I don’t know if the fans have much of a voice.
is there a widnes fans association where suggestions can be put forward to the board?
simply put… I don’t know if our board have any experience of running a club and have the expertise to make sure we are implementing the right plan to move us forward, this is by no means a slate on our current board members rather a productive way to get the best ideas delivered to them from us the fans.
AC is making big improvements but can only do so much. Obviously investment is needed but if the club could use the momentum from yesterdays game (big crowd and great effort from the players) to get more returning fans and supporters invested again we can definitely improve our budget moving forward.
I hear the council don’t exactly help with sections of the stadium closed off and I understand its financial impact on stadium management on match days but if you act like a part time club that’s all we’ll ever be.
I think certain things surrounding match day would be tough with the council and the potential restrictions and fee’s they may add onto us but we definitely need something for the fans on match day a proper fan zone or place to go and nothing like the farce the longhouse was… other than that I think we can play off the derby performance and try and tout ourselves to potential investors and backers show them what Widnes rugby means to the town, we need to make yesterdays crowd a regular occurrence not just a one off. I know the wire fans helped create the atmosphere as well but things can only go upwards from here. This is all a dream as I know it’s hard to turn into a reality with the sad way RL is at the moment.
You seem to have plenty of ideas,why not volunteer your services free of charge ? TV deals,fan zones,free tickets for kids etc.
I live in the States so I couldn’t commit to anything and with time difference it would be difficult to attend meetings. I’m sure I’m not the only one who wants things to happen with our great club. If anyone from the club does read this forum maybe they can put forward some of the suggestions to the board.