Any news on team - be really appreciated
Thanks sinbad 👍
No Edge - injured?
Toulouse look a touch quicker and stronger than us. They’re making yards much easier and we look like we’re struggling to make edge way.
good first half 8-6 to them because of a stupid patton penalty in possession in the last 5 seconds, but I personally cannot see us pushing on in the second half
thanks scouse - hope you are wrong but against their big pack we were always in triublec- need to run them round the park, a bit like saints are doing to salfraud
I will eat 10 humble pies… get the fudge in.
great win on week 1
I never posted a prediction but to be honest I never fancied Widnes.Great effort,great win.
@sinbad me neither, especially after seeing the starti MNF team with lyons at FB and losing the Warrington loanee at HT.
Monumental defensive effort in the second half. I guess this is what AC has built his stone on the team playing for each other and never giving up which in the end helped us towards the W.
just need to back it up at home to Sheffield next week and keep a good momentum from the start
Thanks one and all for the updates!!!!!
Fantastic win that with the side we had out. Wore at home in the cup too great!
Wonder what the bookie's prediction for Toulouse was???
Seems like Gilmore's kicking and our great defence kept us in the game - and Patton's stupid penalty almost cost us it.
Any news why Edge didn't play?
Looks like AC packed the bench with forwards. Who shared time with Fozzy or did he play FT?
A first class result - despite me incorrectly predicting a loss on BOB's table.
Watched it in the stadium lounge which was full and generated a great atmosphere.