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Statement from the Club

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Honorable Member

That seems fair enough to me. We have had long-term injuries, to our best two players. Does anybody disagree with that? Because, if you do, you're barking up the wrong tree.

I'm not sure what people are expecting. The club were criticised for no statement and are now being criticised for this statement. What exactly do you want?

I get some of you don't like Finney. What do you want him to pull out of the bag? Wayne Bennett as coach? A clone of Tony Myler? The club have chanced their (affordable) arm with a coach and a set of players, it hasn't worked out. Sue them.

If they all walk away and we go under, will you be happy then?

No supporter of this club is content with the way things currently are, none. But have some perspective.

Posted : 03/05/2022 10:03 pm
Reputable Member

More than what we got from that fraud Rule in 2016.

Top of Super League after beating Wigan at the DW.

Then proceeded to lose the next 8 League games on the bounce.

Jacksh!t in the way of an explanation...

Posted : 03/05/2022 10:15 pm
Sinbad reacted
Noble Member

Strange that people are complaining about the statement when that's what they are asking for in the first place, we already get a weekly injury report and probably the best social media in the Championship!!!! Its from the Board, do they need to sign it!!!! We have played four home games in almost four months yet some are complaining about attendances,  from Workington we increased against barrow and then with a great Leigh following it went up again, i know it was down against Batley but with a car full from there it wasn't expected to rise, probably in the top three for the division. I did think recruitment was good and acknowledged by the board that the year before was poor and some good signings but as shown not enough. On the whole as disappointed as I am i think the injuries have been a major problem; lets see how it goes from here

Topic starter Posted : 04/05/2022 8:42 am
Reputable Member

If it was down to injuries, & according to the board recruitment was better this time around, & just a bit of bad luck here & there, why sack Finnigan then? The general feeling is we haven't got a pot to p~ss in either, so have we got any money left to pay off Finnegan and presumably bring in someone better?

Posted : 04/05/2022 9:23 am
Estimable Member
Posted by: @cuerdley-viking

If it was down to injuries, & according to the board recruitment was better this time around, & just a bit of bad luck here & there, why sack Finnigan then? The general feeling is we haven't got a pot to p~ss in either, so have we got any money left to pay off Finnegan and presumably bring in someone better?

That statement is proof this board of directors owners custodians whatever you want to call them haven't got a bastard clue.. if they believe that tripe why sack finningan in the first place.. if that statement is from them.. Jesus fudging Christ can this get any worse.

Posted : 04/05/2022 9:31 am
Noble Member

It isn't up to the away fans to provide us with a good attendance Martin.Home turn outs have plummeted since Workington and Barrow.

Posted : 04/05/2022 9:34 am
PaulieWalnuts and Martin reacted
Eminent Member

Not a great statement for me - sure, could just have refered to the injuries, but listing the details like they have just smacks of excuse making and the emphasis given to those excuses also casts doubt on why SF got the boot in the first place - ie, if it was down to all the injuries, why blame the coach?  Just a quick fire reaction to try to appease the fans?  Reality is that it's not injuries that see us where we are, it's poor squad recruitment and poor coaching.  I get there are some things you can't say in a statement, ie, a truely honest one would be:

"Look, we ballsed up recruitment and now have no squad depth, and we took a gamble on a cheap coach to try and save a bit of cash that didn't pay off.  Sorry about that, but we really were strapped for cash so we thought it was worth the risk.  Here is what we are doing to sort it out and make sure it doesn't happen again:......"

It should also have come from a specific individual, not just 'the club'.  At least that would have shown some 'ownership' of the problems.  This just smacks of hiding behind annonimity.  Many of us will remember a former Chairman coming on these very boards and explaining a few things to us, and always signing it 'TC'.  He never hid behind 'club statements' and put his name on things - we need some leadership like that now.


Posted : 04/05/2022 11:18 am
Noble Member
Posted by: @markw

Not a great statement for me - sure, could just have refered to the injuries, but listing the details like they have just smacks of excuse making and the emphasis given to those excuses also casts doubt on why SF got the boot in the first place - ie, if it was down to all the injuries, why blame the coach?  


"However we accept the performances despite such injuries are simply unacceptable."

Are people missing this part of the statement or just choosing to ignore it ? 

Posted : 04/05/2022 11:33 am
Honorable Member

People are expecting the Board to say 'sorry, we messed up recruitment'??? When all those players in question are still at the club?

That isn't going to happen in a million years. Why would you say that? It would be shocking management.

Posted : 04/05/2022 12:01 pm
Eminent Member

@sinbad Not ignoring it, just highlighting the inconsistency of that.  Why put so much detail in it about the injuries, and then say 'despite that'...  Just doesn't feel right to me, from a comms point of view.  I get it's hard to 'land a message' with everyone, but I just think they've missed the mark with it

Posted : 04/05/2022 12:17 pm
Eminent Member

@gpo1971 Sorry, was trying to make that exact point - they can't issue a 'totally honest' statement along the lines of my rather sarcastic one, so they have to come out with something along the lnes they have, but it just could have been better for me.

Posted : 04/05/2022 12:19 pm
Noble Member

The Statement does say that performances were unacceptable despite the injuries. It is a fact that we have had injuries to key players and it seems the Board believe that we can get better performances from the current squad, when those key players return from injury and the new coach is in place.

As has been said, there were not many complaints when we won our first four games; and I recollect that the policy to sign players with Championship experience and younger players with potential, was welcomed by most on here.

We have management and coaching experts on here giving their opinions and now we have PR experts jumping on Board. It is surprising that the Club is in its current position with such expertise at its fingertips!

My own far from expert opinion is that the squad is too small and probably not play-off standard, despite my early season confidence, but I am prepared to give the Board, the CEO and the new Coach, a chance to convince us doubting fans otherwise, starting with the Whitehaven game.

Posted : 04/05/2022 2:01 pm
Reputable Member

I have not seen anywhere that says SF was sacked.   The statement says that he has left the club by mutual consent.   That does not say he was sacked only let go.

Posted : 04/05/2022 3:06 pm
Estimable Member
Posted by: @ceejay1

I have not seen anywhere that says SF was sacked.   The statement says that he has left the club by mutual consent.   That does not say he was sacked only let go.

Nice way of saying sacked CJ they always say that these days.

Posted : 04/05/2022 3:42 pm
Estimable Member

It’s exactly the same statement as last years record Whitehaven defeat!!! If someone could post it I’m sure it’s the same excuses just one year on pathetic 

Posted : 04/05/2022 5:38 pm
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