021 6:21 pm
Noble Member

Yes I agree, would hope we would win by 10-16 points.

Posted : 27/03/2021 6:36 pm
Noble Member

Agreed will be a bit tougher but i think we will still win comfortably........46-10

Posted : 27/03/2021 6:37 pm
Prominent Member

Largely dependant on our team. It will be a lot more convincing if both Cook and Clough play, but we should be winning regardless.

Would like to see a good defensive display, everyone knows we can score points but we’ve been too soft defensively in the Championship.

Posted : 27/03/2021 6:50 pm
Reputable Member

If Cook and Clough are played we should be comfortably winning this although weather could level it a bit if it becomes a forward battle. Even more important we have first the choice pack.

Posted : 28/03/2021 7:43 am
Estimable Member

Match preview is on The Sportsman website. Suggests close game for an hour, with Widnes to win by 12 points.

Betfred Challenge Cup Preview: Widnes Host Whitehaven Live On The Sportsman

Posted : 28/03/2021 9:15 am
Noble Member

What's the weather like in Widnes? It's raining heavily where I live, albeit some 75 miles north, has been for the last 24hours and is forecast to continue all day.

Don't want a forward battle with 'Haven all game, we could do with unleashing (?) our fast, skillful backs.

Posted : 28/03/2021 9:16 am
Estimable Member

What’s the weather like in Widnes? It’s raining heavily where I live, albeit some 75 miles north, has been for the last 24hours and is forecast to continue all day. Don’t want a forward battle with ‘Haven all game, we could do with unleashing (?) our fast, skillful backs.

Light rain in Runcorn till around lunch time, then overcast. Presumably the same in Widnes. At least the pitch shouldn't be waterlogged and heavy as this get with a typical grass pitch.

Posted : 28/03/2021 9:41 am
Noble Member

A game that will tell us a lot more than last week and also one that we are favourites to win on paper. Widnes by 14 my best guess assuming that Cook and Clough are in to bolster the pack.

Posted : 28/03/2021 9:55 am
Eminent Member

A tougher game, but still a win. 36-6.

Posted : 28/03/2021 10:10 am
Former Chemic
Honorable Member

Yes, Whitehaven will prove to be physically a far more challenging team than last week. I’m concerned that our young players could suffer more injuries.

But, the all weather pitch will suit our more mobile team and we should win by 10 points.

Posted : 28/03/2021 10:18 am
Famed Member

Watching the tv games so far, Adam Lawton will have to be careful with the new attitude to ball stealing! A two handed grip please!

Posted : 28/03/2021 11:28 am
Noble Member

Clough and Cook in the 17. No Grady.

Happier with the look of the pack.

Topic starter Posted : 28/03/2021 2:39 pm
Noble Member

It’s not rained since about 11-00, and it was only light rain this morning, so the pitch should be alright and it won’t be a forward battle. We should win fairly comfortably.

Posted : 28/03/2021 3:10 pm
Noble Member

Interesting selection, sticking with lyons at hooker, Clough starting , apart from cook a very young bench

watching the 2+games earlier, nothing concerning there - maybe the York 6 ohagen

Posted : 28/03/2021 3:20 pm
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