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Season tickets

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Estimable Member

Mick, All clubs are the same as it’s a government requirement for track and trace to know where people are sitting. You may not get into every game as it’s all a numbers game as it states. That’s why you have to register b4 each game. It mite make the council clean the seats also.

I get that. But I’m not yet convinced the club/council are doing everything they can to maximise the available capacity, so to limit the amount of people not getting into games. They may change their tact after so many weeks of sales but just not sure yet

Posted : 13/03/2021 4:08 pm
Eminent Member

I have tried to buy a season ticket twice now , with no success. I sent an e mail to Vikings Enquiries, with no reply. I received a e mail from Vikings Tickets , after I posted a tweet mentioning this. They must hold my e mail from my previous season tkt details. The e mail stated that they did not receive my e mail  and that my ( first ) attempt to buy a tkt failed. I gave it another go, and have now given up. Its probably a glitch on my phone, as there were overlapping fields , or I have input the details incorrectly , but I don't know.  I usually only attend a couple of home games, and the odd away game, so only buy a season tkt to help the club. I will just pay on the gate now I guess, when rules allow. I may try to pay by phone call in a week or two , we ‘ll see.  I’m not a technophobe tbh. I notice that one or two others possibly have had problems ? Anyway, best wishes to the team and club as always. I appreciate that staff levels mebbe low and the situation is complex.

Posted : 13/03/2021 5:45 pm
Prominent Member Admin

<p style=”text-align: left;”>

It’s 50% or 4000 whichever is less no drama

</p> That was the guidance under the Tier system which I don’t believe is returning Read here where it says 25%

25% is only relevant to stadia that has 40,000+ capacity.

Smaller venues are 50% or 4,000 - whichever is lower.

Posted : 15/03/2021 4:41 pm
Prominent Member

I have tried to buy a season ticket twice now , with no success. I sent an e mail to Vikings Enquiries, with no reply. I received a e mail from Vikings Tickets , after I posted a tweet mentioning this. They must hold my e mail from my previous season tkt details. The e mail stated that they did not receive my e mail and that my ( first ) attempt to buy a tkt failed. I gave it another go, and have now given up. Its probably a glitch on my phone, as there were overlapping fields , or I have input the details incorrectly , but I don’t know. I usually only attend a couple of home games, and the odd away game, so only buy a season tkt to help the club. I will just pay on the gate now I guess, when rules allow. I may try to pay by phone call in a week or two , we ‘ll see. I’m not a technophobe tbh. I notice that one or two others possibly have had problems ? Anyway, best wishes to the team and club as always. I appreciate that staff levels mebbe low and the situation is complex.

I have contacted the club through facebook. twitter and email with no acknowledgement from them at all. Is the the board who swore to be open and transparent with the fans ? or are they ignorant, amateurish or both. At least Jimmy rule answered emails.

Posted : 16/03/2021 6:00 pm
Eminent Member

Update. I have had two helpful e mails from the club now , offering to phone & assist me. I can’t ask for more really.

Posted : 17/03/2021 2:16 pm
Reputable Member

It’s so trivial 😂

Ah the clowns have shown up wondered how long it would take.


Give over pal, look at the last 18 months of the world and stop crying over which stand you can sit in and how much of a massive inconvenience it is to choose a seat on a website for you and your 8 mates.

It’s pathetic

Posted : 25/04/2021 8:45 pm
Noble Member

Its only for 3 games, I’m sure you can put up with it for that long.

Nobody knows how long for.

Why??  Unless Covid suddenly goes a lot worse, the government has said everything can go back to normal from June 21st, which will be 3 games.

Posted : 25/04/2021 8:45 pm
Noble Member

I ordered my ST a couple of weeks back, paid the six quid for it to be posted. No sign of it yet, has anyone had theirs delivered yet.

still not got mine – has yours arrived ?

Mine hasn't.

Posted : 26/04/2021 6:58 am
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